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Anniv Gifts on TC1


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just got booted, logged back, and bamf:

Assuming the recipe will be random
Sundail tell time of day
Plade is... meh... another Mondain killed someone thing. (why so negative all the time?)

Sundail looks cool. :D


Long Live The Players
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Mine is a moon dial.

Also, my reindeer fly side ways.

moon dial.PNG


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oooooh!!!! a moon dail! that's cool. maybe will test my other toons on TC. :D

collector alert!
The plates are different - just got one commemorating Blackthorn's acceptance of the throne, and another for the discovery of the Lost Lands.

Interesting note on the moon and sun dails - although they read the same time, the shadow is in different positions. Nice little detail there. :D

Gotta change this... just got nerdy and looked at the time again - and all of my dails are reading as sun dails, showing a day-time. Will check again, might change between sun & moon depending on the time of day in Sosaria. Shadow also seems to be random, but not moving as I first thought. *sigh*
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got dibs on all of the recipes!

Well if you don't want them i'll take them. Hehe


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
just got booted, logged back, and bamf:

Assuming the recipe will be random
Sundail tell time of day
Plade is... meh... another Mondain killed someone thing. (why so negative all the time?)

Sundail looks cool. :D
Not to be that guy but... that sundial is horrible. The base has the correct perspective and yet the face (as always) is a full circle rather than an oval like the base is. When you mix perspectives like that it makes the face seem like its at a drastic angle rather than flat on top of a pedestal, making it resemble a satellite dish more than a sundial.

It should look like this:

Why they have to keep making circular objects like this boggles my mind, and more than that is annoying because I refuse to put something so out of place in my house.

The plate is also bad, but because it's poorly made. I could make a better looking plate, and my art skills are marginal at best, and poor by professional standards. It looks like someone plopped down a 25 size pencil mark, filled it with a gradient, drew a circle UO symbol in grey with a couple solid brown twigs hanging down, and called it good. No depth of color, no attempt to give the form depth, no light reflections or shadow, no attempt at anti-aliasing... yuck. The sundial has some similar issues, but nowhere near as drastically.

Just look at it close up:

Maybe it's just me, but that looks like mailing it in.
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Lady Lavendar

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I like the new craftable vases. Very pretty, especially like the verite and valorite version.


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I think the plate is fine. I doubt any art in UO stands up to much zooming.

The sundial is indeed wrong though. The current artist needs to go back and look at the old classic art to match the perspective. A full circle like that is way out of place.

And lastly, I sincerely hope that anniversary gift bags will not be the ONLY source of the new recipes. Recipes and scroll books should NEVER be one-time gifts.


Stratics Legend
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I think the plate is fine. I doubt any art in UO stands up to much zooming.

The sundial is indeed wrong though. The current artist needs to go back and look at the old classic art to match the perspective. A full circle like that is way out of place.

And lastly, I sincerely hope that anniversary gift bags will not be the ONLY source of the new recipes. Recipes and scroll books should NEVER be one-time gifts.
Of course anything zoomed up will look pixilated, but that wasn't why I was zooming it. I was showing how lazy it was, because it really was just a 25 point pencil, with an 1 point wide inner circle, and a 1 point wide UO symbol with a gradient/noise over it. You could literally do it in like 5 minutes. Nothing was done to make the inner line look like the depth contour you would see in an actual plate, or make the UO symbol look like anything more than a pixel line. I mean christ, at least try and anti-alias them! The "shadows" which I assume the gradient was an attempt at are completely half-assed and incorrect making the plate look completely flat.
If the "shadow" is heavy at the top that means light is hitting the plate from below (which is incongruous with the lighting you see on all other objects) so there should be highlights and shadows in other places on the outside ring, and highlights at the top and shadows at the bottom of the inside ring. Of course the light should probably be hitting it more directly, and the shadows shouldn't be anywhere near as dark as they are overall. The effect is making it look convex like a commemorative firsbee or shield.

I mean if you zoom up just a regular plate you can see the effort the artist went to to make it look three dimensional using these methods.

This is the one instance I wish they would have stuck with the standard make art at high res and shrink it down method, because whoever did this has very little skill as a pixel artist.

The sundial is indeed wrong though. The current artist needs to go back and look at the old classic art to match the perspective. A full circle like that is way out of place.
The sad thing is they know it looks out of place. Years ago, some time after the current (apparent) aesthetic was set, there was an artist dev member (Cathat I think?) who came in and said that the full perspective was intentional and actually correct because of the floor tiles, despite the fact that it didn't fit in with the perspective used in the original art assets, or any art made up until whoever took over and made that arbitrary decision. It's absurd.

