So in this thread I would like to collect everyone's ideas on upgrades they would like in the 2D client. Note: this GM mentioned no promises can be made, but that they are looking into it. And game window size enlargement is one of the things they would add when upgrading the 2D client.
Ok, I'll bite :
* Obviously bigger gameplay window.
* Ability to reorient the overhead map to match the orientation of tmaps so you can match them up.
* Change the color of the pet damage dealt to a target to be different then the damage received. Right now the colors are the same so they are all meaningless. You can't tell if your pet is getting pummeled or the other way around.
* If I have gold in a bag and I buy something, have those items go in the bag. When I buy 20 sewing kits I don't want them scattered all over my pack.
* When you die and you have cursed items in a bag then rez and open your corpse - the cursed items don't go back in the bag where they were when you died (loot bag issue) - this needs fixed.
* Have option to show world text somewhere else like the enhanced client. When you type 'I wish to secure this' and it shows right over your face and when you are standing next to what you want to secure the text is in the way to select an object. Super annoying when house customizing.
* Ability to turn off virtue messages. When killing things at a champ spawn and seeing one zillion ' Your deeds have gained your respect in Minoc' or whatever, its really annoying. They are just a continuous scroll on your screen.
* Obviously the 'dress all' option would be nice after death. I don't care if there is a 5 second delay or whatever, but if I insured the item I'd like it to go back on my body. Hunting under rune books to find that insured ring is awful. Seriously awful. Its the worst part about dying is getting redressed. Yes, clicking your corpse fixes *some* of it but blessed items still don't work right. Fix those too.
* Allow us to hue our main pack. Its too dark on most monitors and black/dark colored items are lost. Seeing blackrock in there is difficult to say the least. I'll go mining for a few hours then have to hunt around my pack to find them all to throw them out. If I could make the background light brown or even white - so much easier.
* Why not make the graphic for a ring a bit bigger? Its one of the harder objects to grab. No need to be as small as a gold piece. Make it the size of the brace.
* Why can't the NPC menu's be alphabetized or have an alphabetic option? I hate scrolling through the whole thing to find what I'm looking for esp at blacksmiths. Yes I buy a lot of weapons from blacksmiths to fill bods and scrolling through to find 20 daggers is annoying. They also should have an option to turn off pics and make them more compact.
* Why does the rune book close each time I drop a rune? If I want to empty a book I should be able to go page to page to select 'drop rune'.
* Why can't we add bods to a bod book when not in our pack just like we can with alacrity, SOT, PowerScroll books?
* Why can't we sort bods alphabetically in the book or automatically sort them alphabetically? Add an 'alphabetic sort' option to the filter page on a book.
* Why does putting a bod in a bod book have to open it every time? Super annoying.
* We need to be able to 'price all' bods in a book for whatever sort is selected. If I sort for 20 normal iron - I want to price them all at 2,000 gold. Please.
* I'd prefer a menu item for dismounting. I don't like double click to dismount. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to loot and accidentally double clicked myself and dismounted.
* Opening corpses and tiling the loot bags across the screen is super annoying. I'd prefer they all open in one spot off my screen and tile down. You have no control and at times they can pop up right over your character.
* In terms of looting I'd like an 'auto open' option. When I kill something in range - I want the pack to open - in a predefined stack/area. When you are mass killing trying to open all the corpses at once from a stack is difficult. I'd like them to open once the first time then I can click them off as I decide I don't want the junk. This would make hunting so much easier to manage.
* Auto loot gold option.
* Ability to 'lock' party bars on your screen that can't be accidentally clicked off. Same for pets.
* Ability to lock spell icons on your screen like the enhanced client that can't be messed up when you accidentally drag them or click them off.
Ok, I"m sure I could come up with 50 more if I put some time into it - but these are just off the top of my head and plenty to get started on....