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Broadsword's Changes to Policy on Cheating


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When they Made EC Customizable... they pretty much set the bar for anyone else to script.

Its here to stay, get over it. In fact i would go so far to say that the game should start offering it on the official links.

That, or get rid of any customizable EC and start actually enforcing game rules...
Nah man. You've been on UO for too long to not know that is apples compared to oranges.

Theres tons of stuff you cant do in the EC w/o 3rd party programs either. CC tools can do way more stuff. And CC tools are publicy available. I can't think of any comprehensive and publicy available EC tools that "enhance" your EC experience in the same way the CC tools can :D

Sure theres also alot you can do. No doubt. But like Malag said, they have more or less protections in EC in place to avoid certain things being macroed, say for example simple character movement.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's a summary of UO's policy on cheating:

  • Ban people for afk hitting a golem at luna bank.
  • Do not ban anyone for perma speedhack/field hack or use any cheat program they like and allow players to stream themselves doing it online.
  • Do not ban anyone for perma abusing curse bug.
  • Allow thrid party program makers to distribute tools such as Pinco's UI on official forums even though it has cheat scripting features such as 'Auto stop attacking when blood oathed'

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Someone has told me that EA staff have been directing people to use a program that modifys client files. So if you are told to use such a program then I guess it isn't cheating to turn trees into stumps anymore.

Arroth Thaiel

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I don't think it's an indication of where things stand use wise.
If you took the language in the most recent interview by itself, I would agree wholeheartedly, but we have 3 years of prior info about user-ship as well. Which is why I wrote the first four sentences.

If you were at 70/30 CC/EC, then were at 50/50 CC/EC, and now are explaining why the CC is being kept, that reinforces the position that user-ship is moving away from one and towards the other. (If the trend had reversed, we would have probably heard about why they were keeping the EC around.)

If a company feels the need to justify the continued production of a product, that product is probably not leading the market.

Trends could always reverse of course. This is, after all, a chicken and egg argument. If they put as much effort into the CC as they have the EC, they would (probably) drive migration in that direction.

I know there are lots of tinfoil hats on Stratics, but when the dev team makes statements with actual numbers, I'll take those over self selecting polls on a fan site any day. I also know this is true for you as well, since you're one of the people who points out how worthless those "polls" are almost every time they are run!

Like I said Uvtha, none of this really matters to me. It is just interesting to watch this unfold on Stratics every couple of months.

Acid Rain

Lore Master
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Here's a summary of UO's policy on cheating:
  • Allow thrid party program makers to distribute tools such as Pinco's UI on official forums even though it has cheat scripting features such as 'Auto stop attacking when blood oathed'
LOL:lol:. I'm glad someone else noticed that cause when I called him out on that years ago on these forums, I got blasted to stfu by other players :lol:.
He never responded when I asked him in a thread if that was legal and no one ever mentioned it later so I just let it slide.
It totally nerfed my weaving necro mage that purposefully ran in low DCI with the sole intent of getting folks to kill themselves lol.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nah man. You've been on UO for too long to not know that is apples compared to oranges.

Theres tons of stuff you cant do in the EC w/o 3rd party programs either. CC tools can do way more stuff. And CC tools are publicy available. I can't think of any comprehensive and publicy available EC tools that "enhance" your EC experience in the same way the CC tools can :D

Sure theres also alot you can do. No doubt. But like Malag said, they have more or less protections in EC in place to avoid certain things being macroed, say for example simple character movement.
EC has programs just like the CC. Just because you don't know don't assume the EC is completely script free. You can run any script in the EC that you can in the CC so I hope this clears up any confusion you have

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Proof of that would be interesting.
Since InsideUO does not work anymore people have been using another program. The problem is this program also allows you to modify client files. Event moderators have been pointing people to this program for what I assume is to decorate towns. Stratics is apparently even allowing people to post about it, though I am still uncomfortable in saying its name.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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are u ********?
That's very politically incorrect.

