You could guess that this is one of monster that hits hard and have at least to ways to damage. Sorry I don't speak about rabbits. When you encounter rabbits you can use any template. So I am speaking about hardest monsters you meet in UO. I fought a lot of different monsters... and I don't worry about weak one because against them there is no difference what template do you use. So I go and fight strongest monsters in the game and compare experience. I try different templates. By the way you could notice that in this topic I didn't compare different templates I just said about drawbacks of Wraith form (and useless of some necro spells for a dexxer). I told you why Wraith is not good against top level monsters. Other templates has their own drawbacks. To be fair I haven't found template that would be good against any monster. And the scenario I described here is not something unusual. What I write here is not hypothetical - it's situations when I die and don't have idea how I could survive. Would you played with a Wraith (and tried to solo top monsters) you'd encountered the same problems. But it seems you fight just weak monsters... or play in a group only.You didn't specify a monster doing the hitting
First of all it is don't always increase duration. Have you got it? I believe you don't. It is just because you speak about things you don't really tried. Okey, I will explain you. You cast Omen. But since you are standing close to monster (don't you forgot that we are speaking about dexxer?) You may get a hit, reflect damage and does 4 damage instead of 2 damage (with 5% damage reflection from Despicable Quiver. Well, when you are lucky and didn't take hit you do double damage. It means instead of two hits you did one with double damage... It's zero profit. So casting Omen you could zero profit (if you are lucky) or could lost one hit to monster (because you were casting instead of hitting). The math is easy and straightforward. You can calculate it yourself.The point of casting Omen + Corpse Skin is it increases the duration.
The damage from a DOT is doesn't matter when you have 50 LL from CW. I said that you may fail casting CW. 90% of time it is not a problem. But sometimes you die just because you failed casting CW. If you haven't dyed this way then you didn't fight serious monsters using Wraith. Well, I believe I couldn't convince you here just because you don't want to read what I write. So just try Wraith form with and without Protection. And I couldn't add more.You're the person who seemed to think the DOT's would lead to death if relying on Curse Weapon without Protection?.
LOL. It's just a LOL. You don't understand even base things. When you spent time to cast Omen just to increase reflected damage from 2 to 4.... I believe you have never tried CW without Protection against serious monster.The Despicable Quiver has 5 RPD, and has no effect on any spells including Omen
I believe there is no sense to argue against you. So just post here links to video how you solo top level monster in Wraith form and don't encounter problem I have described here. No more boastful word... just post a video. Just post your video how you solo Shimmering Effusion and other top level stuff. But please don't tell us how you are cool against rabbits or Barracoon (there is not much difference between them) etc.
p.s. As I have noticed earlier I didn't compare templates here. I just tell about problems tha necro skills have. Sampire has its own problems. And both templates are not as versatile as Duncan Drake's Bushido Paladin or my Melee Archer. Although to be fair I must say that even Melee Archer has its own problems and against some monsters Sampire is better.
p.p.s. I spent a lot of time trying to find the best template in the game. And till now I failed to find a template that would be great against any top level monster in the game. I have played a lot with Sampire. And I have played a lot with Wraith. They are do excellent against weak bosses like Paramaximus etc. But they are .... against top level monster.
I have tried a lot of variation of Sampire. I have tried a lot of variations of Wraith. I myself would prefer Sampire but I wouldn't argue against if someone prefer Wraith. Both are good and both are bad.
I have encountered some problems with Wraith template... and I have tried various tricks to couter them. But all of them wasn't good enough.
p.p.p.s. I think I should give a Wraith another chance - because there is a Swordsmanship mastery and Daisho. I believe the idea to get 60 necro and 80 SS has a potential.