Again: If I had a place to peacefully get the game content I want, I wouldn't need help from some random PvP'er. I wouldn't need help. I wouldn't need protection. I wouldn't need to be at the mercy of some random guy.
This discussion especially with you
@drcossack is seriously one of the most fruitless I had in a while. You straight deny any point that's not reflecting your standpoint. Pretty pointless to go on with that. If you try to understand the different playstyles involved, it's all up in the older posts.
No, I'm denying "points" that are complete nonsense because they do not reflect the reality of where I play: I play in Fel, just as I did a decade ago...btw, your "points" are talking about Fel as it was a decade ago. I also play in the Trammel ruleset, because that's what the game has catered to over the years. That you can't deny that point speaks volumes.
You say you want a place to peacefully get the game content you want...but you already have access to that, do you not? You say it's because you want scrolls, but that's not the reason: It's because you want "non-consensual" pvp removed from the game (when, in reality, you consent to the risk of pvp every time you go to Fel.) You can very easily avoid Fel altogether to get the scrolls you want. They are hard to come by, as a few people have said before: you get 12 scrolls per spawn, out of approximately a possible 96 (roughly 32 in 110's, 115's, and 120's.) Furthermore, the reason the price of scrolls has gone up is BECAUSE OF TAMERS. There are only a few they need, but they insist on adding every single 120 to their pets, despite it only giving a very small (almost negligible) bonus in the pet's damage: 120 wrestling, 120 resist for a pvp pet, and 120 spellweaving if you choose to put that on a pet (because the focus's strength is skill-based, with every 20 points in the pet's skill of it giving them +1 on the focus.) When the tamers realize this and stop feeding unnecessary scrolls to their pets, the price will go down due to the massively decreased demand.
Also, I have told you over and over that there are places where it's far easier to make gold, and both of them are in the Trammel ruleset: Shadowguard and EM Events. With the right group composition, you can do an entire run of Shadowguard (from the bar to the roof) in about an hour. Almost all EM events run for roughly an hour, and you're usually guaranteed AT LEAST 100m for a drop if you get one - there have been some drops that I've sold for 200m and 300m. If you'd like me to send you the template I use for EM Events (which you can adjust based on the scrolls you've eaten - the only one you absolutely want is a 120 throwing, and those don't even go for 500k), I'll be more than happy to do so. Given that information, if you really wanted scrolls for your characters, you can just buy them.
Further, your entire "Argument" falls flat on its face with the imbalance of content Trammel has been given compared to Felucca. to be honest, I'm kinda tired of re-posting this:
1) Powerscrolls. That was added with what, Publish 16? We're coming up on Publish 100.
2) Abyssal Infernal and Primeval Lich.
3) VVV.
What exclusive content has Trammel been given? Off the top of my head, excluding all of the land masses:
1) Exodus
2) Shadowguard
3) Tram Despise
4) Underwater boss
5) Doom
6) The ENTIRE Stygian Abyss dungeon - Medusa, Slasher, Stygian Dragon.
7) The Titan town invasions from a couple months ago.
8) EM Events. You'll occasionally get an event in Fel, but they are very few and far between.
9) Some Tram-ruleset exclusive Champ Spawns and Peerless: Twisted Weald, Bedlam, Interred Grizzle, Labyrinth, Tokuno champ
I play in Fel, as do a few others in this very thread, even if they don't necessarily pvp. After 16 years (Publish 16 was released in 2002), we deserve something new in Fel, even if it doesn't necessarily involve pvp (but there should, of course, be something new in Fel that involves pvp.) Double resources and 1k luck (I wear a 2360 luck suit pre-statue bonus and I don't see much of an increase in loot quality with that suit) don't qualify as enticements.
Lastly, I'll take this quote from Kyronix himself, which was in the UO forums version of this thread:
Just so I'm understanding correctly - your suggestion is to remove Felucca as a rulset from all shards (except Siege & Mugen). Everyone is then presented with an opt-in for open PvP across all facets?
This is basically how VvV works, We were apprehensive about allowing VvV in Trammel-rulsesets and ultimately decided against it after weighing the pros and cons. Your suggestion presents a similar, if not more expansive, list of concerns that make this type of change very unlikely. I do however appreciate your contribution and furthering of the discussion! That's what forums are for!
In short, consensual pvp in Fel isn't going to happen. I can't help but notice that the thread over there (which was also started by Frodo) has been quiet for the past 2 weeks. I wonder why.