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Spellweaving focus: pain in the hind end


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can soulstone your spellweaving and do a Focus with five zero skill people, then restore your skill from the soulstone. That's what I've found they do on Siege to get around the lack of active Spellweavers there. I supply two unskilled characters whenever I see a call for a Focus.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It should be made where you only need 5 people (regardless of spell-weaving skill) and it should give you a focus duration based on either Who casts it or your skill level in spell-weaving.

level of the focus would remain as is +1/person +1 bonus for brit & prism.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a ballache.
I agree, but its the better of the two evils. During off peek times its has become near on imposible to get a lvl 4 circle never mind a lvl 6.

They need to make changes to Spellweaving so its less relient on other people.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It certainly isn't hard by any means to get an unskilled but a skilled at 120 can be difficult at 120..especially off peak times..the problem I think is it becomes too powerful if made easy I mean a thrower with spell weaving is hitting for 200+ AIs and 700+ WOD on baracoon at level 6 unskilled

It would need a big overhaul to make getting a level 6 skilled sought after but at the same time make an unskilled easier or even a skilled with a lesser duration and lesser damage bonus..

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Just scrap the whole focus requirement. It was a silly idea in the first place.
At the time the population was still high enough to warrant getting a focus; and back then there wasn't a general chat system and people were willing to go into that old stinky Prism of Light to get an extra tasty focus unlike it is today where you can literally wear the letter decals off the keys to your keyboard spamming in general chat for a 6 at brit bank. It was mildly inconveniencing then but comparatively nothing did the damage to the new "peerless" bosses that a spellweaver could with a 5 and skill enough to dish out words of death repeatedly on it. I've talked to sampires who can deal that damage with honoring and AI spamming at a much quicker rate than anything a weaver can dish out.. and the practical uses of Mysticism almost make it a skill that people toss a few points into when there's room on the template for those points or just use JOAT and be done with it. I've asked before that something be done about focus, along with myriad other things that keep me from bothering with the game, got pointed to a semi interesting read by Petra regarding Spellweaving tweaks to come but I hope they do find something reasonable to fix it..

To add to all that, about 4 or 5 different work arounds were suggested such as "stoning" my skill and using 4 or 5 no skill 2 week trial accounts and getting a focus that way but work arounds and tomfoolery are not the answer imo.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A focus is overpowered in the first place. Quit complaining. There is good reason it is not easier to obtain.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree, but its the better of the two evils. During off peek times its has become near on imposible to get a lvl 4 circle never mind a lvl 6.

They need to make changes to Spellweaving so its less relient on other people.
Lmao. Do you not understand the word 'weave' ??
Are you kidding me here folks?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
why dont we have 'dis-like' buttons on stratics?
that irritates me.

anyways, i agree with Goldberg.
there is a reason that a focus is hard to get, and thats because its powerful.
apparently you guys forget when we had to run into the Prism of Light to get them..... ya that was fun!

i couldn't believe they then put this boost spot at the WBB.
now you wanna see the entire thing done away with?

holy smokes!
they took something that is powerful and made it a chore to get, then basically handed it to you at the WBB and now thats too hard?

pretty soon we are just gonna log in and the game will play itself.
and THAT will be too hard!


Stratics Veteran
why dont we have 'dis-like' buttons on stratics?
that irritates me.

anyways, i agree with Goldberg.
there is a reason that a focus is hard to get, and thats because its powerful.
apparently you guys forget when we had to run into the Prism of Light to get them..... ya that was fun!

i couldn't believe they then put this boost spot at the WBB.
now you wanna see the entire thing done away with?

holy smokes!
they took something that is powerful and made it a chore to get, then basically handed it to you at the WBB and now thats too hard?

pretty soon we are just gonna log in and the game will play itself.
and THAT will be too hard!
Haha, I know right? People want to get the most out of their character skills without spamming general chat on a dead shard for an hour first? Insane!

