PVP is fun. Don’t just play pure pvm, join a guild and have fun with PVP, and you will pick up defensive skills to stay alive easier at spawn raids.
Basically if I don’t get dismounted, chances of surviving is close to 95% as long as I keep running even with 3-4 chasing my tail. Been there and done that, even against guilds i know who are using “speed hacks”.
Once I was using my sampire and I led a lone attacker from T2A to Brit twice, ran in circles, around houses, even ran in a small triangle within 8 squares. They can’t kill you dude.
He gave up chasing me, but I can’t finish my spawn as he just keep harassing me. But he can’t either because if he does I will go in with my pvp char.
Stay, dismount, disarmed = dead for sure.
In my shard, it’s like “gangs”. There are currently 2 guillds now that does Pk and pvp. Pk is like upholding the tradition and name of a “Killer” guild since Fel started... PVP is when to fight another opposing “Killer” guild... somewhat we call them our enemies... without enemies in game then it’s not a game.... PK is a profession by itself I guess.
Yes I agree Pk and pvp are different as what
@Scribbles described is correct. But I personally loved PvP 99% more than PK. PK is more for the guild’s name, brotherhood (hehe), show them who we are (smacks my forehead... geez)... but what the heck I haven’t really PKer anyone but I have PVP killed some pvp chars... lol