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[UO.Com] Publish 90 Part 1 Time of legends


Stratics Legend
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Imbuing was enough... it took smarts... and money cannot buy that.
i think many would disagree. imbueing made cookie cutter suits, everyones looked exactly the same, and was the best you could get. there was absolutely no reason when imbuing came out to loot anything at all off monsters, destroying the value of all game content. hunting was very depressing there for a few years when i was looting colored blobs instead of useful armor. in my opinion global loot brought back "oldschool looting" to UO, with reforging and imbuing still very useful and even needed. in my opinion we have the perfect balance now when it comes to gear, which is a very hard thing to acomplish in UO.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Oh that's handy. Always annoyed me that balance didn't count cheques.
Yep! Now there are no checks so it's just one nice number.

I just copied over my tamer

Now, I"m not rich by any means lol but that WAS 10 spots in my bank that are freed up. For some who have more...I had 48 mil on atl...that's a lot of space taken up by checks!

I'm actually pretty happy with this new system....a bit confusing at first but it's nice :)
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Lore Master
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i think many would disagree. imbueing made cookie cutter suits, everyones looked exactly the same, and was the best you could get. there was absolutely no reason when imbuing came out to loot anything at all off monsters, destroying the value of all game content. hunting was very depressing there for a few years when i was looting colored blobs instead of useful armor. in my opinion global loot brought back "oldschool looting" to UO, with reforging and imbuing still very useful and even needed. in my opinion we have the perfect balance now when it comes to gear, which is a very hard thing to acomplish in UO.
There was a time though right after the Unbound Energy Vortex expansion where stuff was golden. You *could* make unique suits then if you knew what you were doing. It's gone just a little too far now... ask all of the people on Atlantic why the numbers have dropped so the past few months... as evidence of this. The greatest *person* is now going to the highest bidder... when Ultima came out, everybody had cookie cutter valorite chainmail/platemail suits... it shouldn't be who is the richest in real life wins.


Lore Master
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The items should have been capped at 8 properties or something in all... seeing a PvP character walk around with 150 hit points, 210 mana, 210 stamina.... 24 MR, 18 HPR, 17 Dmg Eater, 30 Fire Eater, 10 Casting Focus, 50 Enhanced Potions, 50 DCI, 45 HCI is kind of depressing... knowing that they paid nearly 500m or a billion... or 3 billion... or whatever for their suit. Nobody is going to PvP those guys, never. Who wants that frustration in life. The same can be said of gathering event items... it's just no fun watching the same 5 people get them every time. There is 0 balance in this game any more, unless you are willing to dump $500 into it from a website, which they are trying to stop. *Trying to stop* .... lol, yea right. Making people buy PvP suits and PvM suits isn't helping Devs... see the problems I've outlined? Zero game balance for new players at all... and I play more than everybody, trust me.... Zero game balance for me, because as the PvP chars say in gen. chat... I didn't "buy a better suit."


Long Live The Players
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how do you get your balance on the live shard?
IM in CC, not sure if there is an option there for that. I can mouse over somethings and get a gump but some never give me any info. Its been a bug that has been mentioned before by several people. Never seems to get fixed.


Long Live The Players
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"There are limits to the maximum elevation these crafted items can be placed. Players found to be exploiting these limits will find themselves subject to GM action."

Hey at @Kyronix what are the limits? Is it just where you can place it or can we not use the interior decorator after words? If we can use the interior decorator how high can we go? Is it as high as the walls go on a 4 story custom?

Or are these being treated like goza mat floors? Where they are good to go unless they are blocking someones vendors, house, access etc...


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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"There are limits to the maximum elevation these crafted items can be placed. Players found to be exploiting these limits will find themselves subject to GM action."

Hey at @Kyronix what are the limits? Is it just where you can place it or can we not use the interior decorator after words? If we can use the interior decorator how high can we go? Is it as high as the walls go on a 4 story custom?