Listen to Poo, people. UO is all about tedium. Tedium nourishes the soul. Relish it like Poo does.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haha, I know right? People want to get the most out of their character skills without spamming general chat on a dead shard for an hour first? Insane!

Listen to Poo, people. UO is all about tedium. Tedium nourishes the soul. Relish it like Poo does.
So people who manage to find a couple hours between work and family time on occasion to play UO are apparently suppose to really enjoy wasting half of it trying for a Focus?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Getting a Spellweaving Focus has become a hassle. YES it should take people to get it, but honestly their isnt the population anymore. I have sat there for 5 hours and we could only get a level 3 focus.

However, the devs are looking into changing the timer to in game time not real time so that the focus will last longer for people, thus making it easier due to the decrease in playerbase.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
apparently you guys forget when we had to run into the Prism of Light to get them..... ya that was fun!

i couldn't believe they then put this boost spot at the WBB.
now you wanna see the entire thing done away with?
Although rather long winded and probably rather silly, I did mention that in my post in this very thread.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i couldn't believe they then put this boost spot at the WBB.
now you wanna see the entire thing done away with?
Although rather long winded and probably rather silly, I did mention that in my post in this very thread.
I think the majority of people don't mind or want it gotten rid of. The issue is is that it was designed when the shards were more heavily populated and able to work as intended. Now, without the population, Spellweavers are left in the dust so to speak.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I think the majority of people don't mind or want it gotten rid of. The issue is is that it was designed when the shards were more heavily populated and able to work as intended. Now, without the population, Spellweavers are left in the dust so to speak.
That could be true, but from the majority, most that had suggestions in the thread I made a while back seemed to rely on making alternate accounts, alternate trial accounts, or relegate to getting their focus during "prime time", which at times if you don't log in one day and get on in the early hours the next you've missed your window of opportunity and are boned for several hours. At the time spellweaving came out and for a number of years spellweaving was a very valuable skill and yes the shard populations seemed to allow for such a method to be used as is inplace now, when even now you've got 4 or 5 threads on the top page here on the forums about idoc'ing.

I'm not saying the idea behind getting a focus should be totally scrapped. Modified, or other options added(I suggested perhaps hippy elves you could trade food items too to straight up evil coorporate elves you had to pay moneh to that would help get a focus) would be a good start. How many skills have been modified to meet the times? Almost every single one. Item ID now allows people to find out where to take an item to turn in for the new "honesty" virtue, poisoning omg that's been messed with many times, wrestling, fencing, chivalry, necromancy had a spell added to expel people from Champ spawns if they are ghosting it up, I could go on, but the rambling is both pointless and somebody will come in and be like stfu you don't know nothing stupid. Nothing will change, including my unwillingness to see this as a "worthwhile" or compelling enough experience to play. So I gripe on the forums in the hope somebody will see how truly sheisty this game is, who is in a position to do something about it on the dev side. And there are people who think this game in a similar light such as me, who don't even bother to come on the forums and gripe, some are just tired of it, and others just gave up long ago. Anyhow, they should add cinnamon rolls, like the somewhat recently released "fish" pie things they added to cooking recently. (Oh my, another modded adjusted skill, that almost nobody asked for and almost nobody even bothers with how bad could it be to mod spellweaving).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I would like to see a new skill called "Arcane Focus". You can have a choice of using the existing method of getting a focus free of the skill requirement, or you can dedicate skill points in your template to this end. I agree it is downright impossible to get a lvl 6 focus except on the busiest shards during prime time. Try getting a focus anytime on Origin and you'll agree there needs to be an alternative to having 6 chars.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not like you HAVE to have a focus to use the spellweaving spells, they are pretty solid on their own.

Hitting a creature for 600+ points of damage SHOULD require SOME effort.

If they were to get rid of the focus requirement, then I would say they need to tone down the power of the spells.
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its fine as is. if anything you should have to go back to the palace to get it.

i dont know if it works but say u hire to jhelom fighters and get them to stand on the circle in brit will they work?

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
It's not like you HAVE to have a focus to use the spellweaving spells, they are pretty solid on their own.

