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Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you serious? Bulk xfer tokens... that's your flag? ... these are in the game for nearly 10 years now? Maybe a bit longer? You can't be serious? What was that in-game system where you got an xfer token for $9 retail, and then they got discounted to $3.99 at some big box? The reality is a lot of posters have been saying "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE D00PZ", in regard to the last EA post in reference to banning counts. I think the tail is wagging the dog, and honestly that's the only logical way to take their post. I haven't seen anything like what we had in 2008 with all of those rares being thrown around, and the game being an absolute mess. I think the economy and game over all are healthy, but that's just my opinion.

In reference to the "RMT will shut down" statement, you mean a multi-billion dollar industry is going to shut down due to developer intervention? Give Blizzard, NCSoft, Riot, or any developer a call and ask how that's going. Aside from the data that RMT has been PROVEN to help the curve of abandonment in MMOs (ie Broadsword keep subscribers, not lose them) I would imagine this is data is basically industry standard from a development standpoint. That doesn't mean they shouldn't police their game, but you have millions of botted accounts being sold in League of Legends, you have billions of WoW gold turning over every year for nearly as long as UO has been in existence, you should choose battles that make the time cost worthwhile. RMT will never go anywhere, and never has. This game is fortunate in that it's fairly consolidated in an organized fashion, but from my experience with other MMOs (and MMO like games) it's normally much more prevalent and unreliable. I remember the Diablo 3 launch being a prime example, when the Chinese were calling in that accounts were hacked, to social engineer the Blizzard CS, just bad actors.

Eh what do I know anyway
99% of whats sold from RMT sites is duped, guaranteed!!! Why do you think any sale from then always has to be xferred in order to be delivered? You think that these people don't have items on the shard you play. Im not talking about any other game cause I don't play them and don't know how they acquire stuff for them. I just know for sure that any item gotten from a RMT site for UO is almost guaranteed duped, none of it is vendorable. Give me a break


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
99% of whats sold from RMT sites is duped, guaranteed!!! Why do you think any sale from then always has to be xferred in order to be delivered? You think that these people don't have items on the shard you play. Im not talking about any other game cause I don't play them and don't know how they acquire stuff for them. I just know for sure that any item gotten from a RMT site for UO is almost guaranteed duped, none of it is vendorable. Give me a break
Umm, okay so let's consider these warehouses for the sake of arguement right? Let's say accumulation is easier in New York City (Atlantic) , Chicago (Pacific), and San Diego (Europa). Aside from the logistics of moving items around, this business model is basically spreadsheet driven and supply and demand based. RMT is what helps brand new players get to a state where they can enjoy the game, and continue playing, because - whether you like it or not - and whether it's how it was when you and I 1st started playing UO 20 years ago... gaming and the userbase in general are not the same as they were. We can be nostalgic about our power hours, and 8x8s, and nights in the BK room, but the reality of the here and now is Broadsword wants to keep players hooked - and UO has ENDLESS content for end-game players.

Not to say this is your preferred process, or mine, but one that does get us active, end game players - Skip the BK room, buy 100 mil, get a suit, join a guild, make some friends, and actually enjoy all that UO has to offer outside of grinding. Sure, it's not the most rewarding way, and sure it's now how we did it, but I would rather 1,000 active players that did that, than 100 that are comfortable with all of the time it takes to grind and reach end game (it took us years).

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you're saying the accounts, artifacts, gametime, gold, houses, pets, rares, resourcess, scrolls, suits, tokens, vet rewards etc they're selling is 99% duped? :rolleyes:

A serious question for you,

If you don't think they are duped, where are they coming from in such volume?
No-one is farming that much. I explore the world, and I know what is happening, and where, I know what is possible.

For me, RMT sites have only 2 options as to where their stuff comes from;
a. It is duped,
b. They are controlled by Broadsword, and it is Broadsword secretly supplying the market and deriving a secondary income by creating this stuff on demand.
c. I'll add one, Broadsword have rogue operatives.

You chose.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A serious question for you,

If you don't think they are duped, where are they coming from in such volume?
No-one is farming that much. I explore the world, and I know what is happening, and where, I know what is possible.

