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NEWS [UO.Com] Forsaken Foes TC Release 1


Grand Poobah
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Mine is acting like im still in TB and I can't tell my pet to attack those silver serpents at level 4 rats spawn xD In return they do not attack me either.
I should have went TB being immune Silver Serps would be a lot more handy than OLs. Just remember after 90 minutes or so in game with a GM examining my character in despise and trying to figure it out........ they determined there is no old faction code attached to my character and they would forward it to Devs to look at and fix............. That has been 18-24 months ago LOL. Give or take.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Hey, it least it only takes up the amount of storage of what's actually on the vendor. They could have made it block out a full 125 item count.
Will probably be like it when it comes to prodo and then takes 5 years to fix.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When all the fish die like before (even if you do what you were told to by the tank) it will be better to look at than old tanks. Yay, sorta.
That is so stupid, specially that nowadays people have items that sell for 200-500-1p+ so why not make No Cap??? It will charge a fee after it sell anyway. I really wish they changed cap b4 final publish.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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That is so stupid, specially that nowadays people have items that sell for 200-500-1p+ so why not make No Cap??? It will charge a fee after it sell anyway. I really wish they changed cap b4 final publish.
Personally I think its more sad that people pay that sort of gold for items... 175M is more than I would wish to pay for most anything at all... but it is what it is. Greed that's what IMO is killing UO. If it makes it more difficult to sell items for ridiculous amounts of gold then good.

Great DC

Lore Master
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my question is, whats to stop someone from just putting a book on that type of vendor listing what he has for sale and price and his contact info, then never having to pay another vendor fee again??!! LOLOL


Grand Inquisitor
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my question is, whats to stop someone from just putting a book on that type of vendor listing what he has for sale and price and his contact info, then never having to pay another vendor fee again??!! LOLOL
The annoyance of having to come in game to sell every item in their inventory?

Some people might like that the first dozen times, but after it would feel too much like work.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can put a book on a vendor now with your items, prices and contact info priced at 1 gold. But who is going to find it?

I have books on my current vendors that cost nothing.

You can not open a book on either type vendor and read what is inside... The title does not appear in VS.

Can't believe Dot fell for this one.


You can describe books or any item now and the description will be in VS.


You can use a book on current vendors. Or you can use Traders Hall to avoid vendor fees.
Last edited:

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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They paid the vendor fees up front (on the book business) when they paid 10x the price for the new vendor contract lol

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Like I said above what does any of this have to do with Forsaken Foes? Not sure aquariums or vendors were our enemies? thought Scalis and Corgal etc were ?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Like I said above what does any of this have to do with Forsaken Foes? Not sure aquariums or vendors were our enemies? thought Scalis and Corgal etc were ?
Release 1
There's more to come in this publish. Patience.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Release 1
There's more to come in this publish. Patience.
Even IF there IS more to this publish, I would have thought the Devs would spend more time getting out the parts of it that, I don't know (just taking a stab here), they were going to NEED feedback on? Instead of the deco. Unless of course it will end up a case of "sorry no more time, this is what you get" AGAIN. But then again, after the "feedback" they got on the treasure chest "revamp" I'm not really sure they are actually after "feedback". :devil:


Always Present
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There's more to come in this publish. Patience.
@Petra Fyde

Do you happen to know whether there will also be a revamp for Fishing which will make it worthwhile to be a Legendary Fisherman and make Legendary Fish be good for something else but useless Trophies like for stats modifiers Magic Pies and Distilled beverages ?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I know only that release 1 means there's more to come. Perhaps they're getting less difficult stuff out of the way first? Not sure why you'd expect me to know more. In the past the only reason I knew more than some other people was because I actually read the publish notes carefully. I'm not alone in that, but I do sometimes wonder if it's a minority group.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is so much amazing stuff coming out with this patch, cannot wait!!!

Here is the anniversary gifts... Thank you so much - I was wondering what they looked like! Looks like I will be doing some xshard running about ...

