1 - Walked the entire ship on tc with gm detect hidden to see if anything is hidden.
2 - Walked the entire Gravewater Lake (area to the ship and shoreline) looking for something new
3 - Stolen from mini and main boss, seaweed, crabs and water elles
4 - Carved up corpses of anything I run across
5 - Read every journal & log I come across (more on that later)
6 - Tried salvage hook in every area imaginable
7 - Used legendary fisher to fish in every area
8 - Walked every area with Circle Of Trans on to look for hidden doors etc.
9 - Retraced the route of the Ararat to the best of my ability
10 - Went to Serpent Pillars (as mentioned in Captains Log) in hopes of finding out they added the ability to go from Tram to Fel in this arc (could not find a way tho)
11 - Tried every which way I could to get a Paralithode outta there (including using a pet bonding potion, pet balling it to stable and stalling it as soon as it arrives LOL... 25m down the toilet
12 - Two or three other things that I forget at the moment (will post again if I ever remember them haha)
When it comes to reading the scrolls etc I ran across a couple of things that I found interesting:
1 - The mention of Serpents Pillars in the Captains logs and the fact they started in Trammel and wound up in Malas. Could just be one of those fiction deals but felt it was worth checking into any way.
2 - In one of the Captains logs he states:
There appears to be some type of water feature just to the South of the Wreck site. I made a attempt to scale the seamount and get atop this feature, but my efforts proved fruitless. Interestingly enough, however, as I recovered from a short fall from the seamount my hand found a peculiar gem. I quickly pocketed the crystal, knowing full well how the men can get when there may be treasure at stake. When i returned to my quarters I examined this mysterious jewel. It appears to be a multifaceted crystal of unknown origin. It is completely transparent save for a small opacity within the center. Until I can learn more of its nature I shall keep this find to myself."
now, this could be something that sets up the next arc, or could just be meaningless... but then I got to thinking it could also be a hint towards an Easter Egg. I share just so you greater minds can mull it over as well.
3 - The Hydras drop that Thorvalds Medallion like the Hydras in Blighted. Made mental note to carry one of those in the next fight with the boss to see if it has any effect. Thought process there is maybe it effects the Boss like the blackrock pieces effect the Dark Wisps. Probably will have no effect at all, but wanted to test anyway.
4 - Finally... In yet another Captains Log the Captain mentions some Officers names:
Officers aboard include, Boyd Kirkpatrick, Executive Officer Roger Cobb, Master At Arms Garrity Samuels, Morale & Supply Officers report eighty three able bodied souls on board."
I took the capital letters of... OBKEORCMAAGSMSO and started playing around with them...
Backroom Game Sos - Seems a waste of space to have all the area in the back go unused *shrugs*
Cargo Makes Booms - Maybe someway to explode stuff in the cargo hold *shrugs*
and lastly...
Mama Socks Goober - Maybe someone considers the boss as Mama and they are simply fortelling the kick to the gonads it delivers
Ok... so the anagramming was just outta boredom and found the Mama Socks Goobers funny
as for the rest, maybe some of you can improve on it