But cheating to win is still losing... cheaters while they may seem to get ahead are nothing but pathetic losers who lack coping skills... they are not ********.

Well perhaps they are slow... but cheating is still losing.

If you have to cheat to play and win then the only one you are cheating is you... because you fail at winning and fail at doing what real winners do which is use true skill... the best cheater is still nothing more than a big loser.

The bigger the cheat the bigger the lose.

Saddest thing about most of EA's policies is that they REWARD The Scammers, hackers and cheats and treat the victims horribly. Most games anymore will return lost and stolen items as well as ban the thief... but in UO the Thief wins and gets away with hacking your account.... gets to keep and sell your stuff for profit and you are left to sit and spin.... If someone scams you in most other games the item is returned and the scammer is banned...... in UO your told to not be a dumb ass and sorry for your loss but next time don't be a gullible fool.... and once again the scammer gets to keep what he scammed and sell it for profit as well as continue to scam more players... this over the years has cost UO thousands of players who will NEVER come back to UO. And we all know that scripters are left to keep on scripting days on end with nothing done about it.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I sense a lot of stress here. Just do what I do. Kill 'em if ya can, ignore them otherwise. *shrugs* It is just a game, right? *winks*


Grand Poobah
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Baby steps.
Let´s start with a cheater free Stratics...


Seasoned Veteran
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I moved all my characters to ATL about 6 weeks ago simply because it has players. This is what I found out since Ive been there. Most players are extremely fast. Bugs,mechanics are exploited big time. The curse bug, holy fist etc. I was on my thief in Deciet and observed a Sampire working high level spawn. After a bit of boredom I tracked and detected his multi cliented protector in front of a group of rotting corpses and lich lords. He was clearly afk on his dog form archer yet cure potion after cure potion went off as well as a heal pot and an aid or 2. He never moved or even changed the direction he was facing for that matter.This is a bad player Im talking about and he was obviously running a script that took multiple level 4 undead creatures about 20 to 30 seconds to kill. Makes me wonder what players that actually have skill are running.

Ive also noticed that a guild that spawns a lot(seems like Trammies otherwise) run a multicliented detect/protector character that will insta hide as soon as its revealed as well as runs systematic detect. This character also never moves. While I cant tell you what anyone runs on their computers for sure I can tell you with certainty that scripts are being used. If Ive seen em first hand in just those situations I can only imagine the full scope of cheating in UO.


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I moved all my characters to ATL about 6 weeks ago simply because it has players. This is what I found out since Ive been there. Most players are extremely fast. Bugs,mechanics are exploited big time. The curse bug, holy fist etc. I was on my thief in Deciet and observed a Sampire working high level spawn. After a bit of boredom I tracked and detected his multi cliented protector in front of a group of rotting corpses and lich lords. He was clearly afk on his dog form archer yet cure potion after cure potion went off as well as a heal pot and an aid or 2. He never moved or even changed the direction he was facing for that matter.This is a bad player Im talking about and he was obviously running a script that took multiple level 4 undead creatures about 20 to 30 seconds to kill. Makes me wonder what players that actually have skill are running.

Ive also noticed that a guild that spawns a lot(seems like Trammies otherwise) run a multicliented detect/protector character that will insta hide as soon as its revealed as well as runs systematic detect. This character also never moves. While I cant tell you what anyone runs on their computers for sure I can tell you with certainty that scripts are being used. If Ive seen em first hand in just those situations I can only imagine the full scope of cheating in UO.

Acid Rain

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I moved all my characters to ATL about 6 weeks ago simply because it has players. This is what I found out since Ive been there. Most players are extremely fast. Bugs,mechanics are exploited big time. The curse bug, holy fist etc. I was on my thief in Deciet and observed a Sampire working high level spawn. After a bit of boredom I tracked and detected his multi cliented protector in front of a group of rotting corpses and lich lords. He was clearly afk on his dog form archer yet cure potion after cure potion went off as well as a heal pot and an aid or 2. He never moved or even changed the direction he was facing for that matter.This is a bad player Im talking about and he was obviously running a script that took multiple level 4 undead creatures about 20 to 30 seconds to kill. Makes me wonder what players that actually have skill are running.

