If you'd shopped around throughout the years and there's also through word of mouth, you'd realize that game time can be purchased for as low as 5-7$ per month. Now the legality of that game time is obviously questionable but many vets pay that low to play, so it's not a made up number and more like the lowest that vets have paid to play
Obviously questionable? Most probably buying low with a proxy from an origin store in a foreign country, right? That's especially "fair" for people living in those countries. It's "cheap" there for a reason! Because it's definitely not "cheap" for them.
Dude, I'll tell you something, I also paid 7.50 per month, but perfectly legal, without exploiting currency differences. It is called 6mo GTC. 45 bucks upfront. Easy as that...
And I'll tell you some more: Late-comers get the shaft. You had 20 years to pay the bills. Others did. You didn't. Again, deal with it.
And still, it is a made up number. You made it up. For a feature that doesn't exist...
See this is what's wrong with some vets and it's sad... too much entitlement is not good and my solution would be fair for all
Every single paying customer is entitled to call himself a vet for every single month they paid. Even the ones with their very first month. Because they kept the game running in all those years. There wouldn't be an UO without them. So yeah, there could not be enough entitlement and they can be proud of it...
No matter how you twist and turn it, it's not fair. Can't say it often enough: Deal with it.