then don't play siege ffs, you guys know the restrictions going in and if you can't deal with the 1 character per account limit then go somewhere else.
Not a single book is an 'essential' part of game play.
Listen mate I have hundreds and hundreds of those items on prodo shard, I still have about 350 heritage tokens, at least 225 power scroll and alacrity books etc. I have 16th anni horses coming out the wazoo.
I moved to siege and found the problem with that shard is if you weren't ON IT when gifts were issued, there is no way to get them. Now most gifts that are deco don't really matter, sure some would be nice but you can do with out them. I had heaps and heaps of problems obtaining the above books when I first started and was only lucky that I was given ONE pink transcendance scroll book and since then one of each of the others. On Prodo shards you can buy all the stuff transferred by the truck load (given that every account gets 7 and xsharding allows a single account to obtain 300 odd of each gift or more), so there is no scarcity and for 50k you can go buy what you want all the time. On Siege you need to store a LOT more scrolls 105/110's as you have to bind them. Due to ROT you need to store heaps of alacrities, and pinks etc so the need for powerscroll books is vastly different to on prodo. You don't get hundreds and hundreds of the things transferred to you. You may not consider them ESSENTIAL but I assure you on siege they are.
I am not wanting more characters. And I certainly KNOW what the deal is going in on siege.
It doesn't make my point less vallid. Close to a year ago at the Meet & Greet on Siege it was bought up that new players to siege had a seriously hard time obtaining items from past gifts (and I am not talking deco items here but those items in daily use) and that there needed to be a way to obtain these items in game for current and future players. Mesanna said in relation to the books that they would be added to the clean up menu, even though the more logical thing would be to add them to the inscribe menu. But Ok that was a good solution.
So yes seeing them now dumped onto another token is pretty crap, as it will just create the same damn problem we currently have that in a yrs time new people to the shard will not have access again to items that ARE essential to game play. Years ago there were no alactrity scrolls and transcendance scrolls so there was no need for books, things change, these items are items that should be available in game in some way all the time.
Now siege players have to decide to get the scroll books that are are super scarce but needed for gameplay or get a new gift to actually celebrate the 20 yrs. It totally sucks that this is the case.