Or are these being treated like goza mat floors? Where they are good to go unless they are blocking someones vendors, house, access etc...
I'd like to know this too...and I'd also like to test it! Is there a way we can get like....a few hundred or so granite? Or can we and I missed it somewhere..it's not in the resource box you normally get :/


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I cannot deal with the bank gumps so I looked at new wall sets. I liked them for most part. Short medium smooth grey wall has issue with its corner. The corner part goes orange. The green roof has some extra added attractions when you try it east west and is not usable.

Oh whoa we can now make Christmas homes easier! :) Is some nice stuff with this publish. So tyvm dev team people! I do not even care what the tiger form does, it is so fun to just be one. :)

Oh one more thing are there short craftable keep/castle/tower walls or just the corner part? Please say there is. :)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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IM in CC, not sure if there is an option there for that. I can mouse over somethings and get a gump but some never give me any info. Its been a bug that has been mentioned before by several people. Never seems to get fixed.
try this:



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how do you get your balance on the live shard?
i say "bank" and know how many 1mil checks i have from how many items is in the bank.

on test, since gold is no longer an item, saying "bank" gives no information of how much gold you have.

yes, you can say "balance" on test, but thats 2 words you have to say now intead of just 1. the point of the new system is to make things easier, easier would have been just to display a balance when you open the bank.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I cannot deal with the bank gumps so I looked at new wall sets. I liked them for most part. Short medium smooth grey wall has issue with its corner. The corner part goes orange. The green roof has some extra added attractions when you try it east west and is not usable.

Oh whoa we can now make Christmas homes easier! :) Is some nice stuff with this publish. So tyvm dev team people! I do not even care what the tiger form does, it is so fun to just be one. :)

Oh one more thing are there short craftable keep/castle/tower walls or just the corner part? Please say there is. :)
lock the short piece down then turn it with the decorating tool


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
There was a time though right after the Unbound Energy Vortex expansion where stuff was golden. You *could* make unique suits then if you knew what you were doing. It's gone just a little too far now... ask all of the people on Atlantic why the numbers have dropped so the past few months... as evidence of this. The greatest *person* is now going to the highest bidder... when Ultima came out, everybody had cookie cutter valorite chainmail/platemail suits... it shouldn't be who is the richest in real life wins.
i agree, back then a "legendary" was something "of legend," not seen very often at all. ive come to terms tho with the devs decision to appeal to the casual gamer overall, and make these extremely powerful items available relatively easily to everyone. its still in my opinion better than looting stat-less blobs to make a suit out of that looks the same as everyone elses.

in regards to wealth disparity, yes there will alway be the "elite," but those suits / templates made for much much cheaper can now compete with those highest end suits. a 3bil suit now is not really that far off from a 100m suit, which can actually be made for free if you spend the time doing a day of scalis or other hunting.


Stratics Veteran
I am excited to see the new Necro command dead mastery, but will I be able to use it on my own reanimated 'zombies'?


The Enchanter
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I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the endless moaning here on good ol' wonderful Stratics. However, in the limited amount of time I've been on these forums, one of the topics people have whined and complained about the most has been gold checks. "Gold check suck!" "Gold checks enable the dupers." "The developer's must be in bed with the dupers because they haven't done anything to stop them". Blah blah blah. We heard it time and time again.

Now they address the system, do away with gold checks, and everyone is still whining and moaning like a bunch of Octogenarian widows. It's pathetic.

Oh you tried the new banking gump once and don't understand every single command yet? The release hasn't even been alive one day yet, give it some time. Rome wasn't built over night. It's going to take just a little bit of trial and error to get used to it and fully understand. The options make banking more secure and will effectively stop most duping of gold.

1 platinum for 1 billion gold is perfect. There would have been too much platinum if they had it equal to only 1 million.

Good job developers! Can't wait for full release of Publish 90!


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
i say "bank" and know how many 1mil checks i have from how many items is in the bank.

on test, since gold is no longer an item, saying "bank" gives no information of how much gold you have.

yes, you can say "balance" on test, but thats 2 words you have to say now intead of just 1. the point of the new system is to make things easier, easier would have been just to display a balance when you open the bank.

