I can show you video where I lose 100 stamina from one hit. Before the hit I had (full) 150 hp. When you damaged you lose more stamina. Do you still think it is impossible to lose 120 stamina from two hits? (And you are not at full hp when you getting the second hit).
I think you're arguing over the semantics of many things that are entirely irrelevant to this thread. You are debating from the point of view of single encounters, mostly boss level monsters, which this thread is not about.
I didn't say it's impossible, I said it hasn't happened to me, literally never.
You are stating "you are not at full hp when you get the second hit" on a hypothetical situation, how do you know what my HP is on the second hit? You don't, because as it is a hypothetical event any number of actions could have been taken.
You said "Everything was solod long before reforging". Does your "everything" means "Shimmering" or may be "all except Roof"?
It means that the templates being discussed, solod everything that was available at the time they came out, meaning that things that have came out since such as reforging are clearly not necessary to solo them.
No. Your point was "you can't get two 50+ hits within one second".
I asked ~"do you think i dreamed this?" and you answered: ~"on inspection yes I do. Everything was solod long before reforging"
When you quote someone, it's important to quote things they actually said. (In relation to the first line.)
And no that wasn't my point. I wasn't making a point, I was stating that if getting hit in any kind of regular way for 50 damage, I either a) woudln't be standing there taking it, or b) if I was, it would be on a template that is doing something to counter act that kind of incoming damage and Stamina loss. Your hypothetical situation of standing there being beaten down to low/no stamina while doing nothing except waiting to die isn't one I'd ever put myself in, which begs the question why you think it's a valid argument for anything, as I'm sure no one else would either.
And again, you're replying to a thread about best for general PvM and spawns with only single or boss level encounters in mind.
In relation to what I think you 'dreamed up' was the situation in which you are taking massive hits while doing nothing about it.
Try to keep in your mind the whole discussion, not just the last words.
I said that one off wraith drawback is slow movement.
You said it's not drawback because you have life leach.
I said even with LL you sometimes need to ran away. And monster may finish you using spells if you move too slow.
You said you can use Evasion.
I said than Evasion doesn't block every time.
Do you understand now why it adds any weight against your argument? You may ran away and survive, or you may stay, cast evasion and die if you failed to evade a spell.
I have the whole discussion in mind.
You are stating that two templates that both survive by hitting/leeching occasionally need to run away. As both templates would be affected the same by spells landing while moving away (regardless of Evasion which is a chance factor) it is clearly not a drawback exclusive to the second template, therefore adds no weight against it.
Do I need to show to you how VE with 100 hp dies from poison with no any enemy near it... just because poison ticks and ticks doing damage?
We are discussing poison in the context of it potentially interrupting the casting of Curse Weapon (which has a near instant cast time), the poisons that are not auto cured by Vamp/Petals are the higher poisons and the ticks for those poisons are slower and further apart. It is easy to cast Curse Weapon between those ticks and the melee ticks and the spells of monsters.
Some monsters apply DOT with every hit.
Such as?
Some monsters cast spells on you every few seconds. If you try to remove curse every time you'll find yourself casting half of time instead of killing monster. This effects doesn't kill you because you leach life back. The only problem that it may interrupt you spell casting if you haven't Protection on.
It doesn't matter. Even if you have to Remove Curse a dozen times in a battle what does it cost you? A few Tithing Points. What does it cost you if you don't and die? Potentially the whole fight if you can't get res'd, get back, get kicked from whatever it is. Again, the topic isn't what can do it faster, it's what is best for general PvM and spawns. Having full Necro is hugely more beneficial because of the variety of ways it can be used.
Well, tell me what is use of casting Omen by dexxer? Especially if you use Despicable Quiver.
Omen + any curse type effect = longer duration.
Omen + Parra/Nerve = longer duration. (good for example for helping Mages Efield a target)
Omen + Conduit = Mass debuff/SDI.
I have no idea what you mean by the Despicable Quiver reference, how does the use of that make Evil Omen less good?