The worst part is that they seem to be doing it both ways now. If something has a rounded base, it has the correct perspective, but if it also has a rounded top, the perspective is the full circle, as we can see with the sundial and I think there was another similar item from some holiday last year as well.
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Of course anything zoomed up will look pixilated, but that wasn't why I was zooming it. I was showing how lazy it was, because it really was just a 25 point pencil, with an 1 point wide inner circle, and a 1 point wide UO symbol with a gradient/noise over it. You could literally do it in like 5 minutes. Nothing was done to make the inner line look like the depth contour you would see in an actual plate, or make the UO symbol look like anything more than a pixel line. I mean christ, at least try and anti-alias them! The "shadows" which I assume the gradient was an attempt at are completely half-assed and incorrect making the plate look completely flat.
If the "shadow" is heavy at the top that means light is hitting the plate from below (which is incongruous with the lighting you see on all other objects) so there should be highlights and shadows in other places on the outside ring, and highlights at the top and shadows at the bottom of the inside ring. Of course the light should probably be hitting it more directly, and the shadows shouldn't be anywhere near as dark as they are overall. The effect is making it look convex like a commemorative firsbee or shield.

I mean if you zoom up just a regular plate you can see the effort the artist went to to make it look three dimensional using these methods.

This is the one instance I wish they would have stuck with the standard make art at high res and shrink it down method, because whoever did this has very little skill as a pixel artist.

The sad thing is they know it looks out of place. Years ago, some time after the current (apparent) aesthetic was set, there was an artist dev member (Cathat I think?) who came in and said that the full perspective was intentional and actually correct because of the floor tiles, despite the fact that it didn't fit in with the perspective used in the original art assets, or any art made up until whoever took over and made that arbitrary decision. It's absurd.

The worst part is that they seem to be doing it both ways now. If something has a rounded base, it has the correct perspective, but if it also has a rounded top, the perspective is the full circle, as we can see with the sundial and I think there was another similar item from some holiday last year as well.

So true and it's why I hate most of the planters they gave us in the tickets... It's also why I hate the Silver Sapling... And 100 other newer items in the game... it just looks BAD and is not consistent with the old art style and perspective. I REALLY wish they would quit doing that! The only way to use some of it is to cover the top up with a big plant but that too looks silly.


Crazed Zealot
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And now we shall have hundreds of the same thing.

Please keep my gifts, my house doesn't have room for more garbage.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I found it odd they released it to test center. Kinda ruined the surprise. In reply to the other posters they do seem to be clueless about angles, and this comes up every time lately! One would think they just don't care. Take an old school potted tree pic home and tape it to the refrigerator lol
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The pictures here look nice. Ty team. You only get on TC if you copied a character over? My TC newbies got no toys. :(

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
The pictures here look nice. Ty team. You only get on TC if you copied a character over? My TC newbies got no toys. :(
It's probably one of those deals where you've got to be around 30 days or whatever. Like in the old days we made new characters just for extra gifts lol


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I think the plate is fine. I doubt any art in UO stands up to much zooming.

The sundial is indeed wrong though. The current artist needs to go back and look at the old classic art to match the perspective. A full circle like that is way out of place.

And lastly, I sincerely hope that anniversary gift bags will not be the ONLY source of the new recipes. Recipes and scroll books should NEVER be one-time gifts.
I only have 3 chars on test but the only recipes I've gotten are for a tall and short vase...so I think these are not the recipes for the new expansion, that just wouldn't make sense.

I got these 3 plates on TC


I REALLY like the plates...they are not meant to be zoomed in on, I already have visions of where these will go in my house I am VERY happy about them.

Yes, the sundial perspective is off, as were the Easter Plants...but it's still a VERY cool item...

Thanks Team!!!

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Yes i like the plates (in theory anyway, gotta see them placed). Sundials I probably won't use like people are saying with the perspective. Didn't use the plants from last time either. Or the four foot coffee pot from before that... lol. Anyway lets see the new vases! I just gotta see the perspective lol

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I only have 3 chars on test but the only recipes I've gotten are for a tall and short vase...so I think these are not the recipes for the new expansion, that just wouldn't make sense.

I got these 3 plates on TC

View attachment 35772

I REALLY like the plates...they are not meant to be zoomed in on, I already have visions of where these will go in my house I am VERY happy about them.

Yes, the sundial perspective is off, as were the Easter Plants...but it's still a VERY cool item...

