The main population change has been people leaving. Lots of people leaving. Some will say that our sub numbers are okay, but honestly, we have people carrying up to 50 subs each. Some 20, most everybody at least 2-5. So in spite of saying sub numbers are okay, there still isn't anyone playing. RTB was a disaster, the few I thought might come back had been out of game a while, and couldnt get their acct info back from CS. They didnt remember a password, and couldnt get much help. The associated emails were old and nonexistent anymore, Questions such as which credit card number did you use to pay it is crazy, who remembers that from years ago? MY favorite was where they asked one of em for the code number off the original cd...seriously? I'm still here, but I didnt keep the cd all these years. So if someone quit, said they were thru, why would they keep it?
True, in the end, it remains their responsibility to keep up with these things, but there has to be a better way. It's a done deal now, for one of em. Said after all was said and done, he wouldnt come back if they gave him a developed acct to play, that he could tell nothing had changed. True, with a little work, they might have ended up back ingame, but if you absolutely have to fight to get into a game...
I digress, the main pop change I see is the absence of population.