I've been registered as an independent for several years now. Tried both parties before that and neither of them really felt like a good fit for me. I've never been able to walk into the voting booth and just vote straight down the line for one party or the other. I do my homework and look at all the candidates and issues and really agonize over who and what I'm going to vote for or against. At this point, I would NEVER vote for Trump. I like some of Sander's ideas, but I just don't think a lot of what he is promising is even feasible. Out of Trump, Sanders, and Clinton, if someone forced me to choose, I'd probably have to make myself vote for Clinton just because I think she's got a little more expertise, especially in foreign affairs, and would be far less likely to get the U.S. nuked just for opening her mouth and making an off-the-cuff, ill-considered remark like Trump might.Fiscally conservative and socially liberal is an actual thing. And, about 50 percent of voters are registering as independents. I'm not here to win followers for anyone. A discussion of issues that folks find important would be refreshing.
That makes sense. Democrat? Republican? It does not matter.. they are only different cheeks on the same ass...Tried both parties before that and neither of them really felt like a good fit for me.
The piece I read reported that Obama wants to become Secretary-General of the UN. Just the thought of that makes my blood run cold.Obama is going to push for ambassador of un after he gets out....
^^ This... definitely where he is wanting to head. He has already said numerous times "International Law supersedes American Law".. look it up for yourself if ya don't believe me.The piece I read reported that Obama wants to become Secretary-General of the UN. Just the thought of that makes my blood run cold.
No it is not protesting. It's rioting.. First of all burning the American flag, waving the Mexican with signs Make American Mexican or Brown. Isssss only getting Trump more votes...Shoot.. don't get me wrong.. I support their right to protest. But what those folks are doing out west ain't protesting.
Ya, that is correct, i was at work andtyping in my cell phone on break.The piece I read reported that Obama wants to become Secretary-General of the UN. Just the thought of that makes my blood run cold.
I figured it might be something like that. Heck, I almost typed "President" instead of "Secretary-General"... caught myself just in time.Ya, that is correct, i was at work andtyping in my cell phone on break.
*nods* Sometimes wish I had a time machine... although I know most younger folks wouldn't understand why I'd set it to go back instead of forward.
Ok, but I refuse to vote for a witch. *ducks*lets make america magical
T'was posted for lulz, but I think there is an analogy in this:#Trump4Dev2016 Make UO Great again!!
I've been registered as an independent for several years now. Tried both parties before that and neither of them really felt like a good fit for me. I've never been able to walk into the voting booth and just vote straight down the line for one party or the other. I do my homework and look at all the candidates and issues and really agonize over who and what I'm going to vote for or against. At this point, I would NEVER vote for Trump. I like some of Sander's ideas, but I just don't think a lot of what he is promising is even feasible. Out of Trump, Sanders, and Clinton, if someone forced me to choose, I'd probably have to make myself vote for Clinton just because I think she's got a little more expertise, especially in foreign affairs, and would be far less likely to get the U.S. nuked just for opening her mouth and making an off-the-cuff, ill-considered remark like Trump might.
I'm seriously considering voting for Gary Johnson. I don't agree with everything the Libertarians have to say, nor do I agree with everything Johnson has ever said or done either. But I think both he and Bill Weld, the Libertarian's VP candidate, are definitely worthy of consideration. I'll be keeping an eye on what they say and do in coming months and digging up everything I can to read more about them. And I just might start answering more of the unwanted phone calls I get just in case it's a pollster to try to get those guys up to the 15% mark so Johnson can hopefully participate in the Presidential debates in the fall. Would really, really love to see him go toe-to-toe with both Trump and Clinton.
Actually he was a successful business man and one of the most prominent real estate developers long before taking a TV role.It terrifies me such notable portion of U.S is actually considering a reality tv character as their President.
Secretary of state with years of experience? What did she accomplish in those years? Did the world become any safer? Did America's position in the world advance any further? She does have blood on her hands and lied about the entire Benghazi incident.. tried blaming it on a YouTube video... and still nothing has been done about it because she is corrupt.It is ridiculous to watch Trump supporters accuse Clinton for being corrupt, or having "blood on her hands." You are comparing former Secretary of State with years of experience in various offices to a tv personality born in old money. Trump hasn't gotten to sit behind tables where he'd get an opportunity to get corrupted.
Respectfully, a simpleton argument by someone who doesn't appear to understand the United States.I fully understand how picking lesser of two evils is deep in political DNA of USA. This weird two party system ensures that much. However, I will never understand twist in logic, dysfunction in common sense and off-season for morals it requires to see Trump as a lesser of two evil. We speak of seasoned politician Vs a a tv-personality, a character.
Are you kidding me? That is not an intelligent or factual statement.He has never been in position where decisions need to be made, mistakes happen and responsibility needs to be taken.
Spoken like a non-American with little understand of our political system.Luckily Trump is far too incompetent,dispassionate and indifferent to be compared to Hitler. However, the voter base is similar. Early Nazis and Trump supporters ultimately respond and react to same thing; Pure personality with dubious policy coming from outside. Lack of policy gets replaced by rantings about things to fear, things to hate, things that are broken. Calling others for their mistakes after holding positions similar in responsibility to those Taxi drivers and barbers of meme above. To Nazis defense, ( Don't get to say that every day!!) they at least fell under evil spell of man of pure passion and hatred. It is likely Hitler fully believed in every word he said. Hitler was real. Trump on the other hand is just trolling and playing the crowd.He is a character. And you are actually buying into it. Very difficult to understand.
The right wing is on the rise all over the world now that the lies of socialism and multi-culturalism have been exposed. Europe is FAR WORSE OFF for the European Union, especially with their immigration problem." But we dun't want a politican!! Theys corrupt! We want the system to change! USA USA USA!" This collective rise of anti-intellectualism in West troubles me quite a bit. Mainland Europe, USA, UK all have such dark spells to them now. It is entirely likely that in 100 years, books about history of things to come devote a chapter to change in our attitudes around 2014-16. This stuff acts as enabler to all our darker sides.
YES WE CAN!It is incredibly impressive how far one can get with doctored-to-be-dumb catchphrases. No policy, no substance,no ideology, no experience in legislative office of any kind. Just memes. It is kinda terrifying how THIS is all portion of U.S needs to end up under such a spell. Terrifying bit there being how well somebody with actual fire and fury might one day handle you and guide your thought.
President in U.S has reasonably good measure of power. Means your vote is pretty important. Don't insult the right by casting it on douchebags like Trump.
For all my distaste for the Democratic party, I absolutely loath the Republican party, it's continual efforts to undermine the principles of democracy by passing laws which discriminate, and divide the American people along racial, civic, religious, and gender lines is abhorrent. A Democratic system only operates properly when it can be be utilized by all members of it's citizenry freely and openly. As a Representative Republic, America can only suffer when our electorate only represents and strives to serve a minority voice, instead of through the exercise of true democracy, regardless of if that voice be of the wealthy, the poor, the middle class, individuals of a specific gender, religion, ethnicity, or lifestyle; all have to be heard equally and with equal weight.From George Washington's Farewell Address
All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and Associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the Constituted authorities are destructive of this fundamental principle and of fatal tendency. They serve to Organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force — to put in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party; often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the Community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public Administration the Mirror of the ill concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the Organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common councils and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or Associations of the above description may now & then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People, & to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
Please. We all know that the ideologies that plays the race game are the Liberals and Socialists. They're the ones that CONSTANTLY attempt to divide us by race, wealth and religion. Implying that it is the Republicans is a complete load of crap.Personally I'm opposed to Political Parties, they all eventually end up working harder to forward their own agendas than working to better the people they were elected to serve. I'm happy to say that I'm not alone is believing this way, George Washington commented on it and warned of the dangers in his farewell address when leaving office in 1797.
For all my distaste for the Democratic party, I absolutely loath the Republican party, it's continual efforts to undermine the principles of democracy by passing laws which discriminate, and divide the American people along racial, civic, religious, and gender lines is abhorrent. A Democratic system only operates properly when it can be be utilized by all members of it's citizenry freely and openly. As a Representative Republic, America can only suffer when our electorate only represents and strives to serve a minority voice, instead of through the exercise of true democracy, regardless of if that voice be of the wealthy, the poor, the middle class, individuals of a specific gender, religion, ethnicity, or lifestyle; all have to be heard equally and with equal weight.
Trump himself, personifies much of the of the Republican philosophy and agenda, he's petty, bigoted, bullying, egocentric, divisive, thin skinned, and an individual who views himself of some type of messianic pariah. For all that I distrust Clinton, this combination of toxic traits is terrifying when you consider the wide scope of power the President holds. Do we really want someone that can't take someone ridiculing him over twitter without lashing out being able to send our all volunteer military anywhere in the world for 60 days without Congressional approval? What happens with North Korea or Russia when they accelerate their propaganda mills?
People are buying into the fact that Donald Trump isn't another corrupted figure from the Washington DC political establishment and mindset the way CROOKED CLINTON is. He doesn't need the Presidency to boost his own wealth. He is doing this for the betterment of the country - not some shadowy agenda.
If mistakes Clinton made, either perceived and dreamed up, (Benghazi incident) or stuff she should take responsibility of (emails!) trouble you so much, then clearly you hold your candidates to pretty strict standards in terms of competency for the job. Expecting one woman to make world a better place in turmoil of Arab spring is obviously a very tall order. It is clear you demand much from your politicians as individuals. That is actually a very good thing to hear; since your utmost interest is in having a competent President who does as little mistakes as possible, I'm glad you surely could never in a million years bring yourself into voting Trump, who has never held a legislative office of any kind, or know, politics.And I'm far more terrified of someone who wasn't smart enough to protect top secret information on a computer server, like Corrupt Hilary, than a ruthless businessman like the Donald.
Secretary of state with years of experience? What did she accomplish in those years? Did the world become any safer? Did America's position in the world advance any further? She does have blood on her hands and lied about the entire Benghazi incident.. tried blaming it on a YouTube video... and still nothing has been done about it because she is corrupt.
How can you say Trump hasn't gotten to have the opportunity to be corrupt? Clearly you know very little about his influence in New York or New Jersey, the two states I have lived in my entire life. To this day, NY papers still try to say he has mob ties. It was in the Daily News this very morning.
Trump is far more than a "TV personality" and Clinton is far more the greater of two evils and represents the entire corrupt system that has corroded Washington DC over the last 25 years.
Modern day social democracy has generated, and keeps generating, huge measures of wealth and happiness in Northern Europe over last several decades. You need to realize how it is only in US where socialism can be presented as some scary boogeyman to cram into warning examples. Social democracy has brought us excellent, affordable education system and healthcare where falling severly ill doesn't have a good opportunity to ruin our personal economy. People have safety nets. USA would have done very well to get haunted by our monstrous socialism for a while. Ultimately, there is enough frustration, disappointment and anger in USA due to people you, as a Republican, have voted your whole life. For way too long, you've been busy ensuring no business is public, " big goverment" is some terrifying curse word, good schools, prisons and HOSPITALS are businesses. You've ended up having money define quality of every conceivable service from cradle to grave. There is plenty of awesome things in and about USA. But measure with which money defines quality of your life and social status alike is insane. And certainly generator of poison and unrest in measures that give clowns like Trump a change. I'm certain neither candidate does a single thing to change this. Except vague promises during their campaign.The right wing is on the rise all over the world now that the lies of socialism and multi-culturalism have been exposed. Europe is FAR WORSE OFF for the European Union, especially with their immigration problem.
I love how these leftists want to sit their and lecture us and tell us our positions are "darker", and totally unable to comprehend how leftism has led to the weakest position of the Western World in modern history. It boggles my mind when any lefty has implied their ideas have worked anywhere in the world.
The New Yorker is a hard-left publication. Ofcourse they're going to be ripping Trump.He has been repeatedly described as a sociopath by people in close contact with him. Even his own supporters, yourself included, have figured him a ruthless businessman. You suppose he is suddenly out there for your benefit simply because he is rich? Ok. None here should take a look at his bank account and then dream up some lack of personal motivations due to digits present. There are those who keep coveting for more, always. Either money, power, prestige, fame or combination of it all. Both presidential candidates sit on so much power and wealth that it'd be enough to make average person happy. So I guess they all always are unselfish knights of the people then?
In Hillary Clinton's entire political career - as First Lady, as a US Senator from NY, and as Secretary of State - what accomplishments does she have to point to? How many tens of thousands of people has she employed? What bills did she author that actually accomplished something? Was there ANYTHING positive that came from her stint as Secretary of State? The only thing that is holding Clinton up is her powerful last name and being the "First Woman" nominee.If mistakes Clinton made, either perceived and dreamed up, (Benghazi incident) or stuff she should take responsibility of (emails!) trouble you so much, then clearly you hold your candidates to pretty strict standards in terms of competency for the job. Expecting one woman to make world a better place in turmoil of Arab spring is obviously a very tall order. It is clear you demand much from your politicians as individuals. That is actually a very good thing to hear; since your utmost interest is in having a competent President who does as little mistakes as possible, I'm glad you surely could never in a million years bring yourself into voting Trump, who has never held a legislative office of any kind, or know, politics.
Are you comparing Northern Europe, i.e. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland - to the United States? The population of those countries combined is roughly 25-30 million... hardly a tenth of the United States. Hell, there are nearly 20 million people within a 25 mile radius of where I am sitting right now in Queens, NY, right outside NYC. Apples meet Oranges.Modern day social democracy has generated, and keeps generating, huge measures of wealth and happiness in Northern Europe over last several decades. You need to realize how it is only in US where socialism can be presented as some scary boogeyman to cram into warning examples. Social democracy has brought us excellent, affordable education system and healthcare where falling severly ill doesn't have a good opportunity to ruin our personal economy. People have safety nets.
The United States created and put into action the concept of social safety net on a massive scale long before Europe did. We still have plenty of them here... too many in my humble opinion. We now have people getting ADDICTED to entitlements. Young men in their 20's that go on Welfare, get free cell phones, food stamps, all kinds of other housing assistance... where is the incentive to improve yourself and do better? Socialism destroys ambition - it makes short term hard times easier to handle at the major risk of long term damage. Let's not even talk about how Barack Hussein Obama DOUBLED the United States debt to $20 trillion in his 8 year Presidency alone.People have safety nets. USA would have done very well to get haunted by our monstrous socialism for a while. Ultimately, there is enough frustration, disappointment and anger in USA due to people you, as a Republican, have voted your whole life. For way too long, you've been busy ensuring no business is public, " big goverment" is some terrifying curse word, good schools, prisons and HOSPITALS are businesses. You've ended up having money define quality of every conceivable service from cradle to grave. There is plenty of awesome things in and about USA. But measure with which money defines quality of your life and social status alike is insane. And certainly generator of poison and unrest in measures that give clowns like Trump a change. I'm certain neither candidate does a single thing to change this. Except vague promises during their campaign.
Rather than continuing this point counterpoint joyride further, I'll just settle with your closing argument here, I consider it excellent and telling alike. Nothing further needs to be said from your part or mine.And again... maybe it's because I'm an accountant... but I have no problem with money defining most aspects of American life. Money talks and BS walks.
Bingo.Rather than continuing this point counterpoint joyride further, I'll just settle with your closing argument here, I consider it excellent and telling alike. Nothing further needs to be said from your part or mine.
Ha. I know exactly what this is: my admission to being wealth focused makes you think I'm greedy, and therefore, an easy excuse to cop out of attempting to further defend Crooked Hillary and the failures of leftist ideologies. But that's fine... election season is only just beginning, so I'll take advantage on saving my breath from going back and forth with further point-by-point.Rather than continuing this point counterpoint joyride further, I'll just settle with your closing argument here, I consider it excellent and telling alike. Nothing further needs to be said from your part or mine.
The Left's mantra: Deflect, deflect, deflect...I especially like the lefts thought process. Well yea maybe they did rig the primary..but the problem is Russians hacked it!!! And wait, doesn't trump like Putin? Soooo basically Trump hacked us!! Jedi mind trick /end
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I know that quote is from a movie but that is realy dumb the one who came up with that speech have very little knowledge of what have pushed evolution for uss humans from stone age to what we have now funny thing is it is almost the opposite of what he wroteSo instead, I'll leave you with a quote from Wall Street:
"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
Please. Europe is already on a far downward spiral. They're destroying their own culture with immigration. The only countries that would have a chance to be better than USA are Russia and China.America will never be great again. It will demise to a 3rd world country or less good than Europe by the time all things are said and done.
This part I completely agree with. I mean the corporate personhood act should explain a lot to you, after all Walmart really has arms and feet like you and I right?Of course the political system is corrupt. It has been for a long time.
And this election quite probably presents the last opportunity Americans will have to stop the country's decline. Obama only accelerated it, and Hillary will complete it for him. The Democrats want open borders, free college (what don't they want for free?), free speech only as long as you agree with them... and too many Republicans are playing footsie with the enemy as far I'm concerned.You know there's already immigrant's here under those same types of programs that Europe has had going on right? Whether to believe they are derogatory or not is another matter. Real wages haven't risen since 1971 for the common American AND the power grid to the U.S. is about that old as well. America quite frankly is destroying its own culture as well, although not necessarily immigration perhaps. The thing is, this country has deteriorated more in the past 8 years than at any time I can possibly think. Both political parties are garbage and once one thinks outside the box regarding Christopher Columbus, than one will know who is really running this country.
Mine is Nigel Farage too!!To turn this touchy subject in a slightly different direction, I have a question. Who, among the most significant political personalities on the world stage today, is your favorite?
Mine happens to be Nigel Farage.
And more recently:
The point is obviously missed if you think a politician by themselves would make America better. Do I care about Democrats? Republicans? Nope. One word, the illumination. They control this world. Read the book Morals and Dogma and you will understand. Period.And this election quite probably presents the last opportunity Americans will have to stop the country's decline. Obama only accelerated it, and Hillary will complete it for him. The Democrats want open borders, free college (what don't they want for free?), free speech only as long as you agree with them... and too many Republicans are playing footsie with the enemy as far I'm concerned.
If you don't like Trump, fine. But if you actually care about the country you'll hold your nose and vote for him.