Victim: and when Papua was invated, it was insta-death to come back through to Papua the same way, which was especially crippling to the Fel residents trying to clear the cities. Some shards' Fel-side Papua still had the Ophidian Invasion partially present ALMOST TWO YEARS after the event ended, until a group made a concerted effort to arrange shard-by-shard "Let's clear Papua" nights.
Here's a partial fix for Luna....
Both Luna and Umbra have areas OUTSIDE TOWN that appear to have been obvious moongate locations, but for some reasons the sites were abandoned and the gates put in the towns.
If the gates were moved to those locations, Luna wouldn't be as "Too convenient to use other places" as it is now.
Similarly, some cities have moongates far and away too far from their actual towns. Yew, Trinsic, and Britain are the big offenders there. Moving them closer to town, even if only for the Trammel side, would encourage the cities' use.
Possible town rezoning (in the modern sense) might help, if you moved a stable closer to the bank in Britain.
And, how about another time flux hitting Haven? Give us back Old Haven while keeping some of the new town. And, redo the Necromancer and Paladin quests from the old system for the current quest system - those were the best instructional quests the game ever had, as they involved combat, casting and learning about items.