For me, RMT sites have only 2 options as to where their stuff comes from;
a. It is duped,
b. They are controlled by Broadsword, and it is Broadsword secretly supplying the market and deriving a secondary income by creating this stuff on demand.
c. I'll add one, Broadsword have rogue operatives.

You chose.
One posts here and on the official forums. Ask him.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Campaign Supporter
A serious question for you,

If you don't think they are duped, where are they coming from in such volume?
No-one is farming that much. I explore the world, and I know what is happening, and where, I know what is possible.

For me, RMT sites have only 2 options as to where their stuff comes from;
a. It is duped,
b. They are controlled by Broadsword, and it is Broadsword secretly supplying the market and deriving a secondary income by creating this stuff on demand.
c. I'll add one, Broadsword have rogue operatives.

You chose.
I don't know where the majority of their stuff comes from, but I do know not all of it is duped. I know this because those sites have made offers trying to buy things from me a few times over the years. A dreadmare, my luna house, some rares, a particularly good dragon, and a one tile soulforge back when those were new are some of the ones I remember. I said no every time, but they still kept offering on things. So apparently they can't dupe whatever they want if they need to make offers to players directly to get things.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One posts here and on the official forums. Ask him.
I don't know the politics of these boards well enough to know who you are referring to.
I also don't really listen to rumours.

I don't know where the majority of their stuff comes from, but I do know not all of it is duped. I know this because those sites have made offers trying to buy things from me a few times over the years. A dreadmare, my luna house, some rares, a particularly good dragon, and a one tile soulforge back when those were new are some of the ones I remember. I said no every time, but they still kept offering on things. So apparently they can't dupe whatever they want if they need to make offers to players directly to get things.
I accept it isn't all duped, but you do realise, they have to get their first example from somewhere, to start the duping?

Something like a Slither, I have done Medusa myself a billion times, and never had a Slither.
I have done Reknowned Devourer a million times, yet never got Insane Tinker Leggings.
Many of these ingame items have an insanely low drop rate.
Yet there they are, dishing them out like water...

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My thoughts exactly.

I love it when Visitors pop in and, not only seem to have full knowledge of the shady business in UO, but also defends and promotes it.
So, who are you ingame?

I have to admit, I treated that post with extreme suspicion.

You see that type of post happening, when someone has hit the nail on the head, and someone actively involved feels the need to deflect.

So therefore taking the opposite of what he said, is probably closer to the truth.

I've seen it happen too much in areas where I do know what I'm talking about, I've seen it enough to recognise it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I don´t think all items on the RMT sites are duped but I´m sure that if they got their hands on a method to dupe they wouldn´t hesitate to exploit it as long as possible.
Their only goal is after all RL cash.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don´t think all items on the RMT sites are duped but I´m sure that if they got their hands on a method to dupe they wouldn´t hesitate to exploit it as long as possible.
Their only goal is after all RL cash.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Dear Tjalle, and TB Cookies [W],

In regards to "hitting a nail on the head" you 2 aren't even swinging hammers. "Shady Businesses of UO" ? We're just from different tribes. Mine doesn't care about post counts, rather it cares about real information and logical thought processes; which is right in front of you both, but instead you're swinging your rubber mallets trying to hit nails.

I'm far more interested in business mechanics in gaming, and otherwise, than what you think of the latest expansion mount or issue with sacks of potatoes effecting your pvp experience. So those are the things I comment on. These are the things I find interesting, and most definitely things I know what I'm talking about. So you can pretend that your large post counts can hold a candle of knowledge to anything I'm talking about, but it's just noise. If something I said is illogical - quote it. If something I said isn't plausible - quote it.

If you think every broadsword employee isn't legally bound to not be involved with RMT, you're beyond paranoid.

If you hate RMT, that's absolutely fine.

If you are oblivious to it existing in every single gaming experience created in the last 20 years, that's fine by me, but should be something for you to reflect on.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
All I wanted to know is who you are ingame...

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear Tjalle, and TB Cookies [W],

In regards to "hitting a nail on the head" you 2 aren't even swinging hammers. "Shady Businesses of UO" ? We're just from different tribes. Mine doesn't care about post counts, rather it cares about real information and logical thought processes; which is right in front of you both, but instead you're swinging your rubber mallets trying to hit nails.