Unless it's changed you never had to open bank to check your balance.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
i say "bank" and know how many 1mil checks i have from how many items is in the bank.

on test, since gold is no longer an item, saying "bank" gives no information of how much gold you have.

yes, you can say "balance" on test, but thats 2 words you have to say now intead of just 1. the point of the new system is to make things easier, easier would have been just to display a balance when you open the bank.
Not to pick on you here, but saying bank never told you how much gold you had... just an item count. Yes, if you knew the ONLY thing you had in your bank was million gold checks you could know how much gold you had but it wasn't telling you your balance.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If duping still exists, people seem to think it does, like you say they'll dupe big money items and the money will still flow to the cheaters.
Checks can be cashed, items cannot. You can find and delete duped items, at least in theory.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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i say "bank" and know how many 1mil checks i have from how many items is in the bank.

on test, since gold is no longer an item, saying "bank" gives no information of how much gold you have.

yes, you can say "balance" on test, but thats 2 words you have to say now intead of just 1. the point of the new system is to make things easier, easier would have been just to display a balance when you open the bank.
How is saying balance 2 words?

You don't have to say BANK and then BALANCE...just balance...still one word.....


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Not to pick on you here, but saying bank never told you how much gold you had... just an item count. Yes, if you knew the ONLY thing you had in your bank was million gold checks you could know how much gold you had but it wasn't telling you your balance.
right, but it was still 1 word. now it takes double the effort from what we had before.

i love the new system, it makes tons of things involving gold much easier overall (like i can now actually use 2 banks now that used to be kept empty/gold only, for some storage) just think it can be made a bit more streamlined, intuitive, and user friendly. adding a visual, static number to the bank box doesnt seem too big a deal and would make alot of sense given they just revamped the whole system.


Long Live The Players
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Its quite obvious in this thread, that what is easier and logical for some is not for others. For me, a system that is easy and intuitive means there needs to be no explanation of how to use it. When i install a 500k sound system in a church i make damn sure i dont have to go back out to the church to teach them how to run it over and over. I make it "idiot proof" It is quite clear not all of us are on the same level with this game, and thats ok....

as the world turns... :)


Tina Small

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They'll stay in the stable, you just won't be able to add any additional once you've reached your max.
Kyronix, will there be any problems with your pet being auto-stabled as sometimes happens when your character dies if the character's stable slots were over-filled from previously using the mastery for boarding purposes, but it was not active when your character died? In other words, if the character had not died at that point and instead had gone to the stable, he would not have been able to stable the pet(s) he currently had out without activating the mastery.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the endless moaning here on good ol' wonderful Stratics. However, in the limited amount of time I've been on these forums, one of the topics people have whined and complained about the most has been gold checks. "Gold check suck!" "Gold checks enable the dupers." "The developer's must be in bed with the dupers because they haven't done anything to stop them". Blah blah blah. We heard it time and time again.

Now they address the system, do away with gold checks, and everyone is still whining and moaning like a bunch of Octogenarian widows. It's pathetic.

Oh you tried the new banking gump once and don't understand every single command yet? The release hasn't even been alive one day yet, give it some time. Rome wasn't built over night. It's going to take just a little bit of trial and error to get used to it and fully understand. The options make banking more secure and will effectively stop most duping of gold.

1 platinum for 1 billion gold is perfect. There would have been too much platinum if they had it equal to only 1 million.

Good job developers! Can't wait for full release of Publish 90!
Labeling other player's ideas as pathetic is pathetic. I've played Ultima more than most trust me... even Super Nintendo style. I wonder why this game is dying? It's because they truly do not listen to anyone other than the "elite." But it's ok, because they've all already bought their gold.... and can get more anytime I guess. After all, what's a platinum when you're rolling in *waves* and other 1 billion gold items and have super elite suits. Death to the swine and peasants... aye? So says Merlin... "they're all pathetic."


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It depends which ability it is. Some are activated and some are passive. The passive for animal taming is boarding, which gives you more stable slots.
Is there a technical reason why stable slots are so limited?
i agree, back then a "legendary" was something "of legend," not seen very often at all.
Legendaries were MUCH more common before the universal loot roll out. You could get them regularly from joke monsters like UEV and eve the lizardmen in wrong. Now you pretty much only get them from bosses, and the power levels are pretty similar.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the endless moaning here on good ol' wonderful Stratics. However, in the limited amount of time I've been on these forums, one of the topics people have whined and complained about the most has been gold checks. "Gold check suck!" "Gold checks enable the dupers." "The developer's must be in bed with the dupers because they haven't done anything to stop them". Blah blah blah. We heard it time and time again.

