I used your pet that I quoted for the numbers and typed 155 for intel.The range for physical resist is 45 to 55. His is at 20% of that range. if 45% it would be 0%.
You are calculating the % based on the total. I did that when the Calculator came out. It is better to calculate it the way they do for comparisons. It's nice to see you have a pet that is 97.61% of the total tho.
They did not want to put the total % on there but they did put the numbers in the results so you can easily calculate the total%
If they did totals, a lot of pet types would be above 80 all the time.
This is from that calc.
Intensity Rating %
This is the rating of a pet and indicates how it compares to the best possible spawn of that pet. A 100% rating is truly quite rare, if not impossible.
All those % are compared to a max possible pet not to all pets possible but to the max pet possible and the only ones that are right are the 100%
Just look at your hit points of 696 of of 700 (max) is no way 91% of max, 91% of 700 is 637.