The Enchanter
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I never said anyone was right or wrong. I just happen to believe your ranting and raving about tamers being crippled on several different threads is ridiculous. My mage tamer can tackle most any encounter in UO. Sure maybe a sampire can do a champ spawn faster, but there are things my tamer can do that my sampire can't. That is why UO is balanced. A tamer should not be able to do EVERY encounter in game at the same speed and ability as any other template just because you don't want to play other templates.What makes you right and me wrong???? What harm is there in letting a tamer change pets like any other fighter changes weapons????
How about this.... keep it the way it is..... but then make everyone else restricted to bringing 2 weapons ONLY ....... no more than 2 in your pack at a time. Then it will be "fair" for everyone.
The number of pets you can bring does not equate to the number of weapons a dexxer can bring. That's a simplistic analogy that just doesn't make sense. You're comparing apples to oranges.
Also, you can make a hybrid template as a tamer (as you can with any skill group), so that you can have a Tamer-Mage, Tamer-Bard, Tamer-Dexxer, Stealth Tamer - you name it. I'm sure people have been more creative than even those examples I've given. In this current state of UO, there are also TONS of gear that has skill points on them to help save room in your "natural skills" template. If you choose not to utilize those options because you tie up your skill points elsewhere - that is your conscious decision to do so. There are plenty of options out there.
You've said several times in these various taming threads that your tamer has no defensive ability. I don't buy it. Your pet IS your defense. A Greater Dragon is a great big meat shield fighting the spawn or boss in front of you, while you stand back and cast or give pet commands, or whatever else. Sampires and other dexxers have to be upfront in the action and don't have the benefit of having a pet defend them up front.
Further more, life isn't fair and neither is UO.