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Here's a recap of what happened during the maintenance down time
Please take a moment to review the Rules of Conduct for changes, and view the thread announcing the Revised Moderation System for details of how warnings and suspensions will be handed out.
- Xenforo Brought up to date.
- Several Plugins updated.
- Several Themes updated.
- Added plugin to improve the warning system.
- Posted a minor revision to the Rules of Conduct.
- Wiped all outstanding warning points, warning record still exists but old warning do not effect active user accounts.
- @Captn Norrington has returned in the capacity of the Trade Forum moderator.
- Modified the Warning system to reflect revised point system.
- Gave users the ability to view their own warning history from this point onward.
Please take a moment to review the Rules of Conduct for changes, and view the thread announcing the Revised Moderation System for details of how warnings and suspensions will be handed out.