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Can not log into game under one account.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 4 active accounts and one EJ account. Last night I was able to log into the game and I died in fire by some reds it was late and just logged off the game. I can get into all the accounts but the one that was in fire. I have not received any emails about issue with account. I checked to make sure the game time was up to date it is. I even added one more month to it. I am not sure if anything can be done on my end that I have not done before, ran system check, can log into the forums under that account. I checked the history of the account for ban only found something from 2013 about a store item I did not receive when I inputted the code for it. It has been linked to my master account since that system came out. I changed passwords still no luck logging into the game with that account. I emailed support and Mesanna but only got a email saying they will not help with a email from my email provider (Hotmail) because it can block there emails. and then from a Gmail email they wanted me to list all the information to get the account back even knowing that the account is under my linked master for like 10 years . (not sure when linking came out) If i was banned would not all accounts be banned on that master account and i would have receive a email about it. 1628385955177.png


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is the EJ account?

If so, the reds may have paged on you and when the responder saw it was an EJ account they did what they do to those. Insta ban.

If not the EJ account then we do not know how long a ban takes to show up on that screen. Also changing the password may not be a good idea since you may not know what you changed it to. And can't log in.

All we can do is speculate...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is the EJ account?

If so, the reds may have paged on you and when the responder saw it was an EJ account they did what they do to those. Insta ban.

If not the EJ account then we do not know how long a ban takes to show up on that screen. Also changing the password may not be a good idea since you may not know what you changed it to. And can't log in.

All we can do is speculate...
19 year old account with most of my shard shields was paid until 10/14 added 30 more days now 11/14 something like that. Account says active on it. If they do a ban or warning you get a email. Have not had a email. All other accounts work fine you get a ban rest of the accounts under the master won't work

And you can just log in to a master account and change a password with out puting in the old password


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Put Urgent on the emails to Mesanna. Ask her why you can not log in. She answers emails a lot more frequently than posters have you believe. But it is the weekend.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Contact Mesanna directly and ASAP - don't pester around with any EA nonsense. Give her as much detail as you possibly can. Be polite and courteous and patient. Mesanna responds much better to respectful messages - you will be wasting your time if you attempt to get into any low level quibbling.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How did you pay for the "game time"? Hopefully it wasn't using a game time code bought from a "non authorized" entity. I have heard that they are "cracking down" on it (surprisingly). Also, since you mentioned banning, was that a possibility?


Lore Master
Log in with another paid account on that master account and ask a GM if there is anything they can do.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 4 active accounts and one EJ account. Last night I was able to log into the game and I died in fire by some reds it was late and just logged off the game. I can get into all the accounts but the one that was in fire. I have not received any emails about issue with account. I checked to make sure the game time was up to date it is. I even added one more month to it. I am not sure if anything can be done on my end that I have not done before, ran system check, can log into the forums under that account. I checked the history of the account for ban only found something from 2013 about a store item I did not receive when I inputted the code for it. It has been linked to my master account since that system came out. I changed passwords still no luck logging into the game with that account. I emailed support and Mesanna but only got a email saying they will not help with a email from my email provider (Hotmail) because it can block there emails. and then from a Gmail email they wanted me to list all the information to get the account back even knowing that the account is under my linked master for like 10 years . (not sure when linking came out) If i was banned would not all accounts be banned on that master account and i would have receive a email about it. View attachment 121277
when wrong, delete response lol
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not a RTM dealer I have not done any RMT since the old Ebay days. If this account is lost so be it because of a glitch in there system I still have my castle and most of my rares (90% are in my castle the other 10% are on that account and in bank boxes across all the shards) and I can get the Shields with my other account. I just posted here and there to see if I was missing something. only reason I wanted to get it fixed was because my main sampire is on that account with the good sampire suit and has banked around 400 fire points.

