Read my goodbye post there if you give a crap, but I'm sick of it. Power tripping moderators don't belong on fan sites and they need to learn that moderating does not mean inserting your own personal opinion on a matter and then locking it because you think you're better than everyone else. You're supposed to MODERATE, not DOMINATE.
This is why I have avoided that forum from day 1... I refuse to post there even though supposedly I'm signed up on it regardless of my desire to be... which honestly irked me... I have no desire to be a part of the stoke their ego club... When they do something worth raving about I'll rave about it... but most of the time what the DEVs do baffles me... and honestly is either a massive let down or it just downright makes me want to scream and quit...
They gave you all flavor of the month dungeon crawl/grind fests and you all rave about how awesome it is... meanwhile they are working on something no one asked for and many have no interest in... meanwhile the rest of the player base and the game suffers from serious issues... most of which are pushed under the carpet never to see the light of day...
I tried... I tried very hard... I even worked with Bleak on some of the issues I have that I think are game-breaking... but he just doesn't seem to understand... when all he really had to do was walk up to a boss corpse at the end of ANY EM Event and try to loot the damn thing in the EC... and it would be more than obvious how broken it is.... but the fixes for such issues are 100x worse than the problem... as they just destroy everything they touch... So I gave up.
Pets are still being lost, vanishing without a trace, scripters are still a plague and seem to go on unchecked, certain people seem to be able to get away with just about anything, vendor search is still a joke, and they have turned a blind eye to the constant spamming of things against their TOS... yet claim to be banning people... what people??
I quit going to EM Events about a year ago because... and no offense to Malachi and Elizabella... I love them... but I was sick of seeing the same groups of multiboxers time and time again... and nothing being done about it... tired of the crashing and lag that happens when they are around multiboxing... tired of not being able to loot anything... and tired of the continuous spamming of RC's and EV's when it's obvious the EMs are trying to speak... and do some RP... making it nearly impossible to follow along with the story... and after all these years... the stories have.... well ... lost a lot due to the seemingly endless "drop" mentality... and those who are there just for that, it has lessened the quality of the events to the point where it's just become:
Meet up talk a wee bit
Gate to this spot fight a few mobs or talk some more
Gate to the next spot ... little more talk little more fight
Gate to the next spot... (If 2 gates open its drop night) if not gate back to the "base" for a brief discussion and go home.
Loot go home after crashing 2 dozen times... and crash as soon as you recall home in case you haven't crashed enough earlier. The events became a boring grind... sure some are fun and interesting... but those were fewer and further between all the time... much of the RP is hurried along to get to the drop...
It's sad... The puzzles, riddles, and things long gone... most of the people there have no idea what is going on and don't even care... they are only there to get the item and sell it... make a buck... Most of them haven't even a clue where they are most of the time... if they had to get there on their own they wouldn't know where to go...
I had high hopes about the Governor system and the meetings with the King but that quickly became obvious that it was basically a useless waste of time...
In the beginning, it was showing such promise... which like most things in UO... quickly died.
And the PEC stuff was great while it lasted... sad that it's gone now.
I barely ever bother logging in anymore... no reason to.