Now they address the system, do away with gold checks, and everyone is still whining and moaning like a bunch of Octogenarian widows. It's pathetic.

Oh you tried the new banking gump once and don't understand every single command yet? The release hasn't even been alive one day yet, give it some time. Rome wasn't built over night. It's going to take just a little bit of trial and error to get used to it and fully understand. The options make banking more secure and will effectively stop most duping of gold.

1 platinum for 1 billion gold is perfect. There would have been too much platinum if they had it equal to only 1 million.

Good job developers! Can't wait for full release of Publish 90!

@Merlin I hear you!!!, I stopped posting or replying for those "topics" because people will always cry!!, people here complain that this guy or that guy owns $5k in rares and he dont have anything, People complain this guy owns 10 houses and I dont have anything, This guy have 10 Billion Gold and I have nothing.... Is amazing to see that someone just got back after 10 years break and they want to have the same thing that someone that play for 15 years Non stop, some people play for 5 hours a week and others play for 100 hours and the guy that play for 5 hours is "mad" because the one that play 100 have more stuff or gold than him!!!.
If someone is too lazy or too busy to play the game and this person or "lawyer" or "rich" person want to dump $1k and buy all the rares, suits or gold possible that he want from someone or other websites, He will still make people upset because the person complaining cant even pay for his 1 month subscription!!

All I have to say this is "Life" Get used to it...Some people have better jobs than others, some people make a lot more money than others and waste their money as they want to...Instead of be so worried and upset about what other people have, either you "adapt" or find a better job... I dont get mad because the guy that live next door drive a brand new 2015 BMW, Good for him, He probably worked hard for that or get got Luck somehow, I mind my own business and I will work harder or smarter to one day get the same things!! other than sit down and complain about!!!!! my 2 cents...
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Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
How is saying balance 2 words?

You don't have to say BANK and then BALANCE...just balance...still one word.....
:facepalm: nevermind lol.

just trying to make suggestions to make the simplest, most user freindly changes while they can still be made. thats the point of test.

yes its a small difference, but being able to make something better when its easy and not doing it just doenst make sense to me. it would be "better" to see your bank items, and balance, all at once.
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That said... ya'll should have given us house pets in this update. 3-4 cats roaming the houses would have been killer (no char slots taken, and no draggys and such... but still.) That would have been a nice edition other than 85 new masteries...... still haven't even build a new "brittle" suit at this point. :(


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Legendaries were MUCH more common before the universal loot roll out. You could get them regularly from joke monsters like UEV and eve the lizardmen in wrong. Now you pretty much only get them from bosses, and the power levels are pretty similar.
good point, i guess i look at it from a time commitment tho. i spent 100s of hours farming unbounds and never got 1 clean legendary. now i can get a legendary in about 10mins of yes, fighting one of those bosses, but its still a massive time investment difference.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Wow... first thing my wife said just now when I tried to give her some items I bought this morning.... "Wow... What Happened??? Trade window sucks!" Lol... I have to agree, I just saw it 30 seconds ago... omg this has world of warcraft "toony" crappiness written all over it... I hate to imagine what the special moves are going to be like. You all just ruined Ultima with the trade window, nice works Devs... I'm at a loss. That don't even look like Ultima any more.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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:facepalm: nevermind lol.

just trying to make suggestions to make the simplest, most user freindly while changes can still be made. thats the point of test.

yes its a small difference, but being able to make something better when its easy and not doing it just doenst make sense to me. it would be "better" to see your bank items, and balance, all at once.
So make a macro that says Bank Balance...problem solved..seriously if typing 2 words instead of one is that rough....
Sorry to sound so mean but really now...really? Love ya smoot but this is just silly ;)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
So make a macro that says Bank Balance...problem solved..seriously if typing 2 words instead of one is that rough....
Sorry to sound so mean but really now...really? Love ya smoot but this is just silly ;)
every other game i know of with a "modern" style, non-physical monetary system shows the number with your bank items. it just seems to be common sense if your modernizing something, do it all the way.

