Minecraft really has changed the world hasn't it? That being said, I look forward to both Shards and SOTA, but I have a feeling both will struggle against games like Life is Feudal, Star Citizen, The Repopulation, Gloria Victis and especially Everquest Next and Everquest Next: Landmark which is right on the horizon and is turning out to be a pretty solid mix of a sandbox MMO and minecraft.. If the devs of Ultima Online were to retire the classic client, they could do wonders with a full 3D client, UO like Minecraft, EQ: Next and games like Planet Explorers, Space Engineers, Miner Wars 2081, etc.. Are entirely voxel based, Ultima Online also uses 2D voxels, UO could easily be converted into a 3D voxel game should they retire the classic client.. The problem I don't like about the Enhanced Client and even other 2.5D clients before it (except for Kingdom Reborn which was amazing looking) I have not liked ANY of the artwork.. Graphics don't bother me, even though I wanna see a high-resolution UO, it is the artwork that is killing me..