I'm far more interested in business mechanics in gaming, and otherwise, than what you think of the latest expansion mount or issue with sacks of potatoes effecting your pvp experience. So those are the things I comment on. These are the things I find interesting, and most definitely things I know what I'm talking about. So you can pretend that your large post counts can hold a candle of knowledge to anything I'm talking about, but it's just noise. If something I said is illogical - quote it. If something I said isn't plausible - quote it.

If you think every broadsword employee isn't legally bound to not be involved with RMT, you're beyond paranoid.

If you hate RMT, that's absolutely fine.

If you are oblivious to it existing in every single gaming experience created in the last 20 years, that's fine by me, but should be something for you to reflect on.

Fun response, my post-count isn't that high surely? :(

I admit I was more open about accusing you re Shady Business, I'll stand by it, my gut instinct is never wrong tbh, it's really surprising how I am right 100% of the time with my gut instinct. ;)

If I'm wrong, it will become obvious, and I'll apologise. :)

I am aware of all the examples you quoted, yet I view them all with as much suspicion.

Game makers, are in complete control of their games, they would not allow something that hurts their business, as simple as that.

So there has to be another solution as to how this happens.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Obviously game time codes and accounts are not. Anything can spawn in game is definitely duped. Either you are too naïve or just not intelligent.

I find it ironic the guys name is Effort and hes posting for RMT sites. Obviously he doesn't use effort and just buys stuff. LOLOL
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
All I wanted to know is who you are ingame...
I'm Steve, nice to meet you.

Fun response, my post-count isn't that high surely? :(

I admit I was more open about accusing you re Shady Business, I'll stand by it, my gut instinct is never wrong tbh, it's really surprising how I am right 100% of the time with my gut instinct. ;)

If I'm wrong, it will become obvious, and I'll apologise. :)

I am aware of all the examples you quoted, yet I view them all with as much suspicion.

Game makers, are in complete control of their games, they would not allow something that hurts their business, as simple as that.

So there has to be another solution as to how this happens.
You're just making blind accusations and assumptions based on no data, and that's absolutely okay.

Game makers, are in complete control of their games, they would not allow something that hurts their business, as simple as that.

So there has to be another solution as to how this happens"

You're again making the assumption that RMT is a negative force for a game, but as you would be able to see from the fact it's a multi-billion dollar industry, in every single applicable game in the last 20 years, it clearly can't be the downward driver you're assuming it to be? Think about it.

I won't assign your paranoid "THE DEVS ARE SELLING ITEMS" assumption with a qualified response. I will consider offering you tin foil if you're in the market?

Obviously game time codes and accounts are not. Anything can spawn in game is definitely duped. Either you are too naïve or just not intelligent.

I find it ironic the guys name is Effort and hes posting for RMT sites. Obviously he doesn't use effort and just buys stuff. LOLOL
I think there's a broad line between "posting FOR" , and "posting sense". I think there'a far greater plausibility that you're spewing illogical drivel. Did someone hurt you? Did an RMT site kick you in the shin?

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're just making blind accusations and assumptions based on no data, and that's absolutely okay.

Game makers, are in complete control of their games, they would not allow something that hurts their business, as simple as that.

So there has to be another solution as to how this happens"

You're again making the assumption that RMT is a negative force for a game, but as you would be able to see from the fact it's a multi-billion dollar industry, in every single applicable game in the last 20 years, it clearly can't be the downward driver you're assuming it to be? Think about it.

I won't assign your paranoid "THE DEVS ARE SELLING ITEMS" assumption with a qualified response. I will consider offering you tin foil if you're in the market?
I never make blind assumptions, and I never base things on no data, I'm all about pure logic.

Sometimes you can't know how the universe started, but you can logically work your way back.

From a game creators perspective;
So some people create a game, they invest in creating something, and someone else comes along and makes multi billion pounds off the back of their work, time, creation, investment.
How can that possibly not be a downward driver?
At the very least, it is unethical, and theft, - in a non-virtual economy they would be jailed.

