I wish that mouseover of a vendor's backpack on the vendor paperdoll would show how many items are contained therein.
Do people really have an issue with messana? Pretty sure she actually plays the game. IMO they just need more funding.A new game engine and the entire game rewritten with modern code. Lose Broadsword and install a real producer and dev team. UO could be a great game again but not when it is being ran and managed by milk maids with the mission of getting every last drop from the udder until the cow finally falls over dead.
Too bad there is no way to fund them and even if you could that would give you no say at all in anything that got done...Do people really have an issue with messana? Pretty sure she actually plays the game. IMO they just need more funding.
Have you ever played Bagball? Was fun for awhile while it lasted and we had regular teams and events there until a couple of a**hats decided to ruin it for everyone by using it to "train" skills there when they knew it was being used for the games... so nothing anyone could do since well there is no way to "kick" them out or "reserve" the field so the games went to private Fel homes... which became a cluster and eventually and the games ended... that took about 6 months. Far as I know it was never used again on GLs... save for once in a great while we'd do some sparing tournaments there before they gave us the arenas.I'd like to see the Luna bag ball stadium turned into a huge customizable house plot that can be rented out to a player for a day for community player events. Also I would like to see a better way to advertise them.
wish they didn't stick up through the next floor lolI wish that there were a one- or two-tile garden shed because the current ones are too big.