Well that leaves me in a bind!
My character has the following:
Tailoring: 105, going to 120
Blacksmith: 100, going to 105 at least
Mining: 100 and locked
Alchemy: 100 and locked
Tinkering: 87.2
Inscription: 65.7
Magery: 63.5
Now the thing is that after 10 years I don't remember anymore what my goal was here, except that the character was intended to be a Tailor.
I remember some things:
Tailoring to go to 120: this is my primary activity here so I would be able to make some good leather armors for my Tamer/Bard/Mage. I also enjoy the skill by itself

Blacksmith: can't remember what I wanted here, but probably wanted to go to 120 as well. I guess it was to make armors and weapons in general and sell.
Mining: Well I need it for blacksmithing and to sell the ingots as well, but locked it at 100, I guess I didn't see any point going to 120 with it as I could get all kinds of ores anyway.
Alchemy: I started this one to make my own potions and to sell. Again I think I didn't see a point going over 100 skill with this.
Tinkering: Can't remember this one at all. I think it was to make my own mortar&pestle and kegs, but I can't remember anymore...maybe to make pendant of the magi and stuff like that.
Inscription: As I remember it was to make my own rune books...
Magery: don't remember what I wanted here exactly. I think it was just to mark runes, probably also to be able to recall. I don't think it needs to go to 100, but right now I don't know what to do with it.
And now it's all a big mess in which I can't really remember more that what I wanted to to with most skills...I think this will take lots of time and for now I'm not touching anything.
I might drop Inscription to get Imbuing, I guess, as that seems to be the least useful for me...altough those mage books with stats do look tempting....darn it!!!
Any thoughts? Maybe I should post this in the appropriate forum as well...