From a player perspective;
If players are fast-forwarding their game experience by buying their game items, they will "complete" the game faster, become bored of the content and quit, again, reducing the income of the original creators.

So logically, RMT sites can only be a seriously bad thing.

The only way it even becomes logical for these sites to exist, is if they are paying a royalty back to the game owner, it is being operated by the game owner, or endorsed by the game owner.
The game owner, would not allow themselves to lose multi-billions of pounds, I can assure you of this.

I have never used an RMT site, I have no need to, I don't take the game that seriously, I have no emotional experiences good or bad with them, I am just stating pure cold logical fact.

So back to my original assertions;
a. It is either happening with the game creators aid or;
b. There must be some seriously dodgy tactics going on, to get around the game developers control of their own game - ie duping.

You are welcome to get me a tin foil hat. :tinhat:
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Knowledge is power. Let's walk back what you said -

Broadsword did not create UO, rather they are the "management team" so to speak. They are developing a product, and oversee it's well-being for EA. By the notion of someone making money "on the backs of someone elses work" spins this in a way that the coding of the game is what is for sale, but instead it's the time / effort involved in item acquisition. In RMT you would be paying for the time savings / skill gap in acquiring the item / service you desire. Not for the code or the IP of the creator (in this case, "management team")

In regards to your "unethical, in a non-virtual economy be jailed" - I point you to the entirely well established industry of holiday gift trading in the real world. Playstation 4's going for 500% market price, Hoverboard's selling for over $500 what the initial MSRP was. Tickle Me Elmo, etc, etc. These markets are ran by 3rd parties, providing a service, at a mark up. Nothing criminal about that, in and of itself.

"From a player perspective;
If players are fast-forwarding their game experience by buying their game items, they will "complete" the game faster, become bored of the content and quit, again, reducing the income of the original creators.

So logically, RMT sites can only be a seriously bad thing."

Okay, so what you consider fast-forwarding the experience most players would consider "reaching relevancy". The guy killing bone knights is not the guy doing the spawn with his guild. He's not the guy helping you in Doom. He's not trading and bank sitting, and doing EM items. He's still working on reaching relevancy. Which is a fine part of the game, and helps you learn the systems and APPRECIATE the experience that UO is. But it's time consuming, arduous and for those that don't have 40 hours a week of gaming time, I'm sure they would prefer to jump start that. As with the purpose of a Mythic Character Token for skill gain.

UO is never completed, moreso UO is unlocked. UO as a game is endless at the top end, and predictable at the mid-low end. This isn't my opinion, it's simply how 20 years of game development has gone, and it's awesome. It's how it should be in my opinion.

There are many more examples I can go into, but I want to get some work done. I appreciate this conversation, the little jabs here and there are fun as well, but I am happy to hear your opinion and even if I wasn't able to change it one bit, at least I can feel I properly provided insight into mine.

Attached below are relevant papers on the subject over the last decade

https://library.gwu.edu/sites/default/files/eckles/Understanding Real Money Trading in MMORPGs.pdf


Real Money Trading in MMORPG Items From a Legal and Policy Perspective by Ung-gi Yoon :: SSRN -
Real Money Trading in MMORPG Items From a Legal and Policy Perspective
Journal of Korean Judicature, Vol. 1, pp. 418-477, 2008

30 per cent of MMO players buy gold - less credibly sourced

King Greg

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I don´t think all items on the RMT sites are duped but I´m sure that if they got their hands on a method to dupe they wouldn´t hesitate to exploit it as long as possible.
Their only goal is after all RL cash.
I'd say that probably depends on if they could knock out their competitors by getting it fixed.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I'd say that probably depends on if they could knock out their competitors by getting it fixed.
"Competition" is a tiered platform wouldn't you say Greg? Who you may consider competition, may consider you a peasant, and vice versa, you know? It's perception

King Greg

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Competition" is a tiered platform wouldn't you say Greg? Who you may consider competition, may consider you a peasant, and vice versa, you know? It's perception
What? I think you are a little too deep in thought. I was saying RMT sites might help fix a dupe if they thought it was their competitors main source of income.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My opinion is yes some of those sites (especially the one spamming constantly in game) do certainly seem shady. Other sites honestly I'm not so sure. Fact of the matter is that it is against TOS. I have a great deal of respect for those that adhear to those rules. It's not easy and requires a great deal of self control and integrity. I also don't judge those who do buy from them on occasion. If I did I would be quite the hypocrite.

