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Magery Master on pets?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't tested it, nor have i ever used the magery mastery.

Wondering what effect it gives the pets, if anyone has used it.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not noticing much other than the critter mages. I believe they fixed the problem with pet using mage not engaging in melee and just standing there trying to cast and getting the snot beat out of them. I personally have concluded mage on 99% of pets is a absolute waste of points Spellweaving, Necro, Bushido, and Chiv are all farm more effective IMO.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not noticing much other than the critter mages. I believe they fixed the problem with pet using mage not engaging in melee and just standing there trying to cast and getting the snot beat out of them. I personally have concluded mage on 99% of pets is a absolute waste of points Spellweaving, Necro, Bushido, and Chiv are all farm more effective IMO.
My rune beetle used what I assume was death ray which did 100 damage to swoop every tick for about 20 seconds. Swoop was stuck so it couldn't get to it to melee.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Swap that for SW and watch what the pets 120 WOD does in the tail end of a hard fight :) Not saying it is worthless just that there are better choices, just my opinion and based on my play style :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't tested it, nor have i ever used the magery mastery.

Wondering what effect it gives the pets, if anyone has used it.


Look at the pets starting skill slots. If it doesn't have magery points and eval points, it will cost 1501 to add magery. So, most pets are not viable mages anyway.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok... Well if I'm looking at a pet with Magery, Magery mastery is free to add. I'm really just wondering how effective if at all death Ray is


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok... Well if I'm looking at a pet with Magery, Magery mastery is free to add. I'm really just wondering how effective if at all death Ray is

I don't it works that way. They start casting magery spells. @BeaIank May be able to answer that. I haven't seen my mystic pets cast the mastery spinning things.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't it works that way. They start casting magery spells. @BeaIank May be able to answer that. I haven't seen my mystic pets cast the mastery spinning things.
I honestly dunno what ur talking about. You can only give the Magery mastery to a pet with Magery. I'm literally just wondering what death Ray really does.

Forget it lol. I'll just go test myself


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My rune beetle used what I assume was death ray which did 100 damage to swoop every tick for about 20 seconds. Swoop was stuck so it couldn't get to it to melee.
When it went off was there a graphic? How often were the ticks?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
fairly quick. 1.25 maybe. Definitely under 2 seconds. Little blue sparkles


Crazed Zealot
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I don't it works that way. They start casting magery spells. @BeaIank May be able to answer that. I haven't seen my mystic pets cast the mastery spinning things.
Actually, I do not.
So far I have actively removing magery from the pets I train, replacing it with chiv or sw. :p
The dread spider is the only one spared from that, but only because I gave it necromage.
MAYBE I will give my kitsune that to see how it goes.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I honestly dunno what ur talking about. You can only give the Magery mastery to a pet with Magery. I'm literally just wondering what death Ray really does.

Forget it lol. I'll just go test myself

When you put on Chiv, Myst, or Spell weav, they cast spells from their respective books.

I put Magery on a pet by accident. It cast a flamestrike and then when the mana was low it cast a lot of this.


Sparkles in CC. Paralyze?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I haven't tested it, nor have i ever used the magery mastery.

Wondering what effect it gives the pets, if anyone has used it.

I put magery mastery on my nightmare I copied over to TC, I found it wasnt very helpful, the mare kept casting magic reflection which dropped its physical resist from 80 to 60, making it take a lot more damage, and of course I had no way to make it turn that off apart from recalling which seemed to do it, but the mare would just turn it on again after fighting a while.

The only other thing I noticed is it was using the teleport spell, when told to attack things etc.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya'll clearly haven't seen a Stygian Drake tp to it's target when "all kill'd".


Stratics Veteran
Skree has Mysticism, Magery and Eval. Mysticism is active, Mage/Eval dormant.
I have a Myst Skree, maybe I'll try out a Magery version, still got an Eval 120er somewhere.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't tested it, nor have i ever used the magery mastery.

Wondering what effect it gives the pets, if anyone has used it.

Any answer? Does magery mastery make the pet cast magery spells or does it also do something else?

I also see a lot of teleporting used.


From what it seems it adds a few extra spells to the casting pool (Honestly more annoying spells than anything else to me...) I've seen teleport/magic reflect (a pet will keep this up for about 15 seconds as well which messes up their resists >.<)/Arch Cure/Death ray.

