They were all hit overly hard, and no, some people might still play them, but they are most certainly not the meta. Before the last publish everyone was playing 4/6 chiv chars and LP splinter mages, and now the meta is nothing but tamers with variations of other classes.
Unless you like the style, playing an archer is stupid as hell now. Archers got nerfed in dumb ways. Moving shots got overly nerfed, armor ignore nerfs, nerfs to DPS that result from swing speed, and they absolutely destroyed mortal. Playing an archer now is completely unappealing, and a waste of time, even though the solution was really simple. All they had to do was reduce the base damage on bows, give moving shots a slight reduction to it's damage, and slightly reduce the duration of mortal. This was actually a case where the simpler solution was better than the complicated one. They chose the complicated one. Archers still would've been viable and plenty of fun to play, and tons of people would still be playing them
Wrestle parry mages are no longer good now unless it's a hybrid temp. No, they are not the highest casting damage, parry caps sdi at 20, and if you want to say they are better because of inscribe, well you can add scribe to any other mage temp as well. For example, an inscribe mystic mage would easily do way more damage than a wrestle parry scribe mage. Wrestle Parry mages now NEED scribe just to have the same amount of SDI (30) that they used to have without it, except now you're sacrificing 100 skill points which used to be used for something like alchemy. That's not even mentioning the extra damage that a non-wrestle mage would get from using a weapon (hit spell, armor ignore, splinter, LP, etc). There's a reason everyone moved to LP splinter mages.
And as for deathstrikers, they've been on the decline for a long time now. They became less viable as other templates became more powerful offensively and defensively. First, they overly nerfed frenzied whirlwind when they reduced the slow duration from 4.5 seconds to 2 seconds. 4.5 seconds was OP when everyone played mage weapon mages, but by that time, everyone made the transition to wrestle parry mages. Then the masteries hit, which nerfed deathstrikers even more, by giving archers/dexxers the ability to use the disarm mastery. Then it got nerfed by way of stagnation. Wrestle Parry mages added healing to their defense, Archers added bushido confidence heals, and all deathstrikers got was a mastery that gave a lower chance to be revealed when stealthing- something that's especially useful when outnumbered/alone, but not nearly as important in group fights as healing skill or bushido heals. Then, they removed disarm splinters altogether, and along with the masteries, a far better template defensively and utility wise, with similar damage arose- the bushido parry 4/6 chiv dexxer- decreasing the need for the deathstriker's utility abilities in a group.
Don't get me wrong, some of these nerfs were necessary- like the no-dachi dismount, and although the waki nerf was too hard, it did need a nerf. But they nerfed these templates too hard. Sure, they aren't completely useless, but they nerfed them to the point where they are not competitively viable options, and also, they are not nearly as fun as they used to be.