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NEWS [UO.Com] Additions to Publish 89

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2015 Feb 13 21:15 GMT
Greetings everyone,

We wanted to let everyone know we have added a few additional revisions to Publish 89, these can not be seen on TC1 but will be active when it goes to Production. The changes we have made are to IDOC houses. Below are the details of the changes we have made:
  • When a house goes into the condemned stage the house will go private and all access will be removed.
  • Trial accounts will no longer be able to pick up loot from an IDOC house
  • When the house drops Grubbers will spawn with some of the house loot in their packs, you will have to chase them down to get the loot they have.
  • After a house is in the IDOC stage the timers are no longer random, it will drop at either 5, 10, or 15 hours, with the exception of houses with rental vendors. Houses with rental vendors will become OSI owned and have to go through a cycle for the second time to notify vendor owners.
The UO Team would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day!!

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Stratics Veteran
These seem to be good changes but I fear the Scripters as usual will find something to disguise as a real concern just to spread discontent once again, May the Whining begin

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
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After a house is in the IDOC stage the timers are no longer random, it will drop at either 5, 10, or 15 hours
What determines the time? So someone would still have to wait at a computer, potentially 15 hours instead of the previous guaranteed 20, to compete with scripters that will wait as long as necessary. Or will the house sign display how much time is left?

And don't you realize at least one scripter writer is already thinking of adding something that auto-attacks any grubbers?

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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All the house loot will be on grubbers? or will it all still fall, and just random loot to grubbers, like the tchests?


Slightly Crazed
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This sounds great---steady times, no young accounts, and the grubber idea sounds like fun. Thank you!!!!!!


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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All the house loot will be on grubbers? or will it all still fall, and just random loot to grubbers, like the tchests?
When the house drops Grubbers will spawn with some of the house loot in their packs, you will have to chase them down to get the loot they have.

I'm assuming from this that not all the contents of the house will be on the grubbers (LOVE the name by the way!) So it will still be random, and you get what you get without having the chance to pick through and loot what you want.

Love this idea, thank you team!

Tina Small

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Can we please get clarification on exactly when the co-owner, friend, and access lists will be cleared? Is this only going to happen when the house is actually "in danger of collapse" because adequate time has elapsed since it started to decay and there are no vendors on the house? Or will it happen as soon as a house starts to decay, either for passing the 90 day mark from when the account closed OR because the account was used to place another house? I'm concerned that the system will have no way to distinguish between these two "start to decay" situations.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
The Moment the house enter Stage (SLIGHT NEW) All Friends and Co owners will be drop from the list
ONLY OWNER If he comes back will have access to the house!!

Tina Small

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Stratics Legend
The Moment the house enter Stage (SLIGHT NEW) All Friends and Co owners will be drop from the list
ONLY OWNER If he comes back will have access to the house!!
Erm...can we please have someone from the dev team who knows for certain answer this? I appreciate you trying to answer it but this is too important to rely on just a player's guesstimate of what is going to happen.

Tina Small

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I'd also like to know if you can still use the security settings after a house has started to decay to re-friend or put co-owners back on again? Or will the only the owner's characters have the ability to enter the house and unlock stuff and move it out of the house? I see that as a potential problem if you are just trying to place a new house and get stuff moved. I often use my miner/LJ characters to do the moving because they have the most bonded pack animals. My other characters might not have any bonded pack animals at all. Or a guildmate may want to help with a move, especially if the house was one where friends were using at as well as me as our base of operation on a particular shard.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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That's a good question...according to what was posted:

When a house goes into the condemned stage the house will go private and all access will be removed.

Condemned meaning slightly warn...this is the first stage....so as soon as it goes, the house is private...anyone in side I am assuming will be booted out?

IF this occurs because of either A. A house trade...or B. someone placing another house so they can move belongings from one to the other...I would assume only the owner would be allowed inside. Either of these scenarios would require the house owner to do so I don't see a problem.

Edited to add...if you need help moving, bring the stuff outside and someone else can take it...or have your friend/other characters friend your pack animals to them so you can load them up yourself. Easy solutions.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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That's a good question...according to what was posted:

When a house goes into the condemned stage the house will go private and all access will be removed.