I've honestly stopped training magery mastery after my serpentine since the added spells don't really help at all, a high int pets best move will be mind blast which on the serp is hitting for about 100ish on targets with 50 cold resist. It can cast this without magery mastery I believe.


Babbling Loonie
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Magery Mastery not only gives the pet more spells to use, such as Death Ray (which they'll continue channeling until either damaged or they run out of Mana), Mind Blast (Magery Mastery is the only way for any creature in the game to cast Mind Blast), Magic Reflection (which is a bug that Bleak was supposed to have removed) and Arch Cure, but it also alters their spell casting AI. At medium-high Mana they literally spam their heavy hitter spells, alternating between FS and E-Bolt, while sometimes mixing in a Death Ray or Mind Blast (i've seen them swap their E-Bolt for MB in the rotation before). At low mana they'll use Mana Vampire to try to steal Mana back, and when at really low Mana levels is the only time you'll really see them cast lower level spells like Lightning, Fireball, Harm, Magic Arrow or debuffs. When outside of melee range of a kill target, they have a strong tendency to Teleport right to the kill target.

Stygian Drakes start with Magery Mastery, and Serpentine Dragons make a prime candidate for it with their 1,000-1,040 INT (heavy Mind Blast damage, and faster mana regeneration rate from INT). A Serpentine Dragon with Magery Mastery is the only pet in the game that i would even consider giving a 120 Magery PS to.


Hmm maybe I'll try magery mastery on my phoenix. It doesn't have serp dragon lvl int, but its naturally pretty high when compared with other creatures. That and Mage Mastery only costs 1 point. hah
How its combined with armor ignore special move?
I gave my Styg Grasping Claw and AI because of the rather high STR on them. It uses both very frequently and out damages any spells it uses.

The Death Ray is really just a redundant form of damage that pales in comparison to Grasping/AI for mine. But the nice thing about magery mastery is that teleport. I imagine that it would be a good PvP utility, though I haven't PvP'd with any pets yet. I can imagine a magery mastery pet able to teleport to a mage that's ported on top of a hill—boom pet is back on them, etc...

The only thing about my Styg tho is it gets chunked easily, which I guess is the Magic Reflection everyone is talking about. My highest dmg pet so far, but have to constantly keep an eye on it, invis/pull it off if it grabs aggro etc.


I gave my Styg Grasping Claw and AI because of the rather high STR on them. It uses both very frequently and out damages any spells it uses.

The Death Ray is really just a redundant form of damage that pales in comparison to Grasping/AI for mine. But the nice thing about magery mastery is that teleport. I imagine that it would be a good PvP utility, though I haven't PvP'd with any pets yet. I can imagine a magery mastery pet able to teleport to a mage that's ported on top of a hill—boom pet is back on them, etc...

The only thing about my Styg tho is it gets chunked easily, which I guess is the Magic Reflection everyone is talking about. My highest dmg pet so far, but have to constantly keep an eye on it, invis/pull it off if it grabs aggro etc.
How is mana management with Grasp and AI? I have only tested a few pets on live and TC and any pet I give AI always runs out of mana. Even the lesser hiryu with 120 med/focus and 30 MR. It's amazing spike damage, but after the "alpha strike" its out of mana and will use AI maybe once every 10-20 seconds, drastically reducing its overall DPS. Right now I have 158 points left on a phoenix, who can be trained in grasping or AI and I'm thinking I may go for grasping for the sustained damage boost through phys resist reduction.

I tested Mage Mastery on my phoenix on TC last night and was pretty impressed. It's magery/eval int was only around 90, but it'd cast like 3-4 FS's in about 4 seconds and that would happen every 10-15 seconds! It constantly kept mana vampire up as well. The biggest down fall was Magic Reflect. It just kills the customization and the pet :/ Dropping phys to 60 is terrible! Kind of wish they'd switch that with Reactive! 95/75/75/40/75 or similar on pets. I do have one concern with the casting of Arch Cure though - it seems to hit the creature you're fighting as well??? o_O

I'm keeping 1 point available on my phoenix for when they hopefully remove Reflect Magic, or replace it with a more useful spell. @Bleak - any word? :D


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Right now I have 158 points left on a phoenix, who can be trained in grasping or AI and I'm thinking I may go for grasping for the sustained damage boost through phys resist reduction.
For a Phoenix, Inferno is better than Grasping Claw. Grasping Claw lowers Physical Resist by 6-9 while dealing slight Physical Damage, it has a sparkle graphic. Inferno lowers Fire Resist by 1/4th (if the Phoenix is fighting an opponent with 80 Fire Resist, Inferno will lower it by 20, down to 60) while dealing a moderate amount of Fire Damage, it has the same graphic as Flamestrike. The Phoenix's melee does 50% Physical Damage/50% Fire Damage, and against most foes the Inferno will lower Fire Resist more than Grasping Claw lowers Physical Resist, plus the lower Fire Resist also affects spell damage from Magic Arrow, Fireball, Explosion or Flamestrike.