Hitting a creature for 600+ points of damage SHOULD require SOME effort.

If they were to get rid of the focus requirement, then I would say they need to tone down the power of the spells.
You can do that 600 damage once the monster is somewhere around 25% of it's health with a 6, with a 1 or no focus, you can do that if the monster is at .1% of it's health or no part of it's health bar showing when an energy bolt or flame strike or 2 will do the trick. So once the monster has been crushed down you can enjoy word of deathing it to.. well death after you've spammed for a while, or worked the system with 5 other alts, or managed to be on at the "prime time" for whichever shard you play on. And word of death is only 1 spell. Arcane empowerment will last about as long as it took to cast it and provide very little increase to spell damage or summoned creatures difficulty to dispel with no focus, try Immolating Weapon, see what good Essence of wind is with no focus (you can use that to smash down low level trash at a champ spawn, or just stick with using mana hogging chain lightnings from magery - which i might add recieved slayer spell books, which don't work with any spellweaving spell), see how big a wildfire area is with no focus. Watch how fast it will disappear. Saying you don't HAVE to get a focus is like saying you don't need eval for magery when you use it as your primary source of damage. I know you didn't mean it as such, but that's how it comes off. Speaking of spellweaving spells not working with slayer spell books, (I can understand word of death not stacking with a slayer property but it does and should stack with SDI) Hail storm from Mysticism does along with Nether Cyclone and it's arguable there's more benefit from Mysticism and you can just stack Imbuing or Focus on it and not spam all day for a focus.. In that line of thought, just delete Spellweaving cause it makes no sense to use it over another skill. A better solution instead of introducing a new skill as suggested earlier, make it synch up with focus or magery or hell Item ID for whatever reason like Mysticism already stacks with Focus or Imbuing.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
its fine as is. if anything you should have to go back to the palace to get it.

i dont know if it works but say u hire to jhelom fighters and get them to stand on the circle in brit will they work?
No, I believe Viquire tried it and mentioned it does not work.
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The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
So people who manage to find a couple hours between work and family time on occasion to play UO are apparently suppose to really enjoy wasting half of it trying for a Focus?
i play on a dead shard and i have never had to wait more then 5 minutes to get a top shelf focus.
but then i stone off my 120 and go get a 0 skill one then put my skill back on.

if you wanna drop WoD bombs for 480+ per hit then it should require you to do more then take 1 minute out of your prep time to go stand at the bank. it should be hard to get. anything worth getting should require time and effort.
if it didnt people would leave.
if we didnt have the challenge and there was no effort to have to put in would any of us be here playing still?

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
i play on a dead shard and i have never had to wait more then 5 minutes to get a top shelf focus.
but then i stone off my 120 and go get a 0 skill one then put my skill back on.

if you wanna drop WoD bombs for 480+ per hit then it should require you to do more then take 1 minute out of your prep time to go stand at the bank. it should be hard to get. anything worth getting should require time and effort.
if it didnt people would leave.
if we didnt have the challenge and there was no effort to have to put in would any of us be here playing still?
So a bushido user should be able to sit there do his full breadth of damage because he just honors an opponent and all he had to do was raise the skill? And he can do this damage quicker than I or anyone else can cast Word of Death from the very beginning of the encounter. Where as a "whammy" or whatever somebody calls them these days usuallytops out around 240 damage per hit, he's or she is swinging wildly fast, throughout the entirety of the encounter, where as a spellweaver gets to do comparative damage only in the last bit of that same encounter and when you take in the amount of time it takes to cast word of death, the "whammy" or sampire or samurai or whatever is STILL doing more damage in the amount of time it takes. And they didn't have to sit there and shout up a focus which I promise you I wouldn't be sitting here arguing it needs attention if it didn't take a while on more than a bajillion occassions.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
if your gonna try to tell me that spamming WOD at the end of a fight is doing less damage in 30 seconds that a warrior that has been slogging away for 10 minutes then you are either misinformed or doing something wrong.

