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Doom Tamer build - or better off with different template?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey there -

I came back to UO with halloween content and got hooked again :). Therefore, I want to give "end game content" also a chance again, but I am a bit outdated.

In the old days, Doom was one of my major playgrounds, and I will give "new Doom" a try. Read tons of posts and really don't know what to do, since there are so many pro's and con's.

My main is a tamer and I love him, period. Lot of ppl say "Doom is only for sampires", others still seem to give a tamer also a chance.

What I have is a tamer that can be skilled being: Disco tamer (120 level) or Weaver Template (also 120). Have a fully trained 5 slot Fire Steed with goo and AI (not optimal, I know, but should do some damage). Knowing about the 100% fire res Abys problem, I think I should take the disco tamer. Would result in:
120 music
120 disco
120 Animal Lore
110 Animal Taming
110 Magery
90 Vet (105 with jewels)
Rest med

Does this temp makes sense to you?

OR would u instead play a garg myst, build would be:

120 Focus
120 Myst
120 Spellweaving
115 Magery
110 Med
Rest ? Resist perhaps? Or Wrest? Or Eval?

thx 4 any comment, kind regards


Stratics Veteran
Hey there -

I came back to UO with halloween content and got hooked again :). Therefore, I want to give "end game content" also a chance again, but I am a bit outdated.

In the old days, Doom was one of my major playgrounds, and I will give "new Doom" a try. Read tons of posts and really don't know what to do, since there are so many pro's and con's.

My main is a tamer and I love him, period. Lot of ppl say "Doom is only for sampires", others still seem to give a tamer also a chance.

What I have is a tamer that can be skilled being: Disco tamer (120 level) or Weaver Template (also 120). Have a fully trained 5 slot Fire Steed with goo and AI (not optimal, I know, but should do some damage). Knowing about the 100% fire res Abys problem, I think I should take the disco tamer. Would result in:
120 music
120 disco
120 Animal Lore
110 Animal Taming
110 Magery
90 Vet (105 with jewels)
Rest med

Does this temp makes sense to you?

OR would u instead play a garg myst, build would be:

120 Focus
120 Myst
120 Spellweaving
115 Magery
110 Med
Rest ? Resist perhaps? Or Wrest? Or Eval?

thx 4 any comment, kind regards
I dont know about Soloing Doom with that Temp, but I run that temp, with 120 vet, no med though, I go with 1 sampire buddy, and we can do everything thing in there easy.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thx mate, just was wondering if a tamer does make any sense there atm ..


Lore Master
I tried soloing doom with my necromage tamer. I got to the abysmals in the final room and that was as far as I could go. I took a fire drake; the first 4 mobs are weak to fire, the last has full fire resist, but even with me casting corpse skin on it, it was no use. Maybe I could solo it with another pet, I've been thinking about trying it again with my fire beetle. The beetle might be able to kill the abysmals with AI and rune corruption plus me casting corpse skin.

The main problem with tamers and doom is there's no stable/hitching post there and the mobs resists change every room. If there was a hitching post we could change pets between rooms and soloing it would not be a problem. I'll let you know if I try again.


Crazed Zealot
I tried soloing doom with my necromage tamer. I got to the abysmals in the final room and that was as far as I could go. I took a fire drake; the first 4 mobs are weak to fire, the last has full fire resist, but even with me casting corpse skin on it, it was no use. Maybe I could solo it with another pet, I've been thinking about trying it again with my fire beetle. The beetle might be able to kill the abysmals with AI and rune corruption plus me casting corpse skin.

The main problem with tamers and doom is there's no stable/hitching post there and the mobs resists change every room. If there was a hitching post we could change pets between rooms and soloing it would not be a problem. I'll let you know if I try again.
Yes. About time they add a hitching post there. Please mention it to Devs at the "other" board. Appreciate in advance..