Silk road? Are you serious?
Everything sells for less on low pop shards. Who would bring goods from Atlantic to resell for cheaper on a dead shard?
You can dream all day that event hoppers somehow help dead shards, but they don't. Showing up for exactly 1 hour once a month and taking the artifacts created by that particular shard's EM isn't helping.
It's pillaging.
By silk road I am saying players are providing the transport of items from one shard to the next, that might not otherwise take place. Yes, when people need something specific they pay full price for what they want, but they don't have to pay for the cost of *shipping* or cross shard themselves to get it. Who takes stuff to small shards? A lot of like minded people who find joy in helping other people out.
There are a good deal of us out there who don't fit the mold you are casting. Whlie some do just what you say, others take part in the community, add to the RP, and even host auctions or festivals. A few bad apples don't make the bunch.
Pillaging? If you were just on Drachenfels, there were supposed to be 100 drops. 3 10 character multiboxxers killed the end boss in 10 seconds. A drop intended for everyone only went to a select group of multiboxxers and a couple of people lucky enough to get rights. Yep, I can't defend that. All I can say is this behavior doesn't represent the xsharders as a whole, but it does reflect on the underlying issue of greed addressed by this month's letter.
@Mesanna, I hope you reconsider your stance on Multiboxxing, a majority of players feel that no single player should be able control 10 characters with one mouse and keyboard at the same time.