Thanks Team!!!
That's neat they say different things. Plus I have a character named Time Lord ;) Love Dr. Who.... fact it ties into UO was a bonus lol


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yes i like the plates (in theory anyway, gotta see them placed). Sundials I probably won't use like people are saying with the perspective. Didn't use the plants from last time either. Or the four foot coffee pot from before that... lol. Anyway lets see the new vases! I just gotta see the perspective lol
Here's the tall one....



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Short and tall in Verite Granite...not too bad!

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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[QUOTE="Uvtha, post: 2588444, member: 2343]

The plate is also bad, but because it's poorly made. I could make a better looking plate, and my art skills are marginal at best, and poor by professional standards. It looks like someone plopped down a 25 size pencil mark, filled it with a gradient, drew a circle UO symbol in grey with a couple solid brown twigs hanging down, and called it good. No depth of color, no attempt to give the form depth, no light reflections or shadow, no attempt at anti-aliasing... yuck. The sundial has some similar issues, but nowhere near as drastically.

Just look at it close up:

Maybe it's just me, but that looks like mailing it in.[/QUOTE]

Looks like one of the enemies from an old Atari game I had!! lol

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
View attachment 35774

Short and tall in Verite Granite...not too bad!
I got a bad feeling about the perspective on the shorter one lol. The hole in the top should look more like an oval I think. But we'll see. People assume were just being jerks but if you want to put a rose or something in it it's gotta be right :) But nice work! Thanks for doing that for us. One nice thing about them stealing art and recoloring it is they get the perspective right lol


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All the colors in Granite I had available on test...they are rather large but I like them!


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Holy cow those are big lol
LOL yeah that's why I took a screenshot standing next to them....they ARE big!

Here's one of the plates on a table...I was thinking of putting them above a fireplace on a mantel....think they would look nice that way.


Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
LOL yeah that's why I took a screenshot standing next to them....they ARE big!

Here's one of the plates on a table...I was thinking of putting them above a fireplace on a mantel....think they would look nice that way.

View attachment 35776
Yes I'm hopeful about the plates. That could be the winner of the set. Do they turn? lol Trying to keep you busy :p I'm guessing not as they are kinda
turned halfway to each direction.


Stratics Legend
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I REALLY like the plates...they are not meant to be zoomed in on, I already have visions of where these will go in my house I am VERY happy about them.
I think the look just as half assed at regular resolution. As I said, I only zoomed in to clearly display my criticisms.

But hey, to each his own. You can have mine! :D


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yes I'm hopeful about the plates. That could be the winner of the set. Do they turn? lol Trying to keep you busy :p I'm guessing not as they are kinda
turned halfway to each direction.
LOL no problem I like to keep busy!

No they don't turn :(

It has no lip around top!
A lot of the larger vases don't

Meant for putting tall grass/bamboo and stuff like that in...hmm...now I gotta find an appropriate plant to put in mine!

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Yeah if your looking at it from an angle (the shorter one is more apparent) the hole in the top wouldn't be a circle, it would be an oval. Yes? No? I don't know... lol ROWSDOWER!?


Stratics Legend
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[QUOTE="Uvtha, post: 2588444, member: 2343]

The plate is also bad, but because it's poorly made. I could make a better looking plate, and my art skills are marginal at best, and poor by professional standards. It looks like someone plopped down a 25 size pencil mark, filled it with a gradient, drew a circle UO symbol in grey with a couple solid brown twigs hanging down, and called it good. No depth of color, no attempt to give the form depth, no light reflections or shadow, no attempt at anti-aliasing... yuck. The sundial has some similar issues, but nowhere near as drastically.

Just look at it close up:

Maybe it's just me, but that looks like mailing it in.
Looks like one of the enemies from an old Atari game I had!! lol[/QUOTE]

I frankly would be rather embarrassed to not only present this to my art director, but to see it in game. I do admit as someone who has dabbled in making video game art (despite failing heh), I am probably more sensitive than most because I put in a lot of work, and study to do my very best to be sure that things I made looked as good as I possibly could make them. If upon review it didn't I either re-did it or didn't use it. This thing could be made in MS paint in like 10-15 minutes, legit. That shouldn't be "good enough".

I really like the idea, but... come on.


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The shorter one looks like it leans forward more than the taller one. Probably just me. I think the taller one will be ok, need to place it next to old art.
Yeah here's an old large vase to compare


Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I think the plate will look ok and the tall craftable vase looks like it might work. So I'm still considering this a win. Plus the bag it comes in should be useful :p

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Yeah here's an old large vase to compare

View attachment 35780
Yes exactly it's the hole at the top that is giving me the perspective problem. I think whoever does the art was working on a different game for a long time and just can't seem to get the concept of UO lol But the tall one is probably usable. But they're getting closer, a couple more years and they'll have it!