i guess the other alternative is just ignore user suggestions, and keep getting complaints, like the massive VVV gump that everyone hated and took months to finally change it. i see the massive bank gump, and the currencey number non-display issue as something similar.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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It's not really modern though..not all the way....and UO wouldn't be UO without people running to the bank and hitting there
*Bank balance recsu recdu all kill GUARDS! macro..now would it? ;)

Things change..we must adapt. The whole bank thing is still a bit...odd to me...gonna take some getting used to, and it still can't be tested all the way, I'd like to see if the secure transfer thing works but...gotta wait!

so far though I like it.


The Enchanter
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Campaign Patron
Labeling other player's ideas as pathetic is pathetic. I've played Ultima more than most trust me... even Super Nintendo style. I wonder why this game is dying? It's because they truly do not listen to anyone other than the "elite." But it's ok, because they've all already bought their gold.... and can get more anytime I guess. After all, what's a platinum when you're rolling in *waves* and other 1 billion gold items and have super elite suits. Death to the swine and peasants... aye? So says Merlin... "they're all pathetic."
I didn't say "they're all pathetic". I said the phrase "it's pathetic", referring to the non-stop moaning after this has been out less than a day. Context.

The so-called 'elite' you refer to were the ones who didn't want gold checks done away with. They were the ones who didn't want changes in the banking system. It was others who did, now they got it, and ofcourse it's easier to just try to take pot shots at the developer's, say they're out of touch, rather than spend time trying to master it. I bet the people who have complained about the banking system have spent more time posting on stratics about it than actually trying some good ol' fashioned trial and error on the test center.

Further, nothing I said was directed at any individual post, nor did it refer to any 'elites' or 'peasants'. So not sure where you get any of that from.

That said... ya'll should have given us house pets in this update. 3-4 cats roaming the houses would have been killer (no char slots taken, and no draggys and such... but still.) That would have been a nice edition other than 85 new masteries...... still haven't even build a new "brittle" suit at this point. :(
Roaming cats instead of new masteries? In your other post, you were the one saying the developer's don't listen to anyone. I'm pretty sure choosing cats over new useful spells/abilities/masteries would've been an example of not listening.

Wow... first thing my wife said just now when I tried to give her some items I bought this morning.... "Wow... What Happened??? Trade window sucks!" Lol... I have to agree, I just saw it 30 seconds ago... omg this has world of warcraft "toony" crappiness written all over it... I hate to imagine what the special moves are going to be like. You all just ruined Ultima with the trade window, nice works Devs... I'm at a loss. That don't even look like Ultima any more.
Yes, game officially ruined. Tried trade window once. It was different. I don't like it. Game over.



The Enchanter
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I think this is going to be the patch that does it.... I think so. [Third party shard] is far, far better... I know many are going to agree. Nothing Broadsword has did the past year was close to good, in fact it was ALL negative to the game. I think the Illuminati are trying to destroy Ultima... seriously. There has to be some kind of conspiracy going on.....

I was going to pay for an account in the next week as soon as I found an 18x18 on Atlantic too... to build another house. Nope, forget that. I think we are going to store our items on the chars, we have about 6 transfer tokens... but I might seriously call it quits on this one. I'll wait and see and talk to the wife, but we met on [third party shard]... maybe we'll go back there. Besides, we already have 5 accounts and pay $30-40 a month on average... for something that could be free. Then we don't have to worry about none of the stuff I've complained about and *Merlin* and the Stratics "premium" editors don't have to hear it. I'm sure they're not scripters or on the inside or don't have billions in gold anyway... oh wait, Merlin does obviously from what he said... after all, what's a billion?

.... *My last comment* going to spend my 200m I've saved up so hard for and think about what to do the rest of the week, take care for now, forums. Eat dirt... Devs. That trade window is freaking horrible, that just ruined it. That alone... I hate "tooniness" crap like that. The gold don't look like gold.... checks were "real." The dupers cans dupe Sphinxes... don't you get it? Oh wait, back to the conspiracy, you must be trying to destroy it or something.....
Illuminati? Conspiracy to destroy UO?

