First off this is not a complaint so please don't flame this post about pvm players in Fel. I'm just curious as to what is the allure for having 4-5 people swooping in for a 1 minute battle against a person doing a Champ Spawn. Here's the scenario; I play a VERY low population server and solo Despise very often. Sometimes I get raided and that is completely goes with the territory. Here's what I don't get, Despise spawn will literally go untouched for days on end unless I go trigger the spawn and work it. Sometimes the same group of people come down to raid. No big deal, but they literally have to monitor the spawn for days if not weeks waiting for that one lone PVM'r to come down so they can raid the spawn otherwise nobody is there. Is PVP really that exciting to have a short battle with a player geared for PVM and having no interest in PVP? Controlling the scroll trade can't be the answer because I'm literally swimming in 120's. Is having a 1 minute battle 4 vs 1 really that exciting to camp a spawn for so long hoping to fight kill a lone player?