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Dear Mesanna and dev teams, you wont learn!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It certainly won't be of much interest, but I think after about 1 year I have returned to playing UO i'll quit.

It is not possible to play a game where "I pay monthly" and there is no real HELP in the game!
How is it possible that a player named "I'll McLove Ya" disturbs while i play,
making my pet invisible continuously while I'm at crazed mage
offending me even with heavy words (HEAVY) and to make matters worse luring vortex on me?

I asked for help 5/6 times,
i waited but no one come.

I pay monthly and i want a help service.
If this is not possible, it means that this game is dead and you don't know it.
Does this mean that we are all in the hands and decisions of those who develop?
I'm sorry but I no longer accept this type of behavior.

So that's one of the reasons many players stopped playing and that's why I stopped playing too.


jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you can make a video of this harassment you can send that to Mesanna to see what’s happening while you also page Think that will help get some action taken


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was trying to do it, but with the cell in my hand and while I was writing and running it was not easy. But do I have to get to make a video with my cell phone and send it to Mesanna to make someone come?

In my country as in the rest of the world this type of behavior is called dictatorship!
If a HELP option exists, it must work!
There are no excuses or things to discuss.
There are e-mails, of course, but they never replied to them either.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
No @MaryForUo you are right if you page a GM for harassment one should show up and do something... however they won't tell you what they do and they will watch what is going on and see if you are doing anything as well... to provoke the behavior from whomever it is... but generally they do something... or should. However I can say that finding a GM this time of day is well... not likely.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do any of you know him? Or his UO history? Devs do read this forum, give her some help. Please.


Stratics Veteran
My personal experience with in game help from GM's is that they do nothing for you unless it's really simple requests. If you page for harassment or someone clearly using exploits they could care less. I honestly question what's the point of having any GM's since they don't really do much of anything for anyone.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My personal experience with in game help from GM's is that they do nothing for you unless it's really simple requests. If you page for harassment or someone clearly using exploits they could care less. I honestly question what's the point of having any GM's since they don't really do much of anything for anyone.
you say all !!

I am going to assume that this procedure was not followed as I understand that it usually is not. But hey, don't forget to fill out the exit poll!
You presume bad, because I know the procedure well dont worry ... many but many years ago it worked well and the jail worked too!
Maybe you should read it again, maybe you don't understand


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Ya'll gonna hate me, but if they do do something, I'd be disappointed. It's an MMO. Part of the charm is how much you can do with each other. If they don't want people casting spells on pets, make it not possible. It's been my experience, in UO alone, that the people that cry about this stuff are also the ones that think every spawn is theres and are just as nasty when you show up to play the game.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@MaryForUo - It is unfortunate that you are leaving but it sounds like you are basing it off 1 person (and possibly 1 or 2 encounters). It's a well known fact that I'll McLove Ya is a griefer but I've been to crazed mages tons of times and I've never seen him there so it's not like he's lurking there every second of the day. While it's certainly annoying when people do something like this; there are several ways around it (I bet the crazed mages in Fel were empty) so I'd urge you not to be discouraged and quit over it.

As for people not helping... I disagree as when people in Gen Chat ask for help with an Ilsh spawn or kill a paragon to help get their body or lockpick a chest etc; not only will I offer but others do too. That said, you cannot expect people to fight your battles for you or take them over so you can benefit while they do the heavy lifting (I've seen people ask for help on the first level of a spawn and then sit around only killing a few things while others worked the spawn up to the champ). Additionally, some people might be doing shadowguard or doom so just because you need help doesn't mean people like me are going to drop everything we are doing (which if we are sitting around have no problem helping) just to get you out of a jam. There are quite a few people in the game (and on here) like @Pawain who literally give away stuff to players to help. Guilds are another very useful thing for people who might need help building up their accounts.