Having a billion in gold doesn't make you a scripter. Maybe you can start up #OccupyLuna or something to that vein.

LOL. So someone has a different opinion from you and you take it this personal? Dude, take a chill pill. Every post you've had on this thread is just absolutely negative blather hating on the expansion that many have been anxiously waiting for. Did you expect the Stratics community to embrace your negative perspective on every aspect of the expansion?

We've seen this before: someone on Stratics doesn't like a change. They post up how much they hate it. Talk about how many accounts they have. Threaten to quit and never end up doing it. If taking your toys and going home is your response, then best of luck playing World of Warcraft.
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Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Wow... first thing my wife said just now when I tried to give her some items I bought this morning.... "Wow... What Happened??? Trade window sucks!" Lol... I have to agree, I just saw it 30 seconds ago... omg this has world of warcraft "toony" crappiness written all over it... I hate to imagine what the special moves are going to be like. You all just ruined Ultima with the trade window, nice works Devs... I'm at a loss. That don't even look like Ultima any more.
i get what you mean, the new trade window art doesnt "fit" with the style of UO, but niether does most the other new art of recent years. at least it has increased functionality. i could ignor most the other new art by not using those items, but kinda have to use the trade window. i agree, a cohesive look to a game is very important, but am satisfied simply with the function on this one. ideally we could have both, but reality is we have a dev team of what like 2people? will not have worry about gold storage, it will save people from being scammed alot, open up transfer space tons by being able to have full slots in addition to 1bil gold in transfers.

so ya, i hate the look but love the functionality.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
This is the new Bank Gump in TC right now. Will someone please explain what each of these do? What is a transfer account versus secure account? This may be one of those things i dont like at first but then get used to, but i really dont like it at first...

EDIT: the gump stays with me after i leave the bank area....

. View attachment 35473
This gump really needs to tell you how much gold you have in the accounts. Too much guess work involved when working with this gump. plzkthx


Babbling Loonie
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The mace fighting "stagger" mastery sounds like a special attack. Dear developers and God and Santa, please make it a competetive alternative to Armor Ignore. I'd love to be a macer again but right now it's just the war axe skill because nobody wants to use a 4s weapon with crushing blow or some crap. Right now nobody even wants maces, go check the relative price of the respective 120 scrolls.
Yeah, a lot of the Weapon Masteries don't make any sense. Something tells me that the Macing Mastery, "Stagger" is going to be another crappy direct damage ability that does little damage in PvM in comparison to AI/DS. "Toughness" just assigns Macers the role of "Player Tank". You know something's ****ed up with Macing when a 120 Macing PS is 1/30th the price of a 120 Swords PS. Macing Weps are just too slow, don't have enough good Special combinations, and hasn't received a good artifact since the Berserker's Maul in AoS. How about adding a Passive Mastery for Macing, that causes it to deal 3x Stamina Damage?

"Pierce" for Fencing, even further cheapens Macing, since heavy Stamina damage was once the niche of Macing. The "Hit Fatigue" item property also cheapens Macing's niche. "Thrust" for Fencing is pretty pointless, considering Fencing Weps are already insanely fast enough that most of them can easily hit max swing speed without any SSI. Fencing has a few good weapons, particularly the Leaf Blade.

The "Onslaught" Mastery for Swords, honestly looks like it belongs more in Macing, simulating crushing the armor/scales/carapace of a creature and weakening it's defenses. Swords easily has the best weapon and artifact selection of any melee wep skill, from the Katana's DS/AI, to the Double Axe's DS/WW, to the Radiant Scimitar being the only 1H WW wep in game.

Oh, ****ing great. Now Archers are getting an AoE ability they can use regardless of what bow they have equipped (access to AoE, AI and Moving Shot all at once), as if they didn't already outclass Melee (when previously, AoE was the only thing Melee had over Archers/Throwers). But wait, there's more! Archers can also provide a SSI/HCI buff to party members! Wtf?