Stratics Legend
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Yeah if your looking at it from an angle (the shorter one is more apparent) the hole in the top wouldn't be a circle, it would be an oval. Yes? No? I don't know... lol ROWSDOWER!?
Yeah, nothing should have a circular top like that. Take a look at the Vases from SA, they actually did it correctly. That being of course because they had outside artists working at the time who realized the proper perspective to not make it look completely silly.

The correct perspective for a Vase in this game either two of the garg vases or the vases that came with the game.

The perspective in the older ones is better IMO, but both sets are just fine.

The worst part is that I have liked the IDEA of many of the items with that horrible perspective, but since they all look bizarre in context I don't even consider using any of them.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yeah if your looking at it from an angle (the shorter one is more apparent) the hole in the top wouldn't be a circle, it would be an oval. Yes? No? I don't know... lol ROWSDOWER!?
LOL yes you are correct.

Here is something that CatHat sent me LONG ago regarding perspective in UO back in 2011...

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
Yeah here's an old large vase to compare

View attachment 35780
The old base looks odd with the perspective of an angled top down view. If you were standing above an object at a slight angle, the hole on top should look more like the new vases, think about it for a second. The old vase looks like you are looking at it from the side and not from above

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yes I'm hopeful about the plates. That could be the winner of the set. Do they turn? lol Trying to keep you busy :p I'm guessing not as they are kinda
turned halfway to each direction.
If they just put a bit of work in on them I think they would look fine.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
LOL yes you are correct.

Here is something that CatHat sent me LONG ago regarding perspective in UO back in 2011...
View attachment 35781
View attachment 35782
Yeah that was the discussion I was referring to. The thing I don't understand is that it's admitted that its less aesthetically pleasing, and I think 90% of people probably agree... but accepting that... they decided not to just change it for one item, but to go ahead and replace the old perspective with the new worse looking perspective for everything from that point forward. Why. WHY?

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
The old base looks odd with the perspective of an angled top down view. If you were standing above an object at a slight angle, the hole on top should look more like the new vases, think about it for a second. The old vase looks like you are looking at it from the side and not from above

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Well you can't change the plan at the end of the game. At this point it has to look right with the stuff from the last 18 years. If it's more right or wrong doesn't matter if it doesn't match anything else.


Stratics Legend
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The old base looks odd with the perspective of an angled top down view. If you were standing above an object at a slight angle, the hole on top should look more like the new vases, think about it for a second. The old vase looks like you are looking at it from the side and not from above
That's correct, but you also would see the body of the vase in a much different way as well. They are mixing perspectives. The body of things is the same perspective as the old UO art around 45%, but the tops of things is the same as the floor, 100%, which makes everything look like its sliding or deformed.

Find anything with a circular top, loot at it in a perspective that the top is a full circle. How much of the body do you see?

If you imagined those vases to be vases in real life, your brain will see them as deformed because of the mixed perspective.


Stratics Legend
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Well you can't change the plan at the end of the game. At this point it has to look right with the stuff from the last 18 years. If it's more right or wrong doesn't matter if it doesn't match anything else.
I mean I completely agree. The game kept the original aesthetic until... I want to say SE? Then clearly a new art director came in (cathat I assume?) and had a personal issue with the presentation and officially changed the aesthetic despite the fact that it looks bad and went against the aesthetic foundation that it had to coexist next to literally side by side.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
That's correct, but you also would see the body of the vase in a much different way as well. They are mixing perspectives. The body of things is the same perspective as the old UO art around 45%, but the tops of things is the same as the floor, 100%, which makes everything look like its sliding or deformed.
You think they'll EVER get it? We hammer them every single time for awhile now and these art problems just keeps coming back. Maybe they're mad at us and do it on purpose? lol. I've have zero art training but I get that doesn't look right. I just don't get why this keeps happening....

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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I actually like the plates on a stand =) Are the recipes for anything besides planters?

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I mean I completely agree. The game kept the original aesthetic until... I want to say SE? Then clearly a new art director came in (cathat I assume?) and had a personal issue with the presentation and changed the aesthetic despite the fact that it looks bad and went against the aesthetic foundation that it had to coexist next to literally side by side.
Even if you don't like this or that, just art in general, the circle at the top of the vase doesn't match the angle of the vase. It really makes one wonder what the hell? lol I'm baffled...