Let's say that I believe you and Aran ... how does any of the bitchfest about this help to heal the community, rebuild this place in a more open manner? Tell me that ... as I believe you are one of the voices for openness in earlier posts.
Fair question.
May be a long answer though and if ya just hit the old reliable tl;dr I ain't gonna take offense lol
I will preface this by saying the only thing I care about, in game, on here or on other sites is the UO Community. Above all else the community should be put paramount... and yes, that also includes above egos/nda/spats etc. For too long there have been voices in the community who do not trust staff... hopefully people will understand I am not just talking about current staff. But am talking about all former staffs as well. I am not even saying that the community is right or wrong in their distrust of staff, merely pointing out how things have stood the 11 years I have been around here. The voices during that time of those who distrust staff has changed over the years, and has seemingly grown in number. Sadly, that is fact.
When you take a fear (even an unreasonable fear) that has become "popular sentiment" (in this case distrust of staff) and add fuel to the fire.. say for example if that fear is that staff is out to get people just because they can or for "political" reasons (which has been said a TON of times about every staff that Stratics has ever had) and then someone leaks screenshots that
CAN be taken by people to show that very thing... at that point the fear transitions to a reality in a lot of folks eyes and begins to spread to others in the Community who never even considered it a realistic possibility.
In short, it is a vicious circle around here.. posters distrust staff, staff cracks down on posts that violate ROC, posters distrust staff more, staff continues crack down, "owner" sells site, new staff comes in, posters hesitant about them, holds their actions under a microscope, makes posts about possible "over reaches", staff cracks down on posts that violate ROC... rinse, repeat...
The only way that dang cycle will EVER be broken is by one side making some kind of change... and let's face it, the posters ain't gonna stop posting and the mods ain't gonna stop deleting posts that violate ROC and ain't gonna stop banning where needed, nor should they. That really leaves the only real option to be full transparency. Sure, full transparency blows... I will be the first one to admit that. But if the current staff TRULY care about the community, which I honestly believe most truly do - or seem to imho, they would move to some kind of system that would stand a chance at ending the endless cycle.
Now... how does this
help heal and rebuild? Hopefully some of the higher up's (board members I guess) can see the things that are going on, understand or see the above for themselves, see the passion in the community and how it is being negatively impacted by how things have been done for years, draw some parallels to what their current internal processes are, if any, then set about implementing a system that removes the parallels. Which to some degree they have already proven a willingness to do... I mean, they did set up a system to where bans had to be voted on which was imho a huge step in the right direction.
And... before anyone asks... No, I do not have a "Supporter" banner by my name. I have been away from the game for about 2 years and just returned about a month or so ago. However, had I been around for the campaign you would most assuredly see a "Supporter" badge as Stratics has always been my "home". Heck, it always got check and still gets check before anything else as soon as I sit my butt in the chair.
FULL DISCLOSURE - for any who care to read
I have been a proponent for full disclosure, non removal of UO related threads (even the negative ones) etc for quite a while. Even negative leaning topics can be discussed with decorum and civility.. or
should be discussed at any rate. I advocated for just the removal of posts that broke ROC and leaving the thread open for further discussion. Even when I was on staff I made those opinions known all the way up the "chain of command" to the folks at the tip top once they solicited opinions on the matter. But, like I told them at the time, it is their playground.... not mine. *shrugs*