Wrestling Masteries...wtf? Did the devs miss the point that Wrestling is used purely as a defensive skill by some Mages (mainly Focused Nox Mages)? Or are they adding in new weapons that utilize the Wrestling skill? That's the only way i can see the Wrestling Masteries being even remotely useful.

Parrying's "Shield Bash" is kind of stupid. Paralyze is crappy in both PvP and PvM. It's kind of crappy in PvP, considering how easily Para is broken by Trap Boxes, and how you can't Para a Mage that's in mid cast. Para is worthless in PvM, because you're just going to break the Para with an attack in 1.25 secs. "Shield Bash" would be better if it provided a guaranteed Spell Interrupt in PvP, even through Protection, similar to Force Arrow. It'd be better in PvM, if it Stunned the target, or once again, if it acted like Force Arrow. http://www.uoguide.com/Force_Arrow

All the Masteries that increase HCI or DI are pretty useless if they don't go above the cap.
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Lord Taliesin

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Anybody notice the Spellweaving masteries? Specifically the one that lets you boost your Focus level like everyone has asked for? Yippee!
@Kyronix could you clarify what it means that single players won't get circle bonus? I'm guessing it means the +1 for the WBB circle only applies if you've got more than 1 weaver?

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
For those of you who thought you were soon to be knocking walls out or getting a clean castle "plot" I guess you need to get your eyes examined...
I clearly read at not just one Meet and Greet Mesanna answering this question.
NO you cant have a caslte plot or knock walls in old house formats. It cant be done.
I understand your wants and needs in this area i too am not happy that those keep walls cant be taken out or modified. But i did read her reason why it cant be done and understand it is not her want to hold us back... its the old code in which they were made.
I for one do not want to wake up one day and find i got holes in my caslte wall or floor because a publish to do what you want messed up the whole set up to create a nightmare! So leave it be.
There is a silver lining thou...
Mesanna did say at quite a few she was considering looking at different styles of castles and keeps *psst * she too dislikes the keep look ....
Well I have an odd feeling if I dropped by Broadsword with a check for 5 million dollars I could get a castle that looks exactly like mine does now where I could knock down walls. Do you really think we can put men on the moon but it's impossible to redesign a computer game castle? Old code is a problem??? Really??? Make new code. That's what they are suppose to be doing, code. The feeling I get is they, and you, don't trust their ability to do it right. That I understand. But if it were me I'd come up with a better story than our developers don't understand the code or have a clue how to fix it cause that sounds really really bad.... Here's an idea. Castle turns into a 24x24 plot. You only have the 24x24 plot option if you replacing a castle. Then we build a castle on it with all those nifty little pieces they have from house customizing. OH MY GOD I DID IT. Never worked in the gaming industry in my whole life....
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, I've waited long enough not to think about the stuff added and not post "emotionally".
Castle customisation - I would have like to have been able to replace a wall piece with a door on but yeah I think I can get on board with the new stuff. Gets a Yes from me. Atleast now we can finally bury that poor Horse.... :bdh:

Masteries - Can't really say much about these yet as i'm still getting used to all the other changes that happened while I was away but so far I like what I read.
........one thing though, What about craft masteries? no love for crafters??

Money - Cant say this one bothers me one way or the other, I've always been rich so I guess i'll just have to get used to using Platinum as a currency now too.
........Only thing that worries me about this change that most peeps seem to have missed is it's account bound (don't need to use transfer tokens to move gold around now), meaning I now have my total wealth available to me now to use. This is going to inflate prices massively. Inflation is all about the rich not having to do much and we just made it a whole lot easier to do nothing to get rich from.