FYI that's the standard message you receive when you attempt to log in with a good account name, and an incorrect password.
Change the password my self more then 5 times.thats the wrong password popup 1628437888467.png
I would bet the codes were from a 3rd party site.
Codes came from my own bank account money and if that was the issue all my accounts would be.

How did you pay for the "game time"? Hopefully it wasn't using a game time code bought from a "non authorized" entity. I have heard that they are "cracking down" on it (surprisingly). Also, since you mentioned banning, was that a possibility?
Only thing am thinking of is log off as a ghost by the fire champ in fel but have done that most days when I am down there and its 2am in the morning.

Log in with another paid account on that master account and ask a GM if there is anything they can do.
Its funny I talked with a GM yesterday and he said there no accounts linked to my Master even knowing there all linked to the same account management page.

And good luck trying to get with support they wont work with some email providers.

1628437197091.png Account says active 1628437652073.png


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Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not a RTM dealer I have not done any RMT since the old Ebay days. If this account is lost so be it because of a glitch in there system I still have my castle and most of my rares (90% are in my castle the other 10% are on that account and in bank boxes across all the shards) and I can get the Shields with my other account. I just posted here and there to see if I was missing something. only reason I wanted to get it fixed was because my main sampire is on that account with the good sampire suit and has banked around 400 fire points.

Change the password my self more then 5 times.thats the wrong password popup View attachment 121286

Codes came from my own bank account money and if that was the issue all my accounts would be.

Only thing am thinking of is log off as a ghost by the fire champ in fel but have done that most days when I am down there and its 2am in the morning.

Its funny I talked with a GM yesterday and he said there no accounts linked to my Master even knowing there all linked to the same account management page.

And good luck trying to get with support they wont work with some email providers.

View attachment 121279 Account says active View attachment 121284
Were the codes bought directly from EA? Because if not, that could be the problem, and could tie in to the problem with the "Microsoft email Domain".
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The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I performed some thread clean up.

The OP is seeking help in getting their accounts out of the EA Abyss. Please steer clear of letting this thread become another RMT debate.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not a RTM dealer I have not done any RMT since the old Ebay days. If this account is lost so be it because of a glitch in there system I still have my castle and most of my rares (90% are in my castle the other 10% are on that account and in bank boxes across all the shards) and I can get the Shields with my other account. I just posted here and there to see if I was missing something. only reason I wanted to get it fixed was because my main sampire is on that account with the good sampire suit and has banked around 400 fire points.

Change the password my self more then 5 times.thats the wrong password popup View attachment 121286

Codes came from my own bank account money and if that was the issue all my accounts would be.

Only thing am thinking of is log off as a ghost by the fire champ in fel but have done that most days when I am down there and its 2am in the morning.

Its funny I talked with a GM yesterday and he said there no accounts linked to my Master even knowing there all linked to the same account management page.

And good luck trying to get with support they wont work with some email providers.

View attachment 121279 Account says active View attachment 121284
You probably already did this, but did you check the spam folder of the email address linked to your accounts just to make sure something didn't end up in there? Sorry if you mentioned doing this already and I just didn't see it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm just curious if you feel you did DO something to get yourself banned?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm just curious if you feel you did DO something to get yourself banned?
No its just that past part on the pop up window and me loging off as a ghost in in fire fel by the champ spawn and during that time out someone could have paged on me they page on all ghosts in the champ area

UNKNOWN of Atlantic

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its Got to be a bug on their server side. just like when you used to place a house around server up & then it crashed & reverted, it bugged your account thinking you still have a house on it & you can't place for 7 days even if when house was removed from account... Check make sure caps aren't on :facepalm: :p ... dont the system auto remove ghosts from Spawns due to the old ghost cams ? Im gonna say You're going to have to Email Mesanna about it .. She is going to be your best bet.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure if this will be helpful or not.
EA account is your email address.
Mythic account is ONE of your game accounts with _UO added
Then you have your game accounts. That's 3 different passwords. Which password did you change? Mythic or game?