In summary, it is unfortunate that you no longer want to play and while I'd like for you to stay I think you would need to develop some thicker skin and be willing to pivot when something doesn't go the way you want. That might also be some good life advise too :)

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
You presume bad, because I know the procedure well dont worry ... many but many years ago it worked well and the jail worked too!
Maybe you should read it again, maybe you don't understand
It wouldn't be the first time I have presumed incorrectly. My presumptions are simply based on the fact that the majority of the time, mutual harassment occurs and the GMs can do nothing about it. Not all people are good and I think that is okay. You have the ability to ignore the other player as explained in the harassment policy, you apparently did not do that, or you would not have been offended by the "heavy words." Also, as @Keven2002 said, you could have left the area, that option was available too, but you chose not to.

Now you want to play the martyr card as so many others do. I haven't seen one of these posts in a while, so you may not know that you will get very little sympathy from the people who actively play the game. So quit if you want, I don't care, but if you are going to make whiny posts about it trying to get others to quit with you, or whatever your goal was here, I'm going to be here every time to make sure that any new players that might be reading this understand that your situation is not typical and that the game can still be enjoyed.

Also, the jail still works, I have seen the inside of it a few times myself.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
When I do the crazed mage on Sonoma, it will paralyze my pet.
And usually at least once or twice will invis my pet.

I don't care for the way that person talks in General Chat.
Usually when i see them start to talk, i leave the channel.

And as for paging on someone, they never answer you.
To report the person, you have to target someone.

I have someone curse me out, because my gargoyle was flapping its wings.
I was trading holiday gifts and wasn't aware that i was annoying them by doing that.
They never said a word, until they insulted me.
I had no clue that my wings were flapping, I turned off that animation in CC.

I did page a GM, but i was too upset to stay in game for long.
I even sent Mesanna a screen shot of what was said.
I was basically told to report it.
I did page on it, but they logged out as soon as they said it.
So there was nobody to target.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya'll gonna hate me, but if they do do something, I'd be disappointed. It's an MMO. Part of the charm is how much you can do with each other. If they don't want people casting spells on pets, make it not possible. It's been my experience, in UO alone, that the people that cry about this stuff are also the ones that think every spawn is theres and are just as nasty when you show up to play the game.
I don't hate you, why should I? They taught me that first of all there is respect and education.
Of course this is a game, I can endure many things, but when you start to get offended heavily, no.
Keyboard lions ... and sheep in real life! Dont feed the troll!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let's say one of the things many of you don't seem to care about is that we all pay for this game.
If there is, and there must be support, why doesn't it work?
If I pay, I want an assistance service ok?
If this service is missing and it's all in the hands of "Mesanna" and the development team, then there's something wrong here!

I can spend $ 60,000 on a car but I want it the way I say it,
I can pay for 2 accounts, but they must work!

It is not a question of money, it is a matter of not being teased by "Mesanna" and her nice team !!
Do it for free and then I will have fun too


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
She has a point though LURING spawn is supposedly against the ToS... however there are a lot of things against the ToS that they tend to turn a blind eye to...

IMO though you go right on and quit Mary... because quite frankly and I'll be honest... this is exactly why I hardly play anymore either... this sort of behavior is becoming the norm... and it is not policed and not stopped and no one seems to care that some folk have made it their mission to ruin the gameplay of others and the DEVs seem just fine with that... and they can argue all day long that it's not but when it seriously becomes the norm so much so that people can tell you that that particular player does this frequently... then well I rest my case... If it were something that the DEVs actually cared about it would be handled...

And what really gets me is that they want to bring more players to UO??? For what? To be treated like this? To be subjected to scammers, cheaters, and harassment??? Yeah, that's a game I want to play..... NOT.

Oh and I highly doubt that they have GM coverage 24/7... Just my opinion but seems to me that you can only get a GM 4 or 5 days a week the rest of the time you can sit and spin for all they care. Which IMO is insane for an MMO that is up and running 24/7... it ought to have coverage the entire time... not just whenever they feel like it. Considering there are what 2 GMs if even? They can't possibly cover 24/7...

Just saying.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
That person doesn't at all represent the average Atlantic player. He's well known for doing much worse things than that. I can't really be specific without breaking our accusations rule, but basically don't buy anything from him or give him any real money because it will assuredly end badly for you as it has for many others.

