I've got around 50 % coin purses and rest in the other 8 items. Of them from my drops it seems that you get 50% titles and 25% recipes and 25% whips. That gives dropchances to be 25% titles 12,5 recipes and 12,5 whips and rest purses.
I have got 6 whips out of 26 non purse drops 0,5*6/26=11,5 % which is rather close to calculated droprate, of them Ive got 1 spiked 4 bladed and 1 barbed.
CovenantX drops for whips are 0,5*5/31=8% and his recipes are 0,5*7/31=11,2% and titles are 0,5*19/31 = 30,6% if just looking at non purse drops.
Our combined drop rate for whips are 9,6% a bit low but still a small amount of samples and rather close to calculated dropchance of 12,5%.
My numbers on the nonpurse drops are 54% titles 23% recipes and 23% whips. If counted purse drop aswell the numbers are halfed to 27% / 11,5% / 11,5%.
Totals could also go towards 50% purses 30% titles 10% whips and 10% recipes. Just need more numbers to see, and a problem is that purse drops usually just get tossed so hard to get the exact amount of them.