RECOMMENDATIONS the might help.
1. Need to document "visitor names" so OWNER can check legitimacy of players. Make new option on house sign ONLY visible to OWNER that shows "VISITORS". BANNABLE from house option from this list. NOT HARD, already records visitors, now just ad names so owner can see.
2. IDOCER's use banks to transfer loot also. a. RECORD all moongating/recalling toons at IDOC. HOW? PLACE a "RECORDER" NPC at house, and at 3 or 4 "RECORDER" NPC's locations near, but off screen to IDOC. Have "MINTER" record log of incoming toons when IDOC falls. HOW? EVERY time a house falls, what happens? The house sign goes "POOF" and "BROADSWORD" knows when a house will fall. TO TO SIMPLE to start log file with "MINTERS" at all banks at "SUPER SECRET" fall times.
If YOU have been warned, you would simply check names of people whom visited your house. BAN that toon, it BANS the account associated with it.
Just stupid ass "recommendations" that might work.
QUIT bi-----ng, make suggestions to HELP. Every suggestion is just that, a suggestion. MAKE THE SUGGESTION BETTER, make YOUR GAME better. NOW, go back to putzing!!
1. Need to document "visitor names" so OWNER can check legitimacy of players. Make new option on house sign ONLY visible to OWNER that shows "VISITORS". BANNABLE from house option from this list. NOT HARD, already records visitors, now just ad names so owner can see.
2. IDOCER's use banks to transfer loot also. a. RECORD all moongating/recalling toons at IDOC. HOW? PLACE a "RECORDER" NPC at house, and at 3 or 4 "RECORDER" NPC's locations near, but off screen to IDOC. Have "MINTER" record log of incoming toons when IDOC falls. HOW? EVERY time a house falls, what happens? The house sign goes "POOF" and "BROADSWORD" knows when a house will fall. TO TO SIMPLE to start log file with "MINTERS" at all banks at "SUPER SECRET" fall times.
If YOU have been warned, you would simply check names of people whom visited your house. BAN that toon, it BANS the account associated with it.
Just stupid ass "recommendations" that might work.
QUIT bi-----ng, make suggestions to HELP. Every suggestion is just that, a suggestion. MAKE THE SUGGESTION BETTER, make YOUR GAME better. NOW, go back to putzing!!