Sorry to hear you're leaving the game, and I agree that the GM's really need to do something about people like that.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I can spend $ 60,000 on a car but I want it the way I say it,
I can pay for 2 accounts, but they must work!
Mmm well this is actually very different. Buying something for 60k and paying $12.99 a month (let's call it $125 a year) can't really be compared... that's like ordering a Wagyu steak from a 5 star restaurant of a famous chef vs buying beef jerky from the dollar store... you can't realistically expect the same exact thing for both (you will be disappointed if you do) but I want belabor the point there.

Like I said before, the guy Mary is talking about has a bad rep anyways so it's a shame that it happened but as far as I can tell this was just one incident so quitting (or at least threatening to) because this guy wasn't immediately banned because you say he harassed you (which maybe he did, but again hard to tell if Mary said anything back bc at that point it's a mutual thing). Ultimately UO is a very vast land with many of things you could do if a person was acting like a jerk in that time period (Gregario or dread pirates will also train a pet assuming that is what you were doing). I don't want to completely dismiss Mary but we also can't discount that some people just are super sensitive and anything that is said or done to them they feel like it should be an automatic ban regardless of the full details.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mmm well this is actually very different. Buying something for 60k and paying $12.99 a month (let's call it $125 a year) can't really be compared... that's like ordering a Wagyu steak from a 5 star restaurant of a famous chef vs buying beef jerky from the dollar store... you can't realistically expect the same exact thing for both (you will be disappointed if you do) but I want belabor the point there.

Like I said before, the guy Mary is talking about has a bad rep anyways so it's a shame that it happened but as far as I can tell this was just one incident so quitting (or at least threatening to) because this guy wasn't immediately banned because you say he harassed you (which maybe he did, but again hard to tell if Mary said anything back bc at that point it's a mutual thing). Ultimately UO is a very vast land with many of things you could do if a person was acting like a jerk in that time period (Gregario or dread pirates will also train a pet assuming that is what you were doing). I don't want to completely dismiss Mary but we also can't discount that some people just are super sensitive and anything that is said or done to them they feel like it should be an automatic ban regardless of the full details.
no no, I'm not super sensitive, indeed!
If there are rules in the game, they must be respected and if they are not, the player must be dismissed.
If there is no fundamental principle, the game no longer works well.

The example of $ 60,000 and $ 12 is consistent because it is not based on the amount, but on the use made of it.
If I buy a defective machine, they repair it.
If I pay for a game and there is something wrong, it has to be fixed.

You should probably avoid MMO's lol
I believe I can compare your "lol" with your maturity and reasoning ability, which is clearly zero


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It certainly won't be of much interest, but I think after about 1 year I have returned to playing UO i'll quit.

It is not possible to play a game where "I pay monthly" and there is no real HELP in the game!
How is it possible that a player named "I'll McLove Ya" disturbs while i play,
making my pet invisible continuously while I'm at crazed mage
offending me even with heavy words (HEAVY) and to make matters worse luring vortex on me?

I asked for help 5/6 times,
i waited but no one come.

I pay monthly and i want a help service.
If this is not possible, it means that this game is dead and you don't know it.
Does this mean that we are all in the hands and decisions of those who develop?
I'm sorry but I no longer accept this type of behavior.

So that's one of the reasons many players stopped playing and that's why I stopped playing too.

Just look at all the unanswered questions on the official forum where they make clear UO has no customer service. Can't play the game you paid for 10 years? Good luck figuring it yourself.

Only interaction they engage in is beta testing the upcoming publish.

Oh and catering to Mesanna's gold seller and corrupt EMs friends of course (@Lord Nabin)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you can make a video of this harassment you can send that to Mesanna to see what’s happening while you also page Think that will help get some action taken
If he is on a paid account, only thing they will make sure is that it gets charged once a month :cool:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@MaryForUo - I see what you are saying but again I think it's different because when you are paying a great deal of money for something the customer service is usually a lot better because some of that money goes into the customer service.

I'm not trying to make excuses for the DEVs or GMs but at this point the 12.99 for subscriptions is probably enough to keep the lights on and for the team of like 6 people to have a job. When you combine the skeleton crew team they have with the need to provide support for every aspect of the game (harassment/glitches/macroing/events/meet&greet) things start become spread very thin. Again not knowing exactly what happened (or how many times), when you combine the budget/resource issue with the number of people that are either crying wolf or just trying to get people in trouble there is a lot of nonsense to sort through; especially when I'd say 75% of the "harassment" could be resolved by putting the other person on ignore or recalling away.