ive played both and i can say without any embellishment that a SW with SDI drops BOMBS and can out damage a mob in the last 30 seconds at least double that of a tamer or a bushy that has been fighting that same mob for 10 minutes.

hell, in wraith form you can chain WOD and not even use any mana.

well ok, why dont we do this.
lets take away the need to have 5 people to do a circle..... IF you take away 50% of the mustard that the focus gives you.

there is nothing more disheartening then doing some EM event and having a SW roll up and spam WOD at the very end and get the treat off the mob after you spent 10 minutes beating the tar out of it.

or we can just nerf WOD, that would work too.

but then we wouldnt need a circle if we didnt have WOD or all the perks from it.... so its a catch 22 then, eh?

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
if your gonna try to tell me that spamming WOD at the end of a fight is doing less damage in 30 seconds that a warrior that has been slogging away for 10 minutes then you are either misinformed or doing something wrong.

ive played both and i can say without any embellishment that a SW with SDI drops BOMBS and can out damage a mob in the last 30 seconds at least double that of a tamer or a bushy that has been fighting that same mob for 10 minutes.

hell, in wraith form you can chain WOD and not even use any mana.

well ok, why dont we do this.
lets take away the need to have 5 people to do a circle..... IF you take away 50% of the mustard that the focus gives you.

there is nothing more disheartening then doing some EM event and having a SW roll up and spam WOD at the very end and get the treat off the mob after you spent 10 minutes beating the tar out of it.

or we can just nerf WOD, that would work too.

but then we wouldnt need a circle if we didnt have WOD or all the perks from it.... so its a catch 22 then, eh?
Actually, I am telling you, yes a decked out bushido user (not just a "warrior") can and does outdamage a Spellweaving character, and they can do it, the entire duration of the encounter. Each hit that bushido user is doing if geared correctly is happening at 1.25 (max swing speed) vs. a 4 second cast time of Word of Death. My SDI is nothing to write home about, but in Reaper Form and with an SDI book I'm landing for 680 points of damage with Word of Death, every 4 seconds. I've got a gargoyle bushido thrower, that's not even got a single GM skill let alone legendary that can AI and Lightning Strike for 181 as fast as I can hit my macros. And he never runs out of mana. I have talked to people that claim they hit for 240 as quickly as I hit for 181. The difference the garg thrower I got can do that straight into an encounter, provided I hitting perfection, and can do it the entire encounter and I didn't spend a second shouting for a focus. I just ran in and started killing. I would go and film this for you to see, but I am not subbing to this game to do so.

Here's an example pulled out of the Warrior forums here on Stratics. Also I don't know this guy and have never talked to them (as far as I know).
I got bored of my Sampire so I made this. So far solo'd Slasher, Rikktor & Serrado (whole spawns and champ). Soul Glaives are like AI'ing with a Crossbow 270 highest damage I've seen with it so far.

120 Throwing
120 Tactics
120 Bushido
120 Anatomy
100 Healing
70 Chivalry
40 Necro
30 SS (60)

119 Str
124 Dex
12 Int

90/80/70/70/75 (Fire & Energy need to be 75 to stay all 70's in Wraith Form, the excess just worked out that way with base resists), 60 DI, 37 LMC, 2 MR, 45 HCI, 30 HLD, 30 SS, 15 SSI, 5 Kinetic Eater, 21 Str, 26 Dex, 20 HP, 32 Stam, 30 Mana, Night Sight

140 Str/140 HP
150 Dex/182 Stam
12 Int/42 Mana

There's a few drawbacks, Throwing first swing misses bug 95% of the time, though I suppose it gives you time to honor things. Throwing weapons don't swing at what they say they do, they're slightly slower. No JOAT (hence the Necro/SS split - the SS still gives around 20s Curse Weapon). The Bushido is semi redundant but Momentum Strike is proving necessary for levelling spawns quickly. Also carrying a lot of consumables, pots, bandages, trap box, petals, apples, invis pots, teleport scrolls, Wraith Form regs (30), Curse Weapon regs (200), the Slasher took around 100 Pig Iron. The Mana is kinda low and Imbuing Mana Leech on Throwing weapons caps pretty low too, but I wanted max range and speed, when it falls below the AI spam level I've still got LS, so I'm still effectively getting more criticals than if I just used that.