Posting stuff as we find it to our discord channel.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the aquariums, the artist has really done well with those, but dislike the anniversary items, not a fan of the colour, probably a good thing my account game-time runs out on the 23rd!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the aquariums, the artist has really done well with those, but dislike the anniversary items, not a fan of the colour, probably a good thing my account game-time runs out on the 23rd!
Wait until you try and place them. Hope you want the large one on your ROOF.

Especially if you are in the EC. See the pics in the aquarium thread I made.

I wonder if any of this stuff gets tested like Alpha testing prior to Beta prior to TC even a little bit in BOTH clients before they get pushed out. Can't see how they can of been tested even in the slightest little way.

The new ship paintings are nice, accept you guessed it, they stick through the floor. Being the bright copper color they are really noticeable.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Damn I might have known they were broken in the EC, don't they ever test anything before they give it to players to test? :(


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Wait until you try and place them. Hope you want the large one on your ROOF.

Especially if you are in the EC. See the pics in the aquarium thread I made.

I wonder if any of this stuff gets tested like Alpha testing prior to Beta prior to TC even a little bit in BOTH clients before they get pushed out. Can't see how they can of been tested even in the slightest little way.

The new ship paintings are nice, accept you guessed it, they stick through the floor. Being the bright copper color they are really noticeable.
They don't ever test stuff anymore... at least not at all like a player would. It's totally obvious. I often wonder exactly what the guy actually does there. Besides just be married to the boss...

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They don't ever test stuff anymore... at least not at all like a player would. It's totally obvious. I often wonder exactly what the guy actually does there. Besides just be married to the boss...

Like the spouse of what I think is a control freak would ever say "that sucks" lol.

Rubber stamp man, is what he am...I should write a song

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Seeing the changes to ancient sos mibs and having fishing up around 80 mibs after a couple years break I'm curious if we can still get "A Ship's Stronbox". They were my favorite mib loot. I really liked does metallic dyable containers. I had non in those 80 mibs.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I love the aquariums, the artist has really done well with those, but dislike the anniversary items, not a fan of the colour, probably a good thing my account game-time runs out on the 23rd!
I like the copper wings used with the angel
to do this you have to lock the angel down on the tile below it (the center tile at the bottom of the pic)
and then raise it up


UO Forum Moderator
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Given that a couple of people at BS have admitted to using clients other than CC or EC, because they can (allowed under "testing unauthorized clients for exploits, and ideas to incorporate into CC/EC"), it's possible some of the alpha testers might not even be seeing CC or EC issues from not actually using the clients the rest of us use.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya it takes so long for me to log off and on, I can see why they would not spend 20 seconds doing that to look at static items with every client....


Lore Keeper
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I will use for NOOB armor suits. Otherwise it could sit on a vendor for a month or more and wipe out the funds.
The way I read it, Was that Items can sit on the new vendors indefinitely, and then ONCE sold there would be a 5.25% fee imposed. Could be, once place on vendor, Point is, I read it as a 1 time fee.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The way I read it, Was that Items can sit on the new vendors indefinitely, and then ONCE sold there would be a 5.25% fee imposed. Could be, once place on vendor, Point is, I read it as a 1 time fee.
Right, If you put a few items on a current vendor that total lets say 10M, they would wipe out the vendors funds if they stay a long time. Things can stay on the new vendors for a long time and you have no daily cost if not sold.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The way I read it, Was that Items can sit on the new vendors indefinitely, and then ONCE sold there would be a 5.25% fee imposed. Could be, once place on vendor, Point is, I read it as a 1 time fee.
You're correct. I've been testing the vendors and this is how it works. I've had items sitting on there since testing began and there hasn't been any fees or anything charged at all. It just takes up lockdown space and there's a 5.25% fee at the time of sale. You can remove the item with zero fees to rearrange the vendors bag or reprice it.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
the new aquariums look fine but do they show though the floor of next level? will all my fish die even though I add water as needed ect…


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
the new aquariums look fine but do they show though the floor of next level? will all my fish die even though I add water as needed ect…
The large aquarium shows through the floors, in both clients.
it tells you how much food and water to add to it
in this pic I added 3 food and 7 water
don't do the last number, it will overfeed & overwater them.
after two days, you will get a reward
and you add water and food again, then wait two days

to add water and food, just drop it in.