Don't get me wrong the DEVs/GMs are no where near perfect but honestly some of the people that play UO are the same type of people who have nothing better to do than police everyone on the way they should act (aka Karens) and when they don't get their way they give the DEVs/GMs an earful. If you want a list of those people from here, hop over to Unleashed and create a thread for it...I would love to give my opinion on who they are and why :devil:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
no no, I'm not super sensitive, indeed!
If there are rules in the game, they must be respected and if they are not, the player must be dismissed.
If there is no fundamental principle, the game no longer works well.

The example of $ 60,000 and $ 12 is consistent because it is not based on the amount, but on the use made of it.
If I buy a defective machine, they repair it.
If I pay for a game and there is something wrong, it has to be fixed.

I believe I can compare your "lol" with your maturity and reasoning ability, which is clearly zero
Well, I commented before I knew this was a known troll. Sorry you experienced that. Unfortunately, they exist. Sometimes I'll troll, but I don't go to the point where the person is getting really upset about it.


UO Forum Moderator
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This thread reminds me of this



Crazed Zealot
It certainly won't be of much interest, but I think after about 1 year I have returned to playing UO i'll quit.

It is not possible to play a game where "I pay monthly" and there is no real HELP in the game!
How is it possible that a player named "I'll McLove Ya" disturbs while i play,
making my pet invisible continuously while I'm at crazed mage
offending me even with heavy words (HEAVY) and to make matters worse luring vortex on me?

I asked for help 5/6 times,
i waited but no one come.

I pay monthly and i want a help service.
If this is not possible, it means that this game is dead and you don't know it.
Does this mean that we are all in the hands and decisions of those who develop?
I'm sorry but I no longer accept this type of behavior.

So that's one of the reasons many players stopped playing and that's why I stopped playing too.

@MaryForUo You are taking this game super seriously. You got griefed by a known in-game scammer, dirty player, dishonest individual, game troll who has ripped off other players other scammers also in game, is in every dirty and illegal aspect in the game and is well-known in ATL.
You say what? You will quit because of this? And you say the game is DEAD because you did not get instant gratification with the DEVS not appearing instantly and zapping this troll?
@MaryForUo are you really playing this game? Do you really read Stratics? Did you try to SEARCH Stratics for this trolls name to see some posts here?
It is time that you just enjoy the game, have fun and IGNORE the game trolls. They exist in EVERY game. There is nothing the DEVS can do about them in most games and most circumstances.
Do not respond to them. Or if you want revenge, and if you are in Fel, set a trap for the troll, have a couple of pvp friends and kill him. I would choose to ignore, send a message to the Dev, and just don't hold your breath about instant response, effect or action.
Time to progress and evolve yourself with this griefing. Its not going to stop if you quit. Also did you ever thing that this troll is trying to promote community, or promote the game, or try to bring new players in the game? He probably wants to see the END of this game, and by QUITTING, you are making his day.
By the way, if you want to see REAL griefing and trolling try some of the other MMO games and other "free but not really free" UO games out there, then you will see better.
Soooo..Lets all quit. Because mr Game troll trolled us, and the Devs will not do anything about it.
Not here..
Happy trails.


