So in other words, you've never tried it, don't know what you're talking about - but it's boring and poorly designed?
These events have been a breath of fresh air over the last couple of years. Moving them to different locations has been a challenge. The rewards have been worth while... maybe not every single on of them... but definitely some game changers that have contributed to template diversity.
Another false conspiracy theory you believe in only because you didn't do any of the other events
Again, you open up with how you don't even bother with these events, but then claim to know everything about them and rip on them.
A statement that only exists in your fantasy world.
Considering you also hate on Atlantic and don't play that shard, whatever other shard you're on shouldn't be a problem to farm these events.
Your opinion? You mean the one where you don't do these events at all but have a comment about how terrible they are?
In the last event, dealing with the paragons was a challenge. That's what made it fun. People weren't intentionally dragging them all around on purpose the entire time.
Just another one of your negative hater statements based in no reality considering you claim you do not do these events.
Simply not true. You don't know what you're talking about.
Simply not true. More talk coming out of your back side.
@MalagAste - One of the most pathetic and misleading posts I have seen in a while on Stratics. I am not sure why you are here on these forums. Very little truth in much of anything you said. You are complaining just to complain before this event has even fully released.