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What would you like to see in the in game store?


Stratics Veteran
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From Newsletter #3:

You will be able to go to the Origin store to buy a currency used only in game Sovereign. You will no longer be sent a code to put in game, you will be able to purchase in game only items from a gump on your paperdoll and have it placed into your backpack. You will be able to purchase more than one item at a time now and as many as you want.
We don't know yet exactly what will be purchasable with sovereigns in the in game store. What is on top of your wishlist?


Stratics Veteran
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As for me, I'd like to see secret chests made available again through the store. They are great for both storage and player events.

If they are going to add new items, I'd like some more engraving kits made available. Something to "embroider" clothing items would be really nice.

old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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Items from the old Spring Collection would be nice. Of course, what I'd really like is... well, you already know. o_O


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Honestly I don't really have a strong preference on what they sell. They could though even expand beyond what's available from Origin. For example they could sell Vet Rewards items (minus the Vet Reward tag) as long as they were account bound.


Crazed Zealot
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Either the resources related void pool rewards but with a lot more charges and no timer, or void pool reward points so people could claim those and flood the market with resources.
I don't mind a minor pay to win in this case. I usually only got to play during the weekends, and gathering resources, specially with mining, doesn't sound like a quality, rewarding way to spend my game time.

So, I want them to take my money and give me in-game consumables.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Every item ever available on uogamecodes.com, the EA Japan UO store and from origin.com. Every. Single. Item. They all still exist in the code, so this shouldn't be a difficult request.

Beyond that, vanity items, even more house/bank storage, fun things.

I do NOT think the store should sell gold, resources, or items otherwise obtainable via normal game play - thus invalidating said content. That is the surest way to spin the economy out of control and cement UO as a pay-to-win game.
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Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
Every item ever available on uogamecodes.com, the EA Japan UO store and from origin.com. Every. Single. Item. They all still exist in the code, so this shouldn't be a difficult request.

Beyond that, vanity items, even more house/bank storage, fun things.

I do NOT think the store should sell gold, resources, or items otherwise obtainable via normal game play - thus invalidating said content. That is the surest way to spin the economy out of control and cement UO as a pay-to-win game.
The above are already available by 3rd parties, whom are profiting. Why shouldn't BS put that money back into it's coffers? The economy is already out of control with a huge divide between the established players and new/returning players. Countless returning players would rather just jump right back into this game rather than grind up 100m gold to afford a decent suit/scrolls. I would say 90% of returning players purchase gold/items from these same third parties to skip the grind.

If you fail to see that then you are part of the problem.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope we will see every item currently on origin + items on origin not available in some regions be available to everyone (king's collection comes to mind)

In addition I've mentioned my dream items multiple times, but I will suggest it again: it is a consumable able to transmorg a piece of wearable to another type for the same slot and same material I underlined it cause people has taken it a step further and suggest to convert to another slot and stuff in past suggestions, this is not my intention, should remain cosmetic only.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
5 packs of Heritage Tokens, I hate to say it but vet rewards, they kind of lost their special when the account age restriction was removed. A spec deed to place keeps and castles in malas or better yet just remove that restriction. That would pretty much sum up my wish list.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Every item ever available on uogamecodes.com, the EA Japan UO store and from origin.com. Every. Single. Item. They all still exist in the code, so this shouldn't be a difficult request.

Beyond that, vanity items, even more house/bank storage, fun things.

I do NOT think the store should sell gold, resources, or items otherwise obtainable via normal game play - thus invalidating said content. That is the surest way to spin the economy out of control and cement UO as a pay-to-win game.
It has been a pay to win game for several years now.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
I hope we will see every item currently on origin + items on origin not available in some regions be available to everyone (king's collection comes to mind)

In addition I've mentioned my dream items multiple times, but I will suggest it again: it is a consumable able to transmorg a piece of wearable to another type for the same slot and same material I underlined it cause people has taken it a step further and suggest to convert to another slot and stuff in past suggestions, this is not my intention, should remain cosmetic only.
I like this idea, but I would like to go further. Some sort of ethereal dye that allows the item to be whatever it is you wish according to the slot it takes up. I would love to run around in a fancy shirt, doublet and long pants again. Or full plate etc. Hell even playing naked was pretty amusing back in the day.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
The above are already available by 3rd parties, whom are profiting. Why shouldn't BS put that money back into it's coffers? The economy is already out of control with a huge divide between the established players and new/returning players. Countless returning players would rather just jump right back into this game rather than grind up 100m gold to afford a decent suit/scrolls. I would say 90% of returning players purchase gold/items from these same third parties to skip the grind.