Crazed Zealot
@MaryForUo You are taking this game super seriously. You got griefed by a known in-game scammer, dirty player, dishonest individual, game troll who has ripped off other players other scammers also in game, is in every dirty and illegal aspect in the game and is well-known in ATL.
You say what? You will quit because of this? And you say the game is DEAD because you did not get instant gratification with the DEVS not appearing instantly and zapping this troll?
@MaryForUo are you really playing this game? Do you really read Stratics? Did you try to SEARCH Stratics for this trolls name to see some posts here?
It is time that you just enjoy the game, have fun and IGNORE the game trolls. They exist in EVERY game. There is nothing the DEVS can do about them in most games and most circumstances.
Do not respond to them. Or if you want revenge, and if you are in Fel, set a trap for the troll, have a couple of pvp friends and kill him. I would choose to ignore, send a message to the Dev, and just don't hold your breath about instant response, effect or action.
Time to progress and evolve yourself with this griefing. Its not going to stop if you quit. Also did you ever thing that this troll is trying to promote community, or promote the game, or try to bring new players in the game? He probably wants to see the END of this game, and by QUITTING, you are making his day.
By the way, if you want to see REAL griefing and trolling try some of the other MMO games and other "free but not really free" UO games out there, then you will see better.
Soooo..Lets all quit. Because mr Game troll trolled us, and the Devs will not do anything about it.
Not here..
Happy trails.
Also, if you want a better discussion of this, join UNLEASHED and discuss this item THERE. There are things we cannot discuss HERE.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Also, if you want a better discussion of this, join UNLEASHED and discuss this item THERE. There are things we cannot discuss HERE.
I would absolutely not recommend this. @MaryForUo seems to be the type of person who would not be able to handle it over there and would get pissed off.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO's Harassment policy has always been a joke. It place is far too much power into the harasser's hands by even suggesting that the victim be the one to leave an area, thereby ruining their play. Ignoring someone is a bandaid at best, as nothing stops them from continuing their character assassination.

I've been told that the "PlayerName please stop" is key to increasing the odds that something will be done. But don't expect someone to get banned unless they say something especially egregious. You also need to page relatively quickly to capture the offensive chat, if -here isn't a log of it, it didn't happen.

You shouldn't page on smacktalk (especially if you participated), Yo Momma jokes, or things that can't be logged. Saying someone is luring isn't good enough, it has to be witnessed.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you might actually try posting this on the uo forums and not the stratics forums i dont feel ur words will reach anyone that could help ur problem by posting it here


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO's Harassment policy has always been a joke. It place is far too much power into the harasser's hands by even suggesting that the victim be the one to leave an area, thereby ruining their play. Ignoring someone is a bandaid at best, as nothing stops them from continuing their character assassination.

I've been told that the "PlayerName please stop" is key to increasing the odds that something will be done. But don't expect someone to get banned unless they say something especially egregious. You also need to page relatively quickly to capture the offensive chat, if -here isn't a log of it, it didn't happen.

You shouldn't page on smacktalk (especially if you participated), Yo Momma jokes, or things that can't be logged. Saying someone is luring isn't good enough, it has to be witnessed.
Yes you need to say their name and what they are doing in a chat. If you can get them to respond, there is a good chance they will at least be taken to jail and be interrogated.
I'm pretty good at making idiots break at least one rule while responding to me.


Crazed Zealot
Let's say one of the things many of you don't seem to care about is that we all pay for this game.
If there is, and there must be support, why doesn't it work?
If I pay, I want an assistance service ok?
If this service is missing and it's all in the hands of "Mesanna" and the development team, then there's something wrong here!

I can spend $ 60,000 on a car but I want it the way I say it,
I can pay for 2 accounts, but they must work!

It is not a question of money, it is a matter of not being teased by "Mesanna" and her nice team !!
Do it for free and then I will have fun too
@MaryForUo You need to deflect people like Mr McTroll etc. Like this


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya'll gonna hate me, but if they do do something, I'd be disappointed. It's an MMO. Part of the charm is how much you can do with each other. If they don't want people casting spells on pets, make it not possible. It's been my experience, in UO alone, that the people that cry about this stuff are also the ones that think every spawn is theres and are just as nasty when you show up to play the game.
On the flip side though - the game needs a NUMBER of places to train pets - not just crazed mages. Yes you can get gains from elsewhere at a mind numbingly slow speed or get .25 in gains from crazed mage in 5 minutes. Have a NUMBER of craze mage spawns or give normal gains in other places and this person will find it impossible to grief people all over UO.

Anytime I see the ability to grief I see poor game design. Single threaded expereince areas are never good. It would be like having a single champ spawn in all of UO. Crazed mages are THAT much of chokehold for tamers.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
There are other places to train them... But I prefer not to say because it attracts jerk-offs like that one... So I keep it to myself... less grief that way.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I lived on Atlantic I'm sure a small group could get that idiot banned.