For a Phoenix, Inferno is better than Grasping Claw. Grasping Claw lowers Physical Resist by 6-9 while dealing slight Physical Damage, it has a sparkle graphic. Inferno lowers Fire Resist by 1/4th (if the Phoenix is fighting an opponent with 80 Fire Resist, Inferno will lower it by 20, down to 60) while dealing a moderate amount of Fire Damage, it has the same graphic as Flamestrike. The Phoenix's melee does 50% Physical Damage/50% Fire Damage, and against most foes the Inferno will lower Fire Resist more than Grasping Claw lowers Physical Resist, plus the lower Fire Resist also affects spell damage from Magic Arrow, Fireball, Explosion or Flamestrike.

Thanks for the input! I tried Inferno on the phoenix while on test, but it didn't seem like it was doing anything. I guess I was expecting a different graphic. Makes sense now! Some of those FS's were probably Inferno's.
I don't it works that way. They start casting magery spells. @BeaIank May be able to answer that. I haven't seen my mystic pets cast the mastery spinning things.
Hi! I've following some post you created talking about mysticism in pets. I decided to put in my lesse hiryu. It started with 19.5 in myst and after 2 days training (with crazed mage, unbound vortex, wind elemental, navrey and spawns [to have fun =)] ) I didn't raise any 0.1 single point!

In Gregorio, for example, I incircled the LH I say to it to attack him, but it ignores (I mean, he 'jumps', as it is preparing to attack, but doesn't cast anything)

It's definetely not casting any myst spell.

Am I doing anything wrong?

[I afraid to put other magic skills on it for the same reason!]



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi! I've following some post you created talking about mysticism in pets. I decided to put in my lesse hiryu. It started with 19.5 in myst and after 2 days training (with crazed mage, unbound vortex, wind elemental, navrey and spawns [to have fun =)] ) I didn't raise any 0.1 single point!

In Gregorio, for example, I incircled the LH I say to it to attack him, but it ignores (I mean, he 'jumps', as it is preparing to attack, but doesn't cast anything)

It's definetely not casting any myst spell.

Am I doing anything wrong?

[I afraid to put other magic skills on it for the same reason!]

Cant have 2 magics. You have a Bushido Cu probably. What does the Lore and Knowledge screen in black letters say?

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Is bushido in magic school? I cant remember since it was a while since I did a hiryu.

If it is, then it's possible bushido overwrote Mysticism when you added Bushido.
You can relearn mysticism if you still have training points to spare. Only costs 1 point to switch back.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
well. yeah..in fact, Myst is not there. But I've paid for that =/

View attachment 84758

View attachment 84759

A bug then??
Not a bug. The system is working as intended. It’s part of the “rules” that were laid out when the pet revamp was released. You can only have one magic on a pet. I’m sure there is a message that pops up when you try to add another magic warning you about overwriting the previous one.

And Lex, bushido is a magic in the pet system. There are a bunch that people would not think were Magic’s but they are. Poisoning, wrestling mastery and slashing come to mind.
So I trained a serp dragon to have mage mastery. I decided he wasn't going to be a very good pet, but ended up farting around destard with him one day (he was a 4 slot at the time, but trained). I sicked it on a shadow wyrm, and noticed he killed it VERY quickly.

So I decided hey, what the heck I'll give mage mastery on a bane dragon another go. Tossed armor ignore on it, mage mastery, and goo.

This bane dragon I have absolutely decimates mobs. Faster than any pet that I own.


Crazed Zealot
So I trained a serp dragon to have mage mastery. I decided he wasn't going to be a very good pet, but ended up farting around destard with him one day (he was a 4 slot at the time, but trained). I sicked it on a shadow wyrm, and noticed he killed it VERY quickly.

So I decided hey, what the heck I'll give mage mastery on a bane dragon another go. Tossed armor ignore on it, mage mastery, and goo.

