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T Hunting changes


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Tina Small thank you for doing all this work for us, it saves the rest of us a lot of time and frustration, I just wish the results were a bit more promising! I start to feel that these changes are already set in stone, no matter what has actually been said. It also looks like we might possibly be getting 120 scrolls for Carto, now what's the chances of actually affording/getting one within 6 months or more?

Picus at the office

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Silly question but it related to my thoughts of L7's having a 120 scroll if fel based in the other thread.....Can I kill the "other party" and open the chest if I had a LP'er? I vaguely recall the current chests are instanced, would this be the case with the current system and if so I recall my former 120 idea.....no risk should equal no reward.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Silly question but it related to my thoughts of L7's having a 120 scroll if fel based in the other thread.....Can I kill the "other party" and open the chest if I had a LP'er? I vaguely recall the current chests are instanced, would this be the case with the current system and if so I recall my former 120 idea.....no risk should equal no reward.
I might be mistaken here as things may have changed but a few years back I did a chest in Fel and someone randomly wondered by and they were able to loot the chest as I was looting it (without being in my party). If this is still the case, then you wouldn't even need a lockpicker once the chest was popped (trapped was removed).

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Just a note to say I updated the post with the list of randomly generated equipment you find by theme and facet after doing some chests in Tokuno and Ter Mur : T Hunting changes. I assume the same kinds of equipment will be found in similarly themed trove chests on the same facets.

Also, in the spreadsheet that I posted about a few days ago, I moved the page with the images of looted randomly generated items from cache and horde chests to its own spreadsheet here: Publish 105 - Treasure Chest Randomly Generated Equipment Images. There are about 225 images from 34 chests spread out over six sheets. If you're looking for images from trove chests looted in Fel or elsewhere, don't waste your time looking there because you won't find any.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I"m not even bothering reading this whole thread. Treasure hunter changes were asked for a long time ago, to give an advantage to those of us who actually used all of the skills involved, instead of cheating them with telekinesis. All we wanted was a bonus for having LP/RT/DH in our templates, instead it would seem they're just going to remove skills instead...I don't get it, but like many things lately, I'm not the least bit surprised.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I dug up several Trove chests, in Fel, with over 2000 luck, and 100 Cart. Some were Gold, some, metal and 1 rusty one. There were ZERO items I would consider "keepers". I did however get 2 awesome JUNK 105's before I decided it wasn't worth any more effort.
How do you get/find 'Trove' chests vs the current level 1-7 chests? Will the T-maps convert or something?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
How do you get/find 'Trove' chests vs the current level 1-7 chests? Will the T-maps convert or something?
Are you talking about on TC, or when it goes live? On TC you can get the "new" map (different names) via a "clicky", for all facets and levels. You can also "copy" a character over (WHEN copy "comes back up), with a loaded Davies Locker (it took 1 day though before the maps were readable (after the next server up).

When it goes live the maps are supposed to convert like this (note, all maps have different names and loot):

Level 1's stay the same
Levels 2s and 3's COMBINE as a new level (2)
Levels 4 and 5 COMBINE as a new level (3)
Level 6's stay the same but become level 4
Level 7's stay the same but become level 5

This is a very brief overview, but gives you "basics".

So far, however, I am NOT impressed, at all, with the "new and better" loot.
Last edited:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Yea I actually stopped doing things on TC because the loot was just horrible and literally saw nothing I would keep. I'd rather spend the time & energy in doing TMaps now on my home shard (where it counts) BEFORE the Tmap change because it doesn't seem like an improvement to me. If Tmaps do change like they are now on TC1 then I will hibernate my T-Hunter so figured I'd use him while I can :p


Crazed Zealot
Yea I actually stopped doing things on TC because the loot was just horrible and literally saw nothing I would keep. I'd rather spend the time & energy in doing TMaps now on my home shard (where it counts) BEFORE the Tmap change because it doesn't seem like an improvement to me. If Tmaps do change like they are now on TC1 then I will hibernate my T-Hunter so figured I'd use him while I can :p
Maybe Im wishful thinking, but I doubt that the Dev team will finalize the loot level to its pawltry state as is in TC1..All the effort and the programming, the tweaking, the testing, just to produce a junk product? It would not make any kind of sense. It would be counter intuitive, and there would be absolutely no enticement to do the content.
I really doubt that they are so oblivious to the game to do a thing like that. If anything we hope that the loot level will be boosted..We have to wait and see..


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
.All the effort and the programming, the tweaking, the testing, just to produce a junk product? It would not make any kind of sense. It would be counter intuitive, and there would be absolutely no enticement to do the content.
I doubt they will increase the average loot table without testing. Maybe they will add something else that will be a surprise.