Stratics Veteran
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IDOCs aren't the problem.
The current state of IDOCs is a symptom of the way UO has systematically favored, encouraged, and rewarded greed for years now at the expense of gameplay and community. Lack of any meaningful TOS enforcement--particularly in regards to RMT--is the problem. A pattern of making changes that ostensibly are to reduce cheating and misbehavior (like the 5/10/15 hour change to IDOCs) but that actually make it worse exacerbates it. And here we are.
EM event disruption, multiboxing, scripting, IDOCs... these are all things that people frequently and justifiably complain about, and the biggest offenders almost invariably share the common denominator of RMT selling.
Could the right adjustments help? Maybe, to some degree. But if the root of a variety of problematic issues is not seriously addressed, then the issues will just return in another form. The problem is runaway RMT and lack of TOS enforcement. The current state of IDOCs, and indeed a great many recurring complaints people have about the game, are symptoms of a common problem.
When I came back to UO after several years away, I was shocked at how pervasive the RMT advertising in game was. It's a real turn off, and makes it look like the game isn't under control at all. I don't expect all of it to ever be flushed out entirely in any game, but I don't think it unreasonable to expect to be able to walk through Luna or Britain without stepping over a trail of ad books, or sit in the help channel without having to keep setting a bunch of spambots on ignore, or participate in content that isn't hijacked by multiple accounts of a small handful of people looking only for a payday.
RMT is tangible, RL incentive to push out others, monopolize content, and cheat any which way possible, and with no consequence that is exactly what has happened, what is happening, and what will continue to happen in every aspect of the game until meaningful action is taken to slow it down and make people think twice.
The current state of IDOCs is a symptom of the way UO has systematically favored, encouraged, and rewarded greed for years now at the expense of gameplay and community. Lack of any meaningful TOS enforcement--particularly in regards to RMT--is the problem. A pattern of making changes that ostensibly are to reduce cheating and misbehavior (like the 5/10/15 hour change to IDOCs) but that actually make it worse exacerbates it. And here we are.
EM event disruption, multiboxing, scripting, IDOCs... these are all things that people frequently and justifiably complain about, and the biggest offenders almost invariably share the common denominator of RMT selling.
Could the right adjustments help? Maybe, to some degree. But if the root of a variety of problematic issues is not seriously addressed, then the issues will just return in another form. The problem is runaway RMT and lack of TOS enforcement. The current state of IDOCs, and indeed a great many recurring complaints people have about the game, are symptoms of a common problem.
When I came back to UO after several years away, I was shocked at how pervasive the RMT advertising in game was. It's a real turn off, and makes it look like the game isn't under control at all. I don't expect all of it to ever be flushed out entirely in any game, but I don't think it unreasonable to expect to be able to walk through Luna or Britain without stepping over a trail of ad books, or sit in the help channel without having to keep setting a bunch of spambots on ignore, or participate in content that isn't hijacked by multiple accounts of a small handful of people looking only for a payday.
RMT is tangible, RL incentive to push out others, monopolize content, and cheat any which way possible, and with no consequence that is exactly what has happened, what is happening, and what will continue to happen in every aspect of the game until meaningful action is taken to slow it down and make people think twice.