Make a EJ toon that lures him to the stable asking to buy a pet from him. Then keep haggling till your pet is done.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
There are other places to train them... But I prefer not to say because it attracts jerk-offs like that one... So I keep it to myself... less grief that way.
I thought you quit and closed your accounts because the game was [insert your top 5 complaints about UO]? Why not PM Mary and help her out?

That being said, I'll start it off right here because there are several places to train pets that will move it decently (just depends on what level your pet is and stats).

Dread Pirates
Acid Slugs

@MaryForUo - You could go to any of these places if someone is griefing and still work your pet. If you search stratics (or post over in the tamer page) I'm sure you can find more.


UO Pacific News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
Sadly, there are always going to be people like that in the game. Really as players we have two options, shrug it off, ignore list people like that or beat em at their own game. ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The harassment are very specific. YOU, the player, have to do all of them. A GM usually will NOT respond unless that player is in your IGNORE list. NO, they do NOT have to be present to view it. Please follow the ALL ALL ALL the Harassment procedures then, and only then can they take action. Keep putzing, be safe.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On the flip side though - the game needs a NUMBER of places to train pets - not just crazed mages. Yes you can get gains from elsewhere at a mind numbingly slow speed or get .25 in gains from crazed mage in 5 minutes. Have a NUMBER of craze mage spawns or give normal gains in other places and this person will find it impossible to grief people all over UO.
You don't understand. UO Devs substitute grind for content, or at the very least use it to puff up content by a ridiculous factor. So, that mind numbingly slow training speed, that's how it's supposed to work. Crazed mages are an accident. If you actually manage to draw the devs'' attention to the problem, you'll just see the gains from mages dropped "to be in line with similar mobs".


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With IDOCs being exploited with the oninous invisible tile bug (which @Kyronix apparently stated they don't intend to fix at all) under the new system and treassure hunters across sosaria driven off into retirement, I wonder if its really that bad that they don't "improve" other areas. At least if they are about to ruin EM events I couldn't care less.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I just saw a post on the forums that said the invisible tile exploit was quietly fixed (URGENT MATTER - PLS MESANNA AND DEV. TEAM - LOOK INTO THIS.). I don't do IDOCs so I'm not sure if it was fixed or not.

I agree with you @petemage about EM events to a point but I'd argue it's hard to ruin something that is just so bad to begin with.

Quick-ish story:
I just happened to be on Origin the other night trying out the Orcish Kin event and saw in global chat that an EM Event was going on. Mind you I had done the Orcish Kin event for a few days at various times and I only ever saw 6-7 people TOTAL the entire time there... I show up to the EM event expecting a similar turn out - WRONG! There were probably 35-45 people there and it was still laggy as heck. I did get looting rights on most of the mobs (loot was complete junk; talking 1 "lesser magic item" per corpse) including the final "boss" and didn't receive a drop (which was Shard Bound). We are talking about Origin here which I consider to be a pretty low population shard. I've done events on what I'd consider high population shards like ATL and you basically multiply the lag/monsters/frustration/death robes by 5 and keep the loot quality and number of drops the same.

I'm probably bias since in the 15-20 EM events I've done I've never received anything but this just strikes me as a giant waste of time... from my perspective I'm just annoyed for the whole event because I'm lagging uncontrollably (like it's 1997 and I'm still on dial up), which is never an issue anywhere else, I don't get anything remotely close to decent on the corpses or even enough gold to cover the insurance I burn from dying once or twice due to lag. To top it all off, I don't ever get a drop which is what it is but it does seem odd that I've seen some of the same people get a drop more than once. The idea of story driven events is cool but 99.9% of the time the EM events are just a rat race to go kill X monster for what seems like a 1% chance at getting anything besides death robes while lagging out. Completely un-enjoyable. Unless the issue with lag is addressed (doubtful) or there is actually something worthwhile & achievable (to even deal with the lag) I have no issue with DEVs "ruining" EM events although as I said before, I'm not sure how they could get much worse.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
i have to wonder why you are lagging on a 20 year old game. a decent (500$) pc off amazon, and dsl should be fine at em events. if you have faster internet than basic dsl, you shouldn't have to much of a problem till the main bosses(with the exception of atl).