Just logged in the game since afew years, after spending in the game probably around 5 years since T2A.
Just for the sake of discussing, I agree with people asking for a classic shard/whatever you wanna call it, with no char transfer.
I understamd that many things we gained since UO:R are not only crap. There are quite few things that would severely be missed but, the way it is now is just the natural "end" of something that mostly relies of few townsands of people that don't want to let it go and that, without new things, they would have let it go yeatrs ago.
But let me tell that, possibly as an extrenal guy that jumped again in for few months (i opted for the three months subscription) I wandered around and this world full of crazyily colored stuff, messy ****loads of skills/properties, completely uber item based is lackign what UO was always (and still is) almost unque: ROLES.
I mean, UO was beautiful because everyone of us could play a role AND make it worth for the community.
People where relying on a good smith, crafting made sense, resource gathering was needed, trading through vendors made sense, high quality items used to be damaged with time, resources spent, etc...
Insurances, fortifying, LRC to almost 99%, crazyily color everything, tens of properties on every piece of ****, etc... killed the core around which the game was built.
Again, I understand why this happened, I understand why people expain that if we forget about years of evolution this would led UO to be boring but this can also bring back balance.
Can bring back a world where, realistically, you can go from ZERO to be competitive and have fun with the "olders", in two months.
This will take away tons of empty, inconsisten expansions, etc... and would probably give back something where the core game design works again.
Just take those those as 2 cents of a returning player that reactivated the account today, will probably spend the next three months around, but probably after that will move out, maybe trying a T2A unofficial shard.
Hope to cross your path in Europa.