Condemned meaning slightly warn...this is the first stage....so as soon as it goes, the house is private...anyone in side I am assuming will be booted out?

IF this occurs because of either A. A house trade...or B. someone placing another house so they can move belongings from one to the other...I would assume only the owner would be allowed inside. Either of these scenarios would require the house owner to do so I don't see a problem.

Edited to add...if you need help moving, bring the stuff outside and someone else can take it...or have your friend/other characters friend your pack animals to them so you can load them up yourself. Easy solutions.
Oh yeah that'll work really great while you're in Fel or in a monster-infested area. Friend has to stand outside while you're loading up the pack animals inside and they are losing loyalty because their owner is not within line of sight.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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I will make it clear, I rarely if ever go to an idoc, I don't have the patience, and I don't script... so that being said, for those who do attend, is there anyway in the last 5 - 20 random minutes that the house sign can turn RED to notified attending players to prepare themselves, so at least they stand a chance versus the unattending scripters?

Tina Small

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While I appreciate the thought going into this situation, if it becomes nothing but a hassle for paying customers to relocate their homes, I'm done. Fixes for this situation shouldn't end up being a major inconvenience to other players who aren't quitting but are merely changing homes. It's a guaranteed way to get people to quit.

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
I love this change!!! At first it felt like an Aprils fool joke.. But it actually sounds like a bunch of fun. We'll have to see how the grubber thing works though but I am excited to try it out!!!


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They don't lose loyalty THAT fast! I've had my animals outside of an establishment for over an hour (Deal or No Deal/Auctions) and they are just fine...feed them every once in awhile and they'll be fine. Have friends around to keep monsters away...get some pvp action in...yes it's a little bit of a hassle but better then hearing the 1000000000000000000000 posts about scripters :)


Old and in the way
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I wonder what the "shelf life" of the grubber is. Some house do actually fall unnoticed.

I do like this direction as well. I would just suggest making every idoc a no guard zone... *smiles*


The Enchanter
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This update is a real game changer! Hopefully we see a bit less whining and complaining about the whole IDOC process on here. I'm sure there will be some that complain still, but this is the best IDOC update to date.

Let me also weigh in and say its a good thing that co-owners/friends also will no longer have access after a certain period. Everyone will have a fair chance at the IDOC - no longer can one person be in the house at the last minute and know where all the good stuff is.

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
I will make it clear, I rarely if ever go to an idoc, I don't have the patience, and I don't script... so that being said, for those who do attend, is there anyway in the last 5 - 20 random minutes that the house sign can turn RED to notified attending players to prepare themselves, so at least they stand a chance versus the unattending scripters?
While I am sure scripters will have a bit of a chance I have never seen them clear out a private house. Most of the time I have not even seen them at private homes. This is going to be a lot of fun and I am ready to start IDOC'n again!


Stratics Veteran
I have to say I don't like this change. As a solo Idocer it takes me days to run the entire world and if i'm going to camp a house I want to know it will be worth the time.


Slightly Crazed
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If grubbers are being insta killed with area demolition or by one of the people, who currently gain most guaranteed stuff at EM events, this will turn again into a solely looting rights issue.
Which is an issue by itself. So how would looting rights work on these things?
Maybe these (hopefully not too hard to bring down) things should spread out randomly over the world (maybe reappear in any of the treasure chest spots, any of the towns or any of the dungeons) with their loot and stay alive (no despawn) and keep their loot, until they are really found and hunted down.
Also I am very against the idea, that coowners or friends are getting booted from the house. There is usually a reason why a paying customer made them coowners or friends, even if we leave out the new house/transportation issues thing resulting from such change.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Even though I don't do IDOCs, I do like these changes and I hope the team will update the system as feedback comes in.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Maybe once this goes live, they should do a few test IDOC's to make sure the system works :)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i like those changes!

but i do think they could add a bit more fun besides just the Grubbers.
how about one or even a pack of Harbingers?
those are always a crowd pleaser.
you could always have random packs of orcs spawn - cause heaven knows they are scavengers and really the party isnt going until the orcs arrive!

bravo on the changes.