Please fix
1. Light at champ spawns.
o How to reproduce:
Classic client.
Walking away from a champ spawn, one encounters a zone of darkness.
o Discussion:
People with nightsight item(s) and elves should not go completely dark, ever.
o How to fix:
Check to see if the person is equipped with nightsight item(s), or is an elf, before changing to complete darkness.
2. Felucca facet desolated landscape in places that are distinctly not Felucca facet
o How to reproduce:
Classic client.
Visit the Felucca facet.
Then visit another facet (notably Trammel and Eodon).
After a few minutes, the Entering-Felucca warning sound will play, and the landscape will be replaced by the desolated gravestone and defoliated landscape of Felucca facet.
o How to fix:
Check to see if a character is actually in Felucca facet before playing the sound and changing the landscape to Felucca facet defoliated landscape.
3. I lost my spell icon!
o How to reproduce:
Classic client.
Start running in any direction.
Did you lose the spell icon that was under the pointer because you clicked on it when you wanted to run that direction? That happens WAY too often.
This is a design flaw that has been present since 1997.
o How to fix:
There are several ways to fix this.
a) Double-right. All spell icons would require a double-right-click to dismiss.
b) The option option. Shift-click a spell icon to bring up a context menu that would allow you to set single or double right click to dismiss, or "no dismissing with right" or "dismiss now."
4. Lost lifebars
o How to reproduce:
Classic client. Have lifebars for your friends and their pets.
A person or pet died. Usually you lose the lifebar.
o How to fix:
Don't lose the lifebar for anything that can be resurrected.
5. Lost ninja form on logging in
o How to reproduce:
Be a ninja. Be in a ninja form such as ninja dog form. Lose connection.
You change back to your human or elf or gargoyle form when you log in.
o How to fix:
Don't lose the form when logging in.
This doesn't happen to, e.g., necromancy vampire form, so whatever you're
doing for them, do for ninja forms too.
6. Death Strike does less damage than not using it
o How to reproduce:
Be a ninja.
Hit your foe with your weapon. Note how much damage you just did to your foe.
Use death strike. Hit your foe with your weapon. Note that the damage you did
to your foe is much less than not using death strike.
You facepalm because of the waste of mana.
Yes, I know that it's supposed to give a bonus if used when running or whatever.
But, you know, the *character* has dexterity because the *player* doesn't.
o How to fix:
If there's no running or whatever involved, do the same thing as the Bushido lightning strike.
7. Fix Justice gain
o Discussion
The only way to gain Justice these days is by abusing two accounts.
There are no red-named murderers any more because they've all used a
Royal Forged Pardon.
This is dumb.
o How to fix:
Allow gain of Justice by killing ANY red-named thing under the Fel PvP ruleset.
Seriously, from a role-playing standpoint, how is a character
supposed to know that he's killing a "real person" as opposed to an "NPC"?
Introduce "Justice Sage" which would be the equivalent for Justice as "Compassion Sage"
is for Compassion.
8. Female gargoyle walking east with large shield leaves shmutz on screen when she stops.
o How to reproduce:
Classic client.
Be a female gargoyle.
Equip a large shield.
Walk east. Stop. Note that the there is one frame of the shield walk animation left behind.
o How to fix:
I don't know. That area has to be "restored" when the gargoyle stops walking, if that's how you're doing your "sprites."
If that IS how you are doing your sprites, you might consider just restoring the whole background every frame -- computers today are fast enough to keep up for a reasonable 30 fps.
9. Rare pieces of named armor.
e.g. Greymist armor, Myrmidon armor, Assassin armor
These suits have "rare" pieces.
This means that just about no one has a complete suit, and we can't trade to get them
because we are ALL missing the SAME pieces.
o How to fix:
Make all the named armor suit pieces have the same drop rate.
9. The game has become less rewarding.
o The drop rate of goodies in Doom Gauntlet is much less than it was historically.
o The drop rate of Eodon recipes and armor pieces is low.
o Named armor pieces (e.g. Gremist armor, Myrmidon armor, Assassin armor) are too hard to get.
o The drop rate of Minax items in Dungeon Blackthorn from fighting typical monsters other than the town bubbles has decreased from 6/hour to 3/hour to currently about 1/hour.
o I did not get the crimson cincture, ever.
o Discussion:
These reductions have made it so that the average player is going to give up on getting these things. Overheard: "This is not fun."
o How to fix: determine which of the Dev team has a gambling problem, and DO NOT let him or her be the one to set the drop rate. People with gambling addictions are willing to accept reward frequencies lower than a normal person would.
10. The new Doom gauntlet is not fun.
o Discussion:
We aren't all uber sampires with uber equipment.
o How to fix:
Revert the Doom gauntlet and just add the new items to the list of things that drop.