I returned to the game a couple of months ago, but I play very, very casually -- a few hours a week, maybe -- and across three different shards. Years and years ago, when the anemic population on Great Lakes was really obvious, I transferred to Atlantic. While I had fun there for a month or two, moving my main character to a new world ultimately killed the game for me. The reputation I'd built on GL, the friends, the enemies, the sense of belonging, shard-unique places, memories, all of that was on gone on Atlantic and Zeph was a different character there for it. I regretted the move and left the game for years, bouncing around the MMOsphere and trying to find a game that I could put roots in. After a long chat about "the good old days", I decided to return to UO and move Zeph back to where he belongs, on Great Lakes, in spite of the depleted population. I'm having fun with the game, but only because of a tiny cadre of friends, most of whom are now thinking of leaving for other games again. Even though I have a small circle of pals currently, there are hundreds of other players I've roamed Sosaria with who have left and never returned. We'll all have our final chapter with the game, either by choice or when UO inevitably faces sunset. If you're not having fun, you should go find something that's enjoyable and leave for now.