To put the thread back on track: ( Sry for the was provoked or "voked"
RMT websites and RMT players, on one hand satisfy a need : Allows players to own things they would not otherwise be able to, due to personal time limitations to play and grind in the game, esp. in low pop shards. The buyers, in their mind, instead of investing XX hours to get items from a specific content, prefer to work in RL and pay for these items with 1/5 the time of RL work real money. They think this is good and beneficial.
On the other hand however, the game challenge and fun is defeated. The thrill of getting xyz item, is gone. You paid XX real dollars, now you have the item. So what did you accomplish? You just paid for the coveted item. RMT basically is all sense of the word is a form of CHEATING in the game, whether we like it or not. There goes the idea of the massive challenge: You paid $500 to buy that Blaze Cusidhe on that RMT site. So? You now sport a 9x120 Blaze cu. Right? But nobody else knows you PAID for it in a website. So where is the sense of accomplishment? Same thing with PVP UBER gear. At least in PVP it is a little more meaningful. But still it is CHEATING! You paid for cheating.
RMT causes you to lose the game perspective. Lose the FUN this game is supposed to be. The wisest person I ever met in New Haven was someone in newby gear. I asked him if he needed any help to find things out in the game, or any gold or gear. You know, he daid, "No thank you" and "I would like to discover this new world for myself, and make my own gold and gear, thank you." And he went on to train and kill his low level hunts there. To me he was the BEST player in UO. A real adventurer, someone who did not want anyone to spoil form him the joy of discovering the world of this massive universe of a game...I will never forget him and his wise words, he was a true sage.
RMT is in my opinion a massive game spoiler. The Devs should enforce RMT transaction banning to the max, rather than playing a deaf ear to them. They should make a filter that does now allow gen chat advertising, and should ban anyone involved, or suspected of selling and BUYING RMT goods. But that is just my near-sighted opinion.