*I still maintain the stance that while it is against the TOS it is there more for a liabillity protection than anything.
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Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
All opinions about RMT aside, the reality here is Broadsword banned 12 dupers this last cycle, so in roughly 4(?) Weeks since the previous report. There have been known dupers for years, and occasionally Broadsword would publicly address it (the super cheap shard transfer token vendors on Atlantic a few years back, for instance, and the change from checks to bank vaults as well). So duping had been a real thing for years, and this last bit confirmed it is still happening to some degree. It is fairly reasonable to assume that at least some number of players have been duping continuously over that entire period. Getting tied up over to what extent RMT benefited from duping misses the point, because in-game players themselves are affected hugely, even if doing were only limited to gold. Go to Siege and do a vendor search, the prices you see represent an economy NOT affected by duping. The difference between there and any shard that allows transfers is HUGE. And to Tjalle's points, if you do want to consider RMT, consider that none of the large RMT sites sell on Siege, but you can buy 100 demonic crisis statues from them on any shard that does allow transfers. Duping is absolutely responsible for the degradation of the game (or more accurately, the mystifying approach of Broadsword to address it only sporadically, and even then only when there is widespread outcry like with the transfer token debacle).

I'm done arguing about the game. But to in any way argue that duping hasn't destroyed the economy of production servers for UO is at best naive, and at worst knowingly false.


Grand Poobah
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I play UO on a 128 tick dedicated server. The bunny hop is so smooth, it helps me when I drop my Quest Rouge in Doom.
Ok, so let´s see if I understand this correctly.
You don´t play on the official servers but you are here on a forum dedicated to the official servers promoting something that is against the TOS on the official servers?
Does that sum it up?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Ok, so let´s see if I understand this correctly.
You don´t play on the official servers but you are here on a forum dedicated to the official servers promoting something that is against the TOS on the official servers?
Does that sum it up?
I apologize if I confused you, and I make it a point to do charity. Solicitation is against the TOS, I don't think having a discussion about the effects of RMT on the economy are against the TOS? Furthermore, RMT actually ins't considered against the TOS, not in direct terms. Tell you what, before you hit 5,200 messages on this forum, why don't read the TOS? it'd be like reading 50 posts. I'm a believer, or read those articles linked above.

I'm Steve, from Balders Gate, I told you.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I apologize if I confused you, and I make it a point to do charity. Solicitation is against the TOS, I don't think having a discussion about the effects of RMT on the economy are against the TOS? Furthermore, RMT actually ins't considered against the TOS, not in direct terms. Tell you what, before you hit 5,200 messages on this forum, why don't read the TOS? it'd be like reading 50 posts. I'm a believer, or read those articles linked above.

I'm Steve, from Balders Gate, I told you.
  • Sell, buy, trade or otherwise transfer or offer to transfer your EA Account, any personal access to EA Services, or any EA Content associated with your EA Account, including EA Virtual Currency and other Entitlements, either within an EA Service or on a third party website, or in connection with any out-of-game transaction, unless expressly authorized by EA.
You do not own anything in UO and all your sub gets you is the right to use all that pixel crack. Good try.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I don't think having a discussion about the effects of RMT on the economy are against the TOS?
I never said it was.

Furthermore, RMT actually ins't considered against the TOS, not in direct terms.
Cool. Then go to the UO.com forums and sell some items for RL cash and come back and tell us how that went.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In this discussion, I only have two points to make.

1. I go to Origin to buy gametime code, or sovereigns, or anything, if I do it early Sat morning or late Friday night, I wait until Monday before anything shows up (security??) I call this BS.

2. I can go to my RMT site, enter what I want, pay it with the same card Origin is holding up on, and Have it delivered to me within usually 20 minutes.

Now, which one of these processes do you think I am gonna use most often? Hmmm?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In this discussion, I only have two points to make.

1. I go to Origin to buy gametime code, or sovereigns, or anything, if I do it early Sat morning or late Friday night, I wait until Monday before anything shows up (security??) I call this BS.

2. I can go to my RMT site, enter what I want, pay it with the same card Origin is holding up on, and Have it delivered to me within usually 20 minutes.

Now, which one of these processes do you think I am gonna use most often? Hmmm?
Sadly this is all too true.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you're saying the accounts, artifacts, gametime, gold, houses, pets, rares, resourcess, scrolls, suits, tokens, vet rewards etc they're selling is 99% duped? :rolleyes:

My thoughts exactly
I knew it those houses were duped


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
  • Sell, buy, trade or otherwise transfer or offer to transfer your EA Account, any personal access to EA Services, or any EA Content associated with your EA Account, including EA Virtual Currency and other Entitlements, either within an EA Service or on a third party website, or in connection with any out-of-game transaction, unless expressly authorized by EA.
You do not own anything in UO and all your sub gets you is the right to use all that pixel crack. Good try.
You're quoting this - Terms of Service for other's reference.

You don't own anything, that's true, but the concept is you're paying a service cost, not for ownership of anything. Look at the lawsuit in 2007 Blizzard vs IGE, and then let me know if you've seen another law suit after that attempt

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're quoting this - Terms of Service for other's reference.

You don't own anything, that's true, but the concept is you're paying a service cost, not for ownership of anything. Look at the lawsuit in 2007 Blizzard vs IGE, and then let me know if you've seen another law suit after that attempt
UO falls under EAs ToS or did you seriously did not know that. EA owns UO and UO must abide by EAs rules. Maybe you should go look at EAs rules and don't worry what other games do or do not do.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
UO falls under EAs ToS or did you seriously did not know that. EA owns UO and UO must abide by EAs rules. Maybe you should go look at EAs rules and don't worry what other games do or do not do.
Clearly UO would fall under EAs ToS? Again, point me to one relevant lawsuit, and I'll happily credit you. Until then I'm done with this thread, my point is proven, backed by data, not opinion, and will remain for you to shake your stick at, and curse.

Enjoy your night boys and girls

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Clearly UO would fall under EAs ToS? Again, point me to one relevant lawsuit, and I'll happily credit you. Until then I'm done with this thread, my point is proven, backed by data, not opinion, and will remain for you to shake your stick at, and curse.

Enjoy your night boys and girls
LMAO You agree to those terms every time you log on and EA has the right to end your game for what ever reason they see fit and you can scream law suit all you want because it will only go to arbitration, good try. No law suit required now go back to your other server please.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
morally right
ethically right
inherently right
and entitled and hide behind the creases of the tos... they laugh at it.

clever but still cheats.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I wish someone would report my neighbor, nearly 24/7 raising barding skills and doing something with 2 animal pens in his house over and over and over. He's been at it 10 days straight now on a new toon each day. The sound travels!

Why can't he stand in the middle of Luna to raise music like everyone else, sheesh! :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wish someone would report my neighbor, nearly 24/7 raising barding skills and doing something with 2 animal pens in his house over and over and over. He's been at it 10 days straight now on a new toon each day. The sound travels!

Why can't he stand in the middle of Luna to raise music like everyone else, sheesh! :)
He not very good at it either, 10 days!

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good arguments Effort, I completely get your points, even though I see it 100% the opposite way.

I'm pretty tied up now, I'll come back if I get time to put a solid argument together. :)


Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
The runaway RMT in UO absolutely has a harmful effect on the game.

A lot of the major complaints in the game--scripting, EM event misbehavior, multiboxing, power scroll and IDOC monopolies, and yes, the outrageously high prices that people claim that RMT sites help new/returning players get ahead of, are all heavily exacerbated by the real money value of gold and in game items. That real money value gives real life incentive to cheat and push other players out of lucrative content when possible, and that is exactly what has happened and continues to happen, particularly when the consequences have been seemingly nonexistent for so long. This misbehavior is rewarded with actual money at little risk and no real life consequence.

We all know who some of the people who sell for cash are, and we all know they are disproportionately involved in one or more of the activities listed above. As the saying goes for so much bad behavior, "follow the money".

Is some of the stuff sold for cash duped? Almost certainly. But even if NONE of it was, the damage to every day gameplay still holds true.

There are adjustments that could be made to the game to make it less lucrative for RMTers and improve quality of life and new/returning player accessibility, but what we see happen time and again is change akin to the last IDOC change that benefitted scripters above anyone else.

Additionally, the newest newsletter did not actually say that the listed offenders were banned, and Mesanna is on record as saying that paid accounts would not be banned for first strikes, only EJ accounts would. Words have meaning, and "violations" is not the same as "bans". Until and unless Broadsword or EA takes meaningful action against the major RMT players in a way that affects their profits, and there's no way they don't know who some of them are, this means nothing. You'll know if it happens because the big sites and sellers will suddenly be short.

Regardless of the shortcomings of the Origin store, if you're buying from those sellers then you are taking money away from the game and incentivizing more cheating and misbehavior.

I don't expect Broadsword to end all third party RMT--that is impossible. I just expect them to take meaningful action to keep that money going into the game instead of to third parties who actively harm it, and I expect them not to reward the perpetrators as they have. Clean up the runaway RMT situation and I guarantee a lot of the complaints I listed at the beginning of this post will be significantly improved.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The runaway RMT in UO absolutely has a harmful effect on the game.

A lot of the major complaints in the game--scripting, EM event misbehavior, multiboxing, power scroll and IDOC monopolies, and yes, the outrageously high prices that people claim that RMT sites help new/returning players get ahead of, are all heavily exacerbated by the real money value of gold and in game items. That real money value gives real life incentive to cheat and push other players out of lucrative content when possible, and that is exactly what has happened and continues to happen, particularly when the consequences have been seemingly nonexistent for so long. This misbehavior is rewarded with actual money at little risk and no real life consequence.

We all know who some of the people who sell for cash are, and we all know they are disproportionately involved in one or more of the activities listed above. As the saying goes for so much bad behavior, "follow the money".

Is some of the stuff sold for cash duped? Almost certainly. But even if NONE of it was, the damage to every day gameplay still holds true.

There are adjustments that could be made to the game to make it less lucrative for RMTers and improve quality of life and new/returning player accessibility, but what we see happen time and again is change akin to the last IDOC change that benefitted scripters above anyone else.

Additionally, the newest newsletter did not actually say that the listed offenders were banned, and Mesanna is on record as saying that paid accounts would not be banned for first strikes, only EJ accounts would. Words have meaning, and "violations" is not the same as "bans". Until and unless Broadsword or EA takes meaningful action against the major RMT players in a way that affects their profits, and there's no way they dont know who some of them are, this means nothing. You'll know if it happens because the big sites and sellers will suddenly be short.

Regardless of the shortcomings of the Origin store, if you're buying from those sellers then you are taking money away from the game and incentivizing more cheating and misbehavior.

I don't expect Broadsword to end all third party RMT--that is impossible. I just expect them to take meaningful action to keep that money going into the game instead of to third parties who actively harm it, and I expect them not to reward the perpetrators as they have. Clean up the runaway RMT situation and I guarantee a lot of the complaints I listed at the beginning of this post will be significantly improved.
Excellent post!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Riyana is my hero! :heart:
What I don't understand is why the EJ accounts seem to be getting harsher treatment than the paying ones, surely if you are caught cheating, you are caught cheating, it makes no difference what kind of account you have. EJ accounts don't have access to so much, they are less likely to be multi-boxing at EM events or script mining. Did any of the people they caught get permanent bans or were they all 24 hours? Did any of the multi-boxers at EM events get banned?

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Riyana is my hero! :heart:
What I don't understand is why the EJ accounts seem to be getting harsher treatment than the paying ones, surely if you are caught cheating, you are caught cheating, it makes no difference what kind of account you have. EJ accounts don't have access to so much, they are less likely to be multi-boxing at EM events or script mining. Did any of the people they caught get permanent bans or were they all 24 hours? Did any of the multi-boxers at EM events get banned?
Because they don't want to lose the cash flow. EJ=F2P, they not losing money by banning them lol