If you fail to see that then you are part of the problem.
We already have an unlimited gold spigot in the game, its only caveat is that something over time has to occur for it to be collected - whether that be legitimate playing, or the actions of scripts. If BS sold gold directly, there would literally be nothing to tether the economy AT ALL. Inflation would explode the moment someone could pay cash for gold to be created from nothing, already high prices would go stratospheric within days...there would be no end to that. UO doesn't need to resemble a 3rd world country.

Even 3rd party RMT sites can't get around the something over time issue, which restricts their ability to completely tank the economy. Furthermore, if BS wanted to crush them they could. Its not exactly difficult to track their activities in game. For whatever reason, Mesanna has turned a blind eye to their illicit activates. That is completely on her.

If people want to pay cash to press an easy button then I don't want them playing UO, nor do I believe would most other players. They can go play a theme park MMO and get their hand held the entire way through like a precious little snowflake.

It has been a pay to win game for several years now.
The only real pay-to-win items have been the forged tools and mythic tokens. You can't buy uber gear/pets directly from BS, nor should we ever be able to.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
We already have an unlimited gold spigot in the game, its only caveat is that something over time has to occur for it to be collected - whether that be legitimate playing, or the actions of scripts. If BS sold gold directly, there would literally be nothing to tether the economy AT ALL. Inflation would explode the moment someone could pay cash for gold to be created from nothing, already high prices would go stratospheric within days...there would be no end to that. UO doesn't need to resemble a 3rd world country.

Even 3rd party RMT sites can't get around the something over time issue, which restricts their ability to completely tank the economy. Furthermore, if BS wanted to crush them they could. Its not exactly difficult to track their activities in game. For whatever reason, Mesanna has turned a blind eye to their illicit activates. That is completely on her.

If people want to pay cash to press an easy button then I don't want them playing UO, nor do I believe would most other players. They can go play a theme park MMO and get their hand held the entire way through like a precious little snowflake.

The only real pay-to-win items have been the forged tools and mythic tokens. You can't buy uber gear/pets directly from BS, nor should we ever be able to.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, facepalm all you want. Your argument is vapid and full of holes. Enacting it wouldn't help returning players, nor would it be likely to give BS extra cash (as EA is likely to keep nearly all sales profits). But it would successfully implode the remaining economy for anyone unable or unwilling to buy their way to power.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We already have an unlimited gold spigot in the game, its only caveat is that something over time has to occur for it to be collected - whether that be legitimate playing, or the actions of scripts. If BS sold gold directly, there would literally be nothing to tether the economy AT ALL. Inflation would explode the moment someone could pay cash for gold to be created from nothing, already high prices would go stratospheric within days...there would be no end to that. UO doesn't need to resemble a 3rd world country.

Even 3rd party RMT sites can't get around the something over time issue, which restricts their ability to completely tank the economy. Furthermore, if BS wanted to crush them they could. Its not exactly difficult to track their activities in game. For whatever reason, Mesanna has turned a blind eye to their illicit activates. That is completely on her.

If people want to pay cash to press an easy button then I don't want them playing UO, nor do I believe would most other players. They can go play a theme park MMO and get their hand held the entire way through like a precious little snowflake.

The only real pay-to-win items have been the forged tools and mythic tokens. You can't buy uber gear/pets directly from BS, nor should we ever be able to.

No but you can buy stacks of 60k of every resource, uber suits, uber pets , gold by bil, character transfer tokens at 1/2 the price of the store, bless deeds by the stack, every artifact, endless stat and powerscrolls, every vet reward, 5.0 sots for every skill at atleast two of the 3rd party sales sites. And they have been offering these things for as long as I can remember. Those things are just a whole lot cheaper now days than they were a few years back. So yeah every aspect of the game has been pay to win. You might limit to only what the Origin store offers but there are several sites that offer everything the store does and at much lower prices, plus about 10,000 things the origin store doesn't.