And if you should decide you want to move it, just axe it and target the new location.
The fish stays inside the aquarium.

but on test shard, you have to axe it, to enter the contest.
And when you replace it, it says its not locked down, so all the fish will fall to the floor.
When that happens, you have 5 minutes to put the fish back in fish bowls or into the aquarium or they die.


It's actuallly quite a fair trade-off and I think it will be a boon to all servers. We've been in talks amongst ourselves on what we will do with them on Chesapeake. The downside being only the house owner can own the vendors, so no benefit for vendor malls or those who rent spaces at others houses (luna), but considering vendor search we don't think it's too big of a negative.
unless you live in fel. maybe i'll give it a shot anyway.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Really dislike the dying part of the poor fishies. Make them magical and able to withstand being locked on a player made pond. Please? I do like the new anni gifts a great deal. ty!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Really dislike the dying part of the poor fishies. Make them magical and able to withstand being locked on a player made pond. Please? I do like the new anni gifts a great deal. ty!
That and the continual maintenance thing makes me not ever want to have a fishtank... While yes one could use the fish food thing for a week it is still rather a pain to remember to have to futz with daily/weekly whatever... I work 3 12.5 hour shifts every weekend I often don't have time in the day to log into UO to piddle with things like that. I seriously suck at incubating eggs and that's done in 1 week... a fishtank is a life of the game long commitment... I really don't have the time for.


Lore Master
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hoping to get a scalis/charybdis/corgul update release 2 during next week (maybe this monday with some luck?), and get the full worldwide release early september. I hope they dont make charybdis bait and oracle too easy to craft, considering the rewards we will get from it. I've been buying and saving all my charybdis bait for few years, in hope for better loot.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I was going to say there is no good loot on Charybdis... never was... Maybe they will add something to it that would make it worth doing.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
This from Publish 106 Forsaken Foes publish notes (at uo dot com):

22nd Anniversary Rewards
In appreciation for 22 amazing years of continued support the Ultima Online team would like to say thank you with an anniversary gift token!

Tokens only will be available via dispenser stones on TC1

  • All characters at least 30 days old logging in between Sunday, September 1, 2019 12:01:00 AM ET and Monday, November 18, 2019 11:59:00 PM ET will receive an anniversary card and a token that can be redeemed for an anniversary gift.
  • Copper Wings
    • Symbolizing Glory During 1 of 26 famous battles in Britannian History
  • Copper Portrait Set
    • Relief of 1 of the pirates found throughout Britannia’s High Seas
  • Copper Sunflower
    • Cast From Flowers Grown in the Warm Sun of 1 of 27 locations through Britannia
  • Copper Ship Relief
    • Depicting the Maiden Voyage of 1 of 18 different ships from Britannia’s History
  • Rare chance to receive an “Antique” version of one of the above which sets a special hue and item property on the gift item
So it's just a lucky drop, not something a dye tub can make except in our dreams. Good luck Argalep.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my question is whether "Antique" is considered the item property, or you can get one like DCI or extra luck?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my question is whether "Antique" is considered the item property, or you can get one like DCI or extra luck?
Yes antique is an item property. :(

I thought the same thing when I read the info, maybe ill get one with Faster casting and be able to carry it around.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
my question is whether "Antique" is considered the item property, or you can get one like DCI or extra luck?
Antique is usually a property.
In this instance...
have you ever seen the color of copper when it tarnishes?
when you get the sunflower with antique, it has a different color. looks tarnished.

someone posted a pic of one, just not sure right now where I saw it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Antique is usually a property.
In this instance...
have you ever seen the color of copper when it tarnishes?
when you get the sunflower with antique, it has a different color. looks tarnished.

someone posted a pic of one, just not sure right now where I saw it.
The person you replied to posted a Pic of the flower in Antique form. Page 1 of this thread.

They were hoping for a useful property, as did I.