I am OK with it, I've voted for Agree.
I'm a very old school player, with old school ethics, but I can justify this in a lot of ways.
1. It's certainly the way of the gaming world right now, any game you care to mention. My kids are on Fortnite, Roblox etc. I'm on War Robots on the Ipad. For me - a fundamental issue for RMT games is that - you must be able to achieve the RMT trades, and the gaming progression without paying RL cash if you wanted to... It just must be harder, and take longer. War Robots handles this beautifully, players buy good robots, gear etc, but I play 10x better and harder than everyone else, and I achieve the same, it allows all player styles, and people from all different life backgrounds to play equally. I always chose to never buy ingame items, but the fact I am in there playing harder to achieve the same, means they have an active player making the game happen. Even in an RMT world, I believe the ability to have choice, and your own ethical compass, is important - and tbh, don't whine about it, unless it gets right out of balance.
2. It's a fact in PvP in this game, a huge percentage of PvPers are buying stuff for RL cash. Again, this does not bother me, a. it boosts my own personal pride - players are having to spend money, (or use software) to be anywhere near as good as me or b. it actually gives other players a chance to play at my level, and compete with me. What I cannot handle, is when the bias gets unfair, out of balance. IE, you can buy, or cheat to have an "IWIN" button. This also upsets me, when the Devs accidently create "IWIN"templates, and the feeling of equality is not there.
3. In this game, Scripting has been a problem. But you will note, I've not been against scripting in itself. I can understand scripting/macroing, for training skills, or even crafting, they've made it so difficult in this game in some aspects - to beat Scripters, they've made it impossible for normal players. But again, choice of how you play is important. I can choose to Mine properly, I enjoy that, or I can chose to script. I personally think it is below the belt to script, or use software in pvp, but again, it's choice. Now for me - it isn't necessarily the scripting that is a problem. Here is a little anecdote from my gameplay within the last 2 hours - we did a Harry on Atlantic, it popped in Fire lvl 2, and when we got there, there was a scripter farming demons, now, this is Felucca, we killed him - and that is exactly how it should be. He scripted, but he took a risk, we were able to use Player Justice to kill him, and stop him, no need to call in the "authorities" or get wound up about it. But as I say, what bothers me, is when things get out of balance - IE Trammel. There is no way to stop Scripting in Trammel. So it has run unchecked, and unbalanced, and ruined the game.
So for me - I am certainly OK with RMT - I chose not to use it myself, but I'm ok that other players do, and get to play with me, at my level due to it. I'm ok, to have to work 10x harder, to achieve what an RMT player gets, I get a feeling of pride from it. But - maintaining game balance is absolutely key. As I say, War Robots on the ipad, has maintained a perfect balance, and I've played it for 3 years, without spending anything. I'm very rare in that sense, I get the feeling, I achieved it all by my own effort and skill, and that is important to me. Others, don't have time in their life, but do have excess cash, and want to just play, without doing the boring grinding bits. That's ok.