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Yeah, facepalm all you want. Your argument is vapid and full of holes. Enacting it wouldn't help returning players, nor would it be likely to give BS extra cash (as EA is likely to keep nearly all sales profits). But it would successfully implode the remaining economy for anyone unable or unwilling to buy their way to power.
That implosion entirely depends on what they offered in the store, and how they did it. Gold on the store would of course have to be off limits, and I don't think anyone, even Old Vet is endorsing direct gold sales, but if crafter's for example could purchase resource packs, or runic tool packs, crafted items would probably decrease in value as the supply of high end crafted items would increase, make the resources account bound but not the items crafted with it and you've added a measure of control and began the process of deflating the market. Also if the only way to do acquire game time codes, tokens etc. is via the game store, without, an actual code being generated and given to you, you've killed a lot of the "stock" that 3rd party vendors have, as you've cut out a lot of their bread and butter items.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
They should sell gold.
That implosion entirely depends on what they offered in the store, and how they did it. Gold on the store would of course have to be off limits, and I don't think anyone, even Old Vet is endorsing direct gold sales.
Oh, but I am endorsing gold sales. Unless they create a massive gold sink they need to be allowing a feasible way for returning players or new players a chance to even the odds. It's already happening and will continue to happen unless there is an alternative to combat it. At this point I don't see anything being realistic in combating the current economy unless they directly target gold sellers driving them out of the market.

Gold selling effects every aspect of the game; PVP/PVM/Collecting. I mean take a look at the 'collector's museums' and tell me how these people whom never attend events or if they do rarely get the drop, and yet have 'themed' displays?

I for one would be completely fine with a gold wipe, but that's just me.

I won't go any further in this discussion so this thread isn't derailed or cluttered with back and forth. There are many other opinions and ideas that need their voices heard.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heritage Tokens, any tokens that give deco items, any no longer available deco items, and every other deco item in the code. Siege is starved for deco items. *mutters colorfully with an awesome variety of words in a variety of languages* And more deco items! :yell:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No but you can buy stacks of 60k of every resource, uber suits, uber pets , gold by bil, character transfer tokens at 1/2 the price of the store, bless deeds by the stack, every artifact, endless stat and powerscrolls, every vet reward, 5.0 sots for every skill at atleast two of the 3rd party sales sites. And they have been offering these things for as long as I can remember. Those things are just a whole lot cheaper now days than they were a few years back. So yeah every aspect of the game has been pay to win. You might limit to only what the Origin store offers but there are several sites that offer everything the store does and at much lower prices, plus about 10,000 things the origin store doesn't.
BS could crush the RMT sites under Mesanna's stylish heel boots if they wanted to. They could also crush the major data stream manipulating programs, which is a stupidly simple thing to do. Strangely enough, they don’t. I think that’s an incredibly bad decision on their part.

Putting the items that currently drive what remains of the economy into the in-game store will have a devastating effect. As I said earlier, it still requires players, and yes even the sites, to do something over time to acquire the resources…they don’t just magically appear by waving real cash around. While yes, you can pay another player to acquire things to “win,” you can’t throw money directly at the studio like you can in some other games to get a leg up on others.

That implosion entirely depends on what they offered in the store, and how they did it. Gold on the store would of course have to be off limits, and I don't think anyone, even Old Vet is endorsing direct gold sales, but if crafter's for example could purchase resource packs, or runic tool packs, crafted items would probably decrease in value as the supply of high end crafted items would increase, make the resources account bound but not the items crafted with it and you've added a measure of control and began the process of deflating the market. Also if the only way to do acquire game time codes, tokens etc. is via the game store, without, an actual code being generated and given to you, you've killed a lot of the "stock" that 3rd party vendors have, as you've cut out a lot of their bread and butter items.
Selling anything in the in-game store that is already readily available in game by simply playing it is a terrible idea.

The remainder of the economy, barring the windfall of an EM item, revolves around gathering resources to make high-end gear or farming things to sell (artifacts etc). That means people have to work at it, and that newbies or returning players are at a "disadvantage." Which, frankly, they should be. They have the opportunity to work up a char and jump into the same market as everyone else and carve out their own little chunk, just like every vet had to.

A lack of codes could definitely take a bite out of the RMT sites, but only if the in-game store replacements for such items are account bound (transfers, gametime, etc.). If they aren't the sites could still "farm" them if there is ever a sale on sovereigns or the in in-game store. No solution is going to be perfect.

Gold selling can never be completely stamped out without nuking and rebuilding the economy, which would require a server wipe. Nearly 19 years in, that's just not going to happen.