Ive also noticed that a guild that spawns a lot(seems like Trammies otherwise) run a multicliented detect/protector character that will insta hide as soon as its revealed as well as runs systematic detect. This character also never moves. While I cant tell you what anyone runs on their computers for sure I can tell you with certainty that scripts are being used. If Ive seen em first hand in just those situations I can only imagine the full scope of cheating in UO.
When this is clearly seen by a relatively new player to the shard in a short period of time, what does it say to new players to the game?
How can EA/UO ever expect to gain and keep new accounts/players when this play style is so blatant and habitual?

Seriously guys and gals... I love my UO team but c'mon... @Kyronix @Mesanna @Bleak @Misk and everyone else with the power to change :

Are you really going to let us sit here and watch DAoC make a move like this and do nothing when UO folks have complained for years?

Don't strike out by never swinging when your at the plate... again.


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Many of the issues discussed above have to do with individual ethics. In a crowded place like Atlantic the ratio of bad***** is comparatively higher. In addition, the mentality of this place has to do with vanity, showing off possession and wealth, social comparison and being the best. I can stand that place only with GC turned off. I never understood why everybody wants so many other players, especially idiots, around. I always preferred the less populated shards where you don't meet loud crowds at every corner. If you ask me, many problems of modern UO have to do with a certain Atlantic-playstyle. It has to do with getting rich easily and quick and with having über(! That's the way how to write it !)-stuff and suits. Don't take me wrong, you can find these people everywhere. But they don't appear so dominating, raw, primitive and loud anywhere else than there. It's like a Manchesterian-Capitalist marketplace of vanity. And such places attract scum - they ever did. And scum does not play according to the rules. Never did.
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

2 Characters running side by side for 2 or more screens, one using a certain illegal program and one not. There is a definitive measurable difference that anyone can test. I ping 35-ish to UO servers on Atlantic and am out run 24/7 by players using illegal programs. I've tested this with friends. I have a friend from India that PvPs using said program and he runs as fast as I do. The idea that a speed hack doesn't work is idiotic.:dunce::mf_prop:
You are idiotic. Your friend from india SHOULD be able to pvp at the same speed. Whoever you tested it with- either has a ****ty connection or computer. EC is faster than any program can make CC. You thinking otherwise is comical.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Asked a question never made a statement
You still used the word, you can't dig yourself out of that hole. One day your life will be affected by someone with a learning disability, and then you'll get it. Until then, you'll continue to use the word, and think it's funny, or you'll reply back with "chill bra, take it easy, it's just a word". But don't worry, you're a member of a large group, with really ugly jackets.


El Baja Panti
Stratics Veteran
You still used the word, you can't dig yourself out of that hole. One day your life will be affected by someone with a learning disability, and then you'll get it. Until then, you'll continue to use the word, and think it's funny, or you'll reply back with "chill bra, take it easy, it's just a word". But don't worry, you're a member of a large group, with really ugly jackets.
WOW....now u have to really really stop being so sensitive about it.. and yes it is just a word....every word in life is neutral until you give it meaning

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
WOW....now u have to really really stop being so sensitive about it.. and yes it is just a word....every word in life is neutral until you give it meaning
Why should any of us stop being so sensitive to the use of the "R" word or any other similarly used word? What, exactly, do we, our children, or our grandchildren gain from being less sensitive to other people using labels to degrade or humiliate someone else?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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WOW....now u have to really really stop being so sensitive about it.. and yes it is just a word....every word in life is neutral until you give it meaning
Pretty sure this word is well defined already, which is why you used it in the manner you did.

Pull up your big boy pants, accept the mistake you made, and edit the post.