"Don't announce something for a specific timeframe *Mar 19 publish worldwide) then not produce. It's really not a good thing to do." Exactly. I thought/hoped/assumed that the JUNK "rewards" *cough,cough* weren't the ONLY rewards coming out today. I mean really, a deco cannon, a cannon that WAS touted as "the most formidable cannon to come to the high seas" but does nothing different than any of the other cannons, and ANOTHER FRAKIN' TITLE. At this point, I think it is fair to wonder if ANY useful rewards are EVER going to be available! Y'all have fun in UO! As for me, I am taking a little time off to decide if, between this BS, and the fact that
@Mesanna obviously doesn't give a flip about all the scripting/cheating/RMT's if it is worth it to continue to play UO.
@Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak Get up off of your collective asses and DO SOMETHING! Don't promise us a "worldwide publish" to get us to do the content, and then feed us STUPID BS "rewards".
I was about ready to "throw in the towel" on UO, but, we get some content to test, and it seems good. So, I keep playing. BUT WAIT! The stuff I tested ISN'T AVAILABLE YET! Even after the "Mar 19 publish worldwide". What a steaming pile of horse manure!
Thanks for letting me rant! But, I am pretty disgusted with this game right about now.