This bane dragon I have absolutely decimates mobs. Faster than any pet that I own.
This is very interesting. We have heard a lot of negatives for Magery Mastery, including for Bane Dragons. Problems the pet had with MM are listed here in the Stratics, include self-debuff spells that lower resists etc.
Have the problems with MM been addressed? That would be awesome!

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Still self-debuffs.
But also self-buffs phys resist.

Ive seen MM give 90% phys resist, but then fire resist drops etc.
It depends on what dmg you are taking, if it's gonna be hurting or not.
I noticed that it will swap the buffs depending on the type of damage it's taking. When I had my bane fighting a bunch of physical dmg mobs, it threw on reactive armor. When I was making it fight mobs with elemental damage, it used magic reflection for higher elemental resists.


Crazed Zealot
I noticed that it will swap the buffs depending on the type of damage it's taking. When I had my bane fighting a bunch of physical dmg mobs, it threw on reactive armor. When I was making it fight mobs with elementabolt etc?l damage, it used magic reflection for higher elemental resists.
Does it also use ALL the reguar magery spells? Like self heal, Stregth, lightning bolt, and telepots also?


Crazed Zealot
Does it also use ALL the reguar magery spells? Like self heal, Stregth, lightning bolt, and telepots also?
So nothing has changed, I supose..So real problem is whether to just keep regular magery on banes or Magey Mastery..? Or if you got enough points to add another magic like Chiv I guess..?


Crazed Zealot
So nothing has changed, I supose..So real problem is whether to just keep regular magery on banes or Magey Mastery..? Or if you got enough points to add another magic like Chiv I guess..?
Hate to mess this one up, since it is the only super rare pet I got, having messed up the Dread Mare I had by selling it to a very kind buyer for 20 M a year or so ago...So its staying in the stable waiting to see what changes/nerfs are heading its way. Got about 200-220M worth of 120's waiting for it, just too anxious to blow them on him for same reasons..


Seasoned Veteran
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I put magery mastery on a phoenix with inferno and goo its very entertaining to watch it. I took it to the cyclops temple in ish and it was attacking 3 cyclops and a ettin popped up and was hit by goo then the phoenix teleported to the ettin pecked it a few times killed it then teleported back to the cyclops to finish them off. my phoenix was a 3 slot I bumped it to 4 and im working towards 5 slot. Right now with full mana when I do "all kill" it will proceed to dump all its mana with fs explodes and ebolts. I've seen it do 6 flamestrikes in a row. I plan when it gets to 5 slot to increase its mana to 1500 then give em some eval meditation and focus ps to help it with its mana dumping.


Crazed Zealot
I put magery mastery on a phoenix with inferno and goo its very entertaining to watch it. I took it to the cyclops temple in ish and it was attacking 3 cyclops and a ettin popped up and was hit by goo then the phoenix teleported to the ettin pecked it a few times killed it then teleported back to the cyclops to finish them off. my phoenix was a 3 slot I bumped it to 4 and im working towards 5 slot. Right now with full mana when I do "all kill" it will proceed to dump all its mana with fs explodes and ebolts. I've seen it do 6 flamestrikes in a row. I plan when it gets to 5 slot to increase its mana to 1500 then give em some eval meditation and focus ps to help it with its mana dumping.
Nice work! Did you use any PS on the Phoenix? What are his stats? Can you post them?


Crazed Zealot
I will try it on the Bane baby on TC1 with MM-AI-Goo and see how it does with its mean LP AOE in spawn areas on TC1..Bane is a little too low on points for the AI-CHIV-Goo combo, but the MM may work esp if one wants to 120 the bane all the way.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will try it on the Bane baby on TC1 with MM-AI-Goo and see how it does with its mean LP AOE in spawn areas on TC1..Bane is a little too low on points for the AI-CHIV-Goo combo, but the MM may work esp if one wants to 120 the bane all the way.
Waste of a good pet. Put it on a Nightmare first and see what it can do. There is a reason the players who have been around since this came out put Chiv on everything that can get it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also notice you are in a thread that is over a year old. And nobody is bragging about magery pets. Cept the NOOB above.

The base build and it's natural abilities make it the best base pet.

PM @Donavon and he will grab your name on test center and show you what is best for it.
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ahh how things change with time. We have orc ships that cant be boarded until you damage them enough yet pets with magery mastery can board a ship from the start before you get your first shot off lol.