I'll keep an open mind since this is still early and things can change before launch but so far on the whole, good job devs. Anything new to this game will always be met with resistance but new means people are still interested in UO which is always a good thing. :cheerleader::beer:


The Enchanter
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Campaign Patron
Well I have a odd feeling if I dropped by Broadsword with a check for 5 million dollars I could get a castle that looks exactly like mine does now where I could knock down walls. Do you really think we can put men on the moon but it's impossible to redesign a computer game castle? Old code is a problem??? Really??? Make new code. That's what they are suppose to be doing, code. The feeling I get is they, and you, don't trust their ability to do it right. That I understand. But if it were me I'd come up with a better story than our developers don't understand the code or have a clue how to fix it cause that sounds really really bad.... Here's an idea. Castle turns into a 24x24 plot. You only have the 24x24 plot option if you replacing a castle. Then we build a castle on it with all those nifty little pieces they have from house customizing. OH MY GOD I DID IT. Never worked in the gaming industry in my whole life....
Changing a lot of code would likely have an exponential number of unintended consequences, especially if it were a wholesale 'new code'. Developers have stated this would be nearly impossible at this point and would likely never happen. Is it really worth it to risk that just to knock down some castle walls? :p


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Money - Cant say this one bothers me one way or the other, I've always been rich so I guess i'll just have to get used to using Platinum as a currency now too.
........Only thing that worries me about this change that most peeps seem to have missed is it's account bound (don't need to use transfer tokens to move gold around now), meaning I now have my total wealth available to me now to use. This is going to inflate prices massively. Inflation is all about the rich not having to do much and we just made it a whole lot easier to do nothing to get rich from.
It's not only account bound, it's shard bound as well..that's what the secure transfer account function is for.

You still need to physically move your character to another shard if you want to move gold.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Checks can be cashed, items cannot. You can find and delete duped items, at least in theory.
Here's the thing. If I buy an item it doesn't say duped on it. Someone has 50 million of my gold and I get a deleted item? If they couldn't track gold before they sure can't track it now. So who got burned in this situation?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
  • All existing player-owned gold and checks that were located in the player’s bank box have been added to the player’s currency account on the shard
Can you clarify if this means 'player' as in person/entire account account, or character?

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Changing a lot of code would likely have an exponential number of unintended consequences, especially if it were a wholesale 'new code'. Developers have stated this would be nearly impossible at this point and would likely never happen. Is it really worth it to risk that just to knock down some castle walls? :p
Well all I learned from this appears to be the player base has very little confidence in the Dev team. I gave a very simple way it could be achieved. Leave the old castle code as is. Design a new castle code set for all those who wish to replace with the new castle design that looks exactly like the old one except it's flexible. Those placing in the future would get the new design. Really? You people REALLY don't think this sorta thing is possible? Castle design one or two, old or new, pick one when placing. Or when placing in the future you only get the new design (leaving the old castles and code exactly the way they are). This "castle is cast in stone" story is nonsense. Castle... cast in stone... I made a funny.... Anyway it does my heart good to see us on opposite ends of the spectrum again. It was getting creepy there for awhile. Feels like the universe is in sync again :p


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So Humility looks like a complete fail for anyone not a tamer or who doesn't use live mounts. The -70's to resists will be interesting, if you like roleplaying tissue paper. -50 would probably have been a sufficient handicap, Humility =/= recklessness. This Virtue also really needs to have a broader reward application; such a narrow focus, thus a narrow audience, belies earlier dev statements regarding invalidating content for the masses.

Spirituality actually looks useful, and its gain method seems appropriate. The reward description is a bit vague though... I'm assuming it means that at Knight, you get a 20% incoming damage reduction, capped at 200 hp absorbed post calculation. Will need to test it, but even a 200hp cushion feels like it would get chewed through awfully fast by most higher-end mobs.

The Enchanted Summoning sounds good, though magery summons desperately need a revamp to be more potent at high skill levels. All but one of them are completely worthless, and even EVs fundamentally pale in comparison to an RC cast by an equivalently skilled mystic.
You can also alter what you choose to hunt for humility. Who said you need to hunt Greater Dragons? The humble person might rather go hunt lizard men.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
If you have 7 toons on 1 account, all the gold that you have on ALL of their banks, will now merge into 1 "Balance"

If you have bags of gold at home and you drop inside your bank box will convert and be part of the balance as well!

The gold that you have are "SHARD" bound, if you want to transfer Gold from 1 shard to another, you will have to "manually" transfer.

Just to clarify , the gold that you have on your "home" shard will not be available on any other shard, unless you transfer!!