Grand Poobah
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Just trying to find ladders for a castle or keep takes a act of God on Siege.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
BS could crush the RMT sites under Mesanna's stylish heel boots if they wanted to. They could also crush the major data stream manipulating programs, which is a stupidly simple thing to do. Strangely enough, they don’t. I think that’s an incredibly bad decision on their part.
Now the next logical question is why don't they want to :)

Mene (DF)

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From Newsletter #3:

We don't know yet exactly what will be purchasable with sovereigns in the in game store. What is on top of your wishlist?
Would someone please post this Newletter for those that didn't get it in this thread? Thank you :)

Mene (DF)

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@ Nexus

Would be fine. Thanks :)
Would be much better to pinn them on the top of UO Hall - just an admit :)

Newsletter 5 says nothing new about Item Ingame Store - by the way .....


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
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Do whatever you want but let Siege alone. Heritage Tokens and all Store Items, Deco, Vanity Stuff, things that dont influence economy, that's okay. Gold, resources and so on, no way! Siege is the only place left with a reasonable economy.

Wait, I got an idea: Why not sell EM-Items, hehe ;)
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Mene (DF)

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Every item ever available on uogamecodes.com, the EA Japan UO store and from origin.com. Every. Single. Item. They all still exist in the code, so this shouldn't be a difficult request.

Beyond that, vanity items, even more house/bank storage, fun things.

I do NOT think the store should sell gold, resources, or items otherwise obtainable via normal game play - thus invalidating said content. That is the surest way to spin the economy out of control and cement UO as a pay-to-win game.

Whenever someone see a possibility to sell something for an über-price to ruin and destroy any financial economity he surely will do with 150% ;) - this happens in the big world outside UO and of course - and since many years here ingame. I'm really happy that I play this game since - *thinks* about nearby 16 years now and have a good foundation of items by game playing.

Who never learned what's mean to earn money by hard working and doing a job never will apreciate the real sence of money - none in Real-Life nor in games - that's my personal opinion. Money's not a thing that you can pick from a tree like a fruit ;) and you'll should never do this in any game too.

Sorry - it's really seldom i open my trap 'cause I'm annoyed about it - but this must have been said.

Heritage Tokens, any tokens that give deco items, any no longer available deco items, and every other deco item in the code. Siege is starved for deco items. *mutters colorfully with an awesome variety of words in a variety of languages* And more deco items! :yell:
Not only Siege ;) - you also find the same sick picture on other shards, when everybody only can see the "bling bling" in the eyes and absouluty have to transfers those item to that capitalism shard here ;)
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Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
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Thanks, Mene. Its as easy as this: If you can buy anything, there is no need anymore for actually playing the game. That's how many prodo places work already now and how many PvPers there think: What's the easiest way to get a perfect suit, I don't wanna farm resources, build up a crafter, train for a while, do quests and fight monsters. Lemme buy everything and start fighting. That's lame. I really disrespect this kind of consumism: Entertain me! I am a teenager. Bah...

Mene (DF)

Seasoned Veteran
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Would someone please post this Newletter for those that didn't get it in this thread? Thank you :)
That was actually talked about in Pub 93 notes..

Publish 93 Comes to TC1 – Ultima Online
Kylie...you're really a Babe... :D....
I really think you will not read what others asking for, he? :D :D. This publish news tells us wonderfully news about Edon but nothing 'bout the store.

Once again: Newsletter #3 was ordered - not other Number or Publish News. Thanks again.
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Beldin Brightaxe

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Okay, I have to have my input here. I was playing WoW a bit last fall. This is what they do, and I hate to compare UO to WoW in any way, but I think what they did was a great way to deal with cash flow for the company and a way for new players to purchase gold to get them up and running.

WoW allows you to purchase a 30 day game time token to sell in game. Normally, it costs $14.95 per month (plus tax) to buy 30 days of game time. But, you can purchase a token, for sale in game only, for $20 (plus tax) to sell in game. Now I'm not sure onh the control aspect, but when I was playing, and yes, I did purchase one, these tokens cost a bit over 30k in game gold for the token. The price fluctuated, and I'm not sure exactly how it was done, but I did hear of high prices of around 45k gold, but not much less than 30k gold. Again, this was WoW gold prices, which are different that UO prices of course.

I've been hoping that UO does something similar to this, as I think this will help the bottom line of Broadsword as well as help new players obtain some starting funds to purchase items to get started in UO, and hopefully, without ruining any sort of UO economy we currently have.


Legendary Mall Santa
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Yeah, I am all for selling classic origin-store items such as game time and so on. But not crafting/imbuing materials and gold and so on.