There's a few upsides, no ammo, no need to enhance and possibly break weapons (like you would need to with Archery for the top speed), 1h so you can use pots, can frequently AI non stop. (I've done the Slasher on this with only 108 Throwing/70s Healing.)
So no, I don't think "it's a catch 22 eh". I don't think taking the focus requirement out of the game is what is needed, rather other ways of getting one added. Somebody in a thread I recently necro'd said they thought 100k was a bit steep for a focus, I don't think it is. I think 100k for a focus is rather reasonable, and I'd gladly fork it over in the morning or late at night to get a focus without having to stone off weaving and find 4 or 5 other people at 5:30 a.m. or 6 or whenever on like a Tuesday morning when I'm probably the only person awake in my time zone. Kinda makes you wonder "eh"?

-Also just did some quick calculator math. 680 every 4 seconds = 170 damage every second if broken down into Damage Per Second.
240 every 1.25 = 192 damage every second. The difference again, I know I'm gonna have to toss this out there if I don't now, is that 192 is happening the ENTIRE ENCOUNTER vs the last 25'ish%. And all one has to do is honor the target. Am I asking that bushido gets nerfed? Nope. Do I think it needs to? Nope. Did the bushido'r need to shout in general chat during prime time for even a split second to achieve his potential? Nope. Should he? Well I dunno, should he?

Alrighty, just went and looked on uoguide, and toyed around with the ssi calculator and we got 1.75 as the fastest possible speed a soul glaive can get to. If you're going just with weapon intensity and stamina added together. So 240 every 1.75 = 137.1428571428571. If we were doing the 270 in this example from the warrior posts seems to "cap" out at, we'd be doing 154.2857142857143 every second if this were all equated in a dps fashion. So during that last 25%ish point of a monster's life a spell weaver may actually do 16'ish points of damage more a second, but depending on whether the spellweaver is wraith form (if they even got it on the template they are running) you have to factor in they're going to have to meditate here and there, bringing down their dps, a fizzle from Word of Death enlarges the disparity in damage more so than a miss from somebody swing at 1.75. I mean I'm sure there's all kinds of variables and insanities I'm not accounting for, but It's 2:00 a.m., I'm admittedly not a rocket scientist and I'll mention again it is my rather seasoned and somewhat sleepy opinion that Spellweaving could use some nudging and love.

More now that I think about it, I solo alot on my mage/scribe/weaver; and it's not a just stand there and take it situation when you killing stygian dragon or medusa; but I both watched and duo'd medusa with a straight on sampire and a thrower just stand there the majority of the fight with medusa. Stygian yeah that's just nasty all around not many folks can just stand there on that guy. So in a solo situation again, sampire /thrower got the edge; and he didn't sit around in general begging for hours at a time in alot of cases to get there and be able to do it.

Random bushido/necro decimating Stygian, when I got more motivation to comb through a bajillion videos looking for a spellweaver that's put up a video of solo'ing Stygian I'll come back and put it in.

Random Bushido/Thrower owning the meow out of Slasher of Veils
in the comments he mentions it's easier now to make better suits and and the fight is thusly easier.

I'm not asking for "balance", or even for any sins against fun committed in the name of "balance", I'm asking for various options to be added to the game to get a focus. I'd prefer it not include adding some random skill to the game altogether, but it could be that it relies on Focus (The Skill not the benefit of Arcane Circle) Meditation Item ID, Magery Mysticism, A warrior skill Tinkering anything they can dream up or just implement a cash system like is in place for Chivalry. Don't get started on Chivalry. Some people think a focus should be achieved by virtue of skill level only.. I'll go dig that up now that I've slept a little bit (don't worry still yammering around for a video that will show case the OP'dness of a spellweaver solo'ing stygian dragon or slasher of veils with the ease these guys do). And I got no idea why this text started changing colors.
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Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Will post again cause the letters in my last dilly are grey and yucko. But adding to my previous post,
Already said the logical and much needed balancing solution. 1 focus level per 20 spellweaving skill. 20/1, 40/2, 60/3, 80/4, 100/5, 120/6. The End.

They later explained this

Basing it on skills level instead of finding people to stand in a circle removes players from using the lower level skills at almost the same power as the higher skilled character. Should a no skill human really be able to use gift of renewal to heal 14 HP per tick for 1.5 minutes or resist 90 points of melee damage because they don't actually have the skill? Or a 40 skill weaver have the same range and effectiveness on their thunderstorms as a GM+ skilled player? Does that seem logical?
Am I arguing my point in futility? Yah probably. Somethings gotta get done with the game to start drawing players back in and this is a pretty big slap in the face for people to deal with who don't want to play a Sampire or a dexxer or just a person without spellweaving. Will adding other options to get a 5 or 6 hurt the game? Uh, nope.

"Why Sauteed, if people could get a focus without needing to pay for 4 other accounts wouldn't they just unsubscribe those accounts?" Nope. People got a plethora of accounts going for numerous reasons, Housing being one of the main; some people have accounts for a house on an alternate shard to play on, others just to have more characters and templates, and in that case probably like having an alternate house to house those extra characters in. "But Sauteed, can you give us any other reason why adding numerous ways to get a 5 or 6 to the game would help?" Sure, no more people creating a plethora of 2 week trial accounts to get a focus,

this is far from hard.

you can make trial accounts and have the skillless guys sit on the circle. these guys last 15 days.
so make an easy account number like aaaaaa, aaaaab, aaaaac etc.... pw 12345.

there is an inn south of the bank. drop in and remove the weaving onto your soulstone.

go get focus

return to inn and put back on your skill.


when there's a will there's a way.

p.s. i do this for my red. so my trial account guys sit at the fel bank. you can log in one ac than log it out and log in the next one so your not opening 5 clients. if some asshat comes along and kills your trial guy no worries as dead guys count too.

no more "OH just drop by the ol house and stone it off then go shout up a no skill focus and then stone it back on" to annoy the piss out of a person who's sick of it and wondering why the hell every other template gets adjustments and tweaks over the years to suit the in game situation. And trust me I'm looking for some good spellweaving vids to go alongside these but all I've found is a guy on a private server who's playing benny hill music in the background. Might be some reason as to why this is.

Some more snippets

you make a good point about having to come up with alts to get the job done.

for me its the most effective way to do it as weaving is really a great enhancement of a red template. weaving with a level 6 in grinders is god like. so from my point if my guildmates are not available its not like i can announce in gen chat to get people to come focus at fel brit bank.

on chessy i dont think getting a tram brit focus is all that much effort. most will come help even if they have one.

the true spirit of a focus is most definately community related. unfortunately and like so many other game mechanics in UO, the playerbase sometimes needs to come up with an alternative solution to obtain something in a more time efficient manner.
And Specialshoes take on it
I think the major point of the op is that people are tired of working the system with alts and soulstones. The original intent of the focus was to enhance community play. That community just isn't there anymore. When I get time to play at night I dont have half an hour to an hour to waste getting a focus.

Magery has eval. No recharge
Necro has SS. No recharge
Myst has Imbue or Focus. No recharge
Weaving has Arcane focus. Has to recharge.

So yes at the cost of another skill we can theoretically get our bump but an hour or so every night to get it is unreasonable.

And yes for the cost Immolate weapon needs a huge bump or cost reduction.
Also this guy who has a collection of reigndeer and various other holiday paraphernalia that will blow your mind and has a hidden agenda of getting more.. >.>

I mainly play my mage/sw/tamer now because; yes, I am lazy and want to kill stