Players have never been able to use 2-handed weps, utilize parry & chug. Being against an intentional game design & using that to bolster an argument seems a moot point to me. I understand his point & find it lacking merit.
If you've never seen the higher DPS that mystic/necro mages can throw out against a parry mage in a PvP situation then you haven't been fighting good players. I can suggest a few players on Atlantic if you wish.
Your counter to Parry receiving a re-balanced is because it's been this way for years? LOL, priceless.
Guess what else hasn't changed in years.. Archery, Guess what, the mastery sure as hell didn't make it as good as it is... Items were the only thing to change... why would archery need re-balancing?
No one used a parry-mage before global loot. if they did, the template failed them... the dex requirement was the main reason for that because you couldn't have a reasonable amount of dexterity without sacrificing something major for it be it int/mana or even str/hp. Now you can have ~95 dex with 10 dex real because of items + potions... it was a trade-off. now it's pretty much standard. much like most dexers having 100+ mana and 180+ stamina. It's been established that items are the only thing to change the balance in pvp over the last few years... with a few exceptions that no longer exist (holyfist bugs etc)
In my experience the scenarios presented do not accurately depict the top damage casting available to both necro & mystic mages against a parry mage. Both necro & mystics have spells available not included in your string of casting which would increase DPS thus out damage any parry mage.
Your 'factor' of block chance & 'success rate to get off the full combo" is irrelevant when comparing mage templates as it would never come into affect.
Spell trigger being 'a one time use' is also irrelevant because it's one time use is ~40 points of damage that can easily kill your opponent costing zero casting time.
Careful use of this 'one time' spell will insure you have time to recast before the next encounter as your enemy is enjoying his dirt nap.
I respectfully disagree that multiple casting disciplines do not add DPS exceeding that of a defensive parry mage.
I'm curious about the names of these people you're referring to.
You obviously missed the point with this statement...
Your 'factor' of block chance & 'success rate to get off the full combo" is irrelevant when comparing mage templates as it would never come into affect.
Omg...You don't say it doesn't matter mage vs mage? First, Do you even know what the difference is between a mage and a dexer? In case you haven't read this thread... mages vs mages are balanced. It's not because of the damage they do being different between focused spec and not. It's because of player-skill, totally different thing I said this already, it's exactly the same thing you're saying.....
I'll say it a slightly different way since you didn't understand it.
If you drop focus spec your DPS will go down regardless of extra spells that come into play. (even if both templates have parry).
Parry since it pretty much only effects dexers Parry = more spells will go off successfully. It's common knowledge, not rocket science.
On average your dps is based on spells going off or not. Naturally by lowering your SDI (rom 30-15% at the same time adding more spells to your combo (because that's what you have to do...) you add more chances to be interrupted while doing LESS Damage with the fewer spells you'd be casting as focus spec.
Obviously spell plague + something else will do more damage than just whatever follows. but it's another chance to be cancelled due to interruption. not to mention your explo/FS will do about ~4 & ~8 points less damage each. which is half of your one-time-use instant bombard anything that takes the place of bombard in combos to follow will either be longer cast-time or less damage.
The following tests are done without including interruptions. because you can't factor interruptions based on many different peoples timing<>reaction speed<>connection.
Tested without scribe it's also important to note the focus template will ALWAYS have room for another 1-2 skills.
Focus spec Curse+Explosion FS+Lightening = 33+42+19 = 94 6.25s = 15.04 5.0s = 18.8 dps while target remains cursed.
Non-focus mystic Curse+Spell-plague+Exp+FS+Bombard = 25+ 28+11(SP-tick)+38+21* = 132 7s = 18.85 dps dropping down to 16.5 dps while target remains cursed (*trigger is a one-time use) The burst is potentially better with a mystic mage. but if your target lives through it. that's pretty much the only shot you have with that.
Now, that's mage vs mage. interruptions are based on timing (- casting focus) between the two players against "Good" mages, those combos will pretty much never go off, let alone even 2 5+ circle spells going off in succession.
with a dexer vs a mage it's different (this is also the point made that proves it's not balanced) a Parry-Mage has a 67.5% chance to not be hit - 7.5%(HLD) = 62% (it won't get lower than this) Dexers limited to 1.25s (or longer) between attacks that's also assuming you are within their attack range 100% of the time which NEVER happens unless one of the two players are afk/cliented...
All tests were done with unrealistic circumstances: either one or more of these will result in lowering dexer dps.
Against a pre-debuffed target 35(AI)+9(50%)+7(50%)x5 = 215 over 6s = 35.8 dps (100% chance to hit (This is not even possible anymore btw))
against a non-parry-mage = 50% chance to hit - 7.5%(HLD) = 42.5% after HLD We'll assume the target has HLD applied the whole time for argument sake.
= dps would be about 20.6 to a non-parry mage. (with HLD factored 100% of the time)
= dps would be 13.6 against a parry mage. (with HLD factored 100% of the time) - realistically it would be lower than this in every single situation.
DPS from an Archer = ~22.1 (average factoring only RNG) vs ~7.0 (average) dps of a mystic mage due to the mystic being hit. (this is assuming the dexer isn't losing stamina, the mage is always within range, and the archer is doing nothing but armor ignore, & HLD is permanently in affect on the mage.)
Archer ~14.2 (average factoring only RNG) vs ~11.6 (average) focus-parry-mage due to the parry-mage being hit (this is assuming the dexer isn't losing stamina, the mage is always within range, and the archer is doing nothing but armor ignore, & HLD is permanently in affect on the mage)
The reason the tests were done with extreme circumstances were to show how much it could be against someone who has absolutely no idea what to do in pvp. (they just stand there and die).
Now that's with unrealistic settings very heavily in favor of the dexer and the absolute most on average the mages dps/hps will be reduced by being hit during however much time the fight lasts.
It's near impossible to put a number on someones reaction speed, timing, & connection to make the most accurate balance between dexers & mages.
Dexers set the bar for how good the mages (Player skill) needs to be, by nerfing Ranged-weapons (which everyone seems to be in favor of, myself included) the parry-mage would be better than it is now against dexers if the block chance stays as is.
I suggested changing Parry chances down to
20% from 35%
IF Parry is acting as a standalone skill Parry would gain the extra 15% (35%) parry chance from a weapon skill swords, fencing, macing, or throwing... in addition to removing the dexterity requirement for Parry altogether.
I say 20% because that's what it is with a dexer that has only a 1-handed weapon & no shield... except the dexer still has a disarm vulnerability. the mage would not, this is why it wouldn't be "Perfect", but it would indeed be more balanced than it is.
All I'm saying is if ranged weapons get a nerf, parry HAS to get a nerf as well it's simple.
I posted numbers because it's proof... Show us your proof that works against it.
We'll see if any useful information can be presented to the devs so that they can apply the appropriate changes.