I agree completely with Zerbee, Yes, he is/was a thief, and yes he was pretty cruel at times, I don't support his hobby of robbing people, but if you ever talked to him while he was on another character, or even on his thief character while he was taking a break from stealing, he was a really nice guy. When one of my guild members got robbed he found me the next day, and offerred to try stealing back what had been taken from my guildie. Sure enough, the next week he came back and gave my guildie the item that had been taken, plus 2 more items valued at about 50m each taken from the other thief completely free.
He didn't steal for the gold or pixels, he did/does it just because it's fun for him.
Also, He is still on Stratics Zerbee, he just has a different account now. It's named "The Predator" or something I think.