We are all in the same bag, and most of us like it..Else we would not be here. UO is a TOUGH game from these perspectives. Some of the content is tough..Not easy..Takes time and effort and risk. Getting PK'ed is in that equation, part of the game forever. There is some poor planning, that is also a given. Including pet PS fiasco. That has been debated with the PK'ers before, with endless posts etc, ad nauseum. You have the right to be angry/upset about what you are stating, getting Pked etc. PK is not the only part of the game, there are a lot more things and content. If you think this is bad why don't you check out some other games and see what the PK there is like? I'll tell you : A lot worse. At least in UO you have options that are not PK, as other posters above said.
We all have been upset with game content one time or another. We did not quit. I do champ spawns when time allows, have gotten PK'ed once, then another time the same PK'er at a different Fel spawn helped me by "protecting" so we both got a crapload of PS, and did not PK me. Part of the game that we accept, adds INTENSITY to the game.
Mistakes in the game? I think I am champion of mistakes :
=Not reading up on value of items before selling for instance. Like selling a Dread Mare a little while back to buy regs for my imbuer, for 20 M? Then next week checking for going value for these and finding current standard pricing, and buyer ignoring that he bought the Dread?
=Selling a high stats black Cu for 32 M? Reason ? the cold resist was 70, but Energy resist 83..And me being in a hurry to sell.
=Buying a rare expensive pet, being unaware that these CAN come with only one level of training, yep paying mint for the pet?
I OWN these mistakes, they were MINE and all mine. That I was taken for a ride? Yes. It was not the game, it was my laziness about checking up things. That I feel guilty I screwed up? YES! But I lived through this, and learned. This game is about learning.
Each time I learned a lesson, though an expensive one.
In your case, get into a good guild, that has some PVP, and/or talk to your PKers: They would be glad to "protect" and take part in the PS getting. I bet they would be glad to help you. Do this at least for now.
Who knows in the future pet PS may change. (They are for PETS after all..).
The challenge of the game is that you need to do a little due dilligence checking before you buy or sell things, or do some high end content. Where can you do this? HERE in Stratics. Lots of threads, many are current. Ask questions. You ask one question, regardless how simple or silly, and you will get an entire thread of answers.
I bet you will not get this level of help ANYWHERE in ANY game, as lots of people guard game secrets due to competitiveness, and will not openly post them..
To make a post like this I know two things : One you are really angry/pissed. The other thing is that I can see you subbing again, since it looks that you got the taming bug in your blood, in addition to the UO bug as we all have. You are a UOaddict, like all of us here.
Also you discovered accidentally why a lot of us DO NOT WANT to post at the "official UO forum". Lots of wax in the ears there, and "thread is closed" oligarchy..
Resub when things cool down, and POST here in Stratics for what you need, including help etc.
And by the way : GL is not a low pop shard. Its just people do not bank sit a lot, and actually do content. There are several guilds there and they are there mostly every day, after work hours and weekends a lot. Yell at the gen. chat and you will be able to join in..