It is infinitely depressing how one of the precious few cases of getting original pretty freaking well done (and idd disgusting!) artwork resulted in few members of community ensuring destruction and removal of this artwork. I hope getting rid of the original heads brought some warm feeling of satisfaction to the small handful of people complaining about them to god knows where. It must bring some sense of achievement to almost single handedly manage removal of something as rare as brand new, great looking original art from UO. It's like being an anti-developer!
" I do not want this particular type of severed heads to the game!I find them disgusting. Even though I have had no problem about severed limbs, decapitated heads, gore, torn bodies and god knows what having been present since launch, I find this immediate community favorite and rare occurance of awesome, unique artwork disgusting and demand it to be removed cause *I* don't like it. You see, I have chosen to introduce this game with satanic imagery, blood, gore and rather...lively community to my 5 year old grand daughter because UO also has flowers. She was shocked to see these severed heads and it is your fault. I will immediately contact president of united states and Fox news Won't somebody think of children!"
Myself, I want demons, demon slaying weapons and city of Britain removed. I am deeply religous member of flat earth society and belive Great Britain, England or British Isles do not exist. - They would fall from earth and in to space if they existed on this alleged " other side" of this alleged " globe"
It is insulting and cofusing to my daughter that city named Britain is present. I expect it to be removed during next publish or I'll start making phonecalls.Ty.