Queen of The Outlaws
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We don't know yet exactly what will be purchasable with sovereigns in the in game store. What is on top of your wishlist?
I'm worried about this in game store.
I have a friend playing 2 of my accounts. Even when I trust him, I would be worried if the in game store, draw money from the Credit Card connected to my Master Account.
Also how do parents stop kids from buying, using the parents Credit Card on the Master Account?

I do NOT think the store should sell gold, resources, or items otherwise obtainable via normal game play - thus invalidating said content. That is the surest way to spin the economy out of control and cement UO as a pay-to-win game.
I agree with this, anything you can get from normal gameplay should not be in the store.
Heritage Tokens, some old Gift Deeds/bags, deco items and every item curently on origin would work. If someone want gold and resources, they can buy something in the store and trade it with gold/resources/items already in the game. If not enough gold/resources/items from spawn in game, I'm sure someone will go out do farming to buy the token, deco item or tools they need.

I hope we will see every item currently on origin + items on origin not available in some regions be available to everyone (king's collection comes to mind)
Yes it is very annoying, not to be able to buy King's Collection in Europa.
I would too. There are some old reward choices, I did not mind to see there too. Some of the dye tubs and some of the monster statues. I don't want to see any of the ressource giving rewards like mining cart on the store.

The Craftsman

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with regard to the "game is already pay-to-win"

no, it isn't.

third party sellers are in profit for themselves, not BS, not EA - only themselves. their profits are not going back to the owners of the game to help with costs and development. that form of "pay-to-win" is not helping the game at all.
But it is still pay to win. It doesnt matter which 'form' it is, as you put it. All P2W means is can you spent real life cash on the game in order to gain an advantage and 'win'. It doesnt matter where the money goes, its still pay to win. I'll grant that the game isnt designed to be pay to win, its the poor design which allows 3rd party sites to make the game pay to win, which you address below quite correctly.

now, with BS wanting to bring this ability to buy all those origin-store items in game, it will be MUCH easier for them to target the third party sellers, and eradicate their activities - if not their accounts. it will mean more accountability, better tracking, and eventually a stoppage on third party selling activities. all it will take is simply data analysis (or a quick db search) to find certain things. theoretically, we could even purchase time-codes in this manner (a la WoW).

part one was removing gold/checks and making the bank-balances accountable
part two is limiting transaction access (removing the origin store)
part three is tracking activities
part four is clean up
part five is expanding on features

did it all the time with ecommerce projects i worked/contributed to.
This I agree with.


Crazed Zealot
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Don't want them to sell us resources directly?
No problem. Have them sell us the void pool maps and talismans instead. That would force us to go mine and lumberjack around, but at the very least, you'd know what you'd be getting for your time.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Don't want them to sell us resources directly?
No problem. Have them sell us the void pool maps and talismans instead. That would force us to go mine and lumberjack around, but at the very least, you'd know what you'd be getting for your time.
What about an alternative way to this void pool points, maybe collect them, maybe from doing lumbering and mining. I never understood why a miner or lumber should have to do hard spawn to get items he need.
Maybe also from killing stuff in Britain outside of dungeons, even a slow gain of points would help get people kill overlands animals and monsters and do mining and lumbering.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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My guess is that the store would not be tied to your CC or master account ..... you would purchase the "Sovereigns" from Origin and then tie those to your Mythic Master account giving you "money" to buy things in the store... not theoretically this would be usable then by any character on any of your accounts how that would work I don't know...

But my guess is that it would eliminate this : XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX

Which would stop those using said codes illegally to obtain items such as tokens. Eliminating the code redemption in game and putting in the store. Kinda wondering if they aren't wanting to do away with such things all together... but you never know.

Anyway I personally would prefer them NOT selling gold or resources... but things like Heritage tokens, Vet Rewards perhaps, deco items... and other things that were once on Origin Store or sold only in Japan etc... like those singing balls and the secret chest. I'd like to be able to buy the bookcase again separately.


Crazed Zealot
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What about an alternative way to this void pool points, maybe collect them, maybe from doing lumbering and mining. I never understood why a miner or lumber should have to do hard spawn to get items he need.
Maybe also from killing stuff in Britain outside of dungeons, even a slow gain of points would help get people kill overlands animals and monsters and do mining and lumbering.
Considering that it takes 6,500 points to gather 1,500 valorite, I am not too keen on this idea. Even if they are very generous, giving 20 points per 10 minutes of collecting resources, it would take a long, LONG time to be awarded... 1,500 valorite.


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I would buy and pay for almost anything to decorate my castle. The bigger the better.