So my 24hour opinion... This is based on the fact that all I'm doing is PVPing.
I take back my statement regarding maximum storage. 20 is fine (for what I'm doing - pvp only)
However, most of my banks are over limit (150+ items) the fact that I can't remove anything that's over limit needs to be looked at. I honestly see nothing wrong with being able to remove everything from my bank, they're my items, i earned them at one point or another, and i put them there so they can be used again.
If you want to milk 1 $14 month out of me so that I can access my crap, fine, but I'm not happy about it and my attitude on a game usually carries over to the cash shop (ie unhappy players dont buy crap.)
However that's another 4 months I gota wait to play again which I'm fine with I've gone this long without playing if I have to wait longer then whatever. Like I said unhappy players don't invest. and at this moment i'm not thrilled about not being able to take armor/weapons/jewelry out of my storage in order to pvp.
EDIT: Sorry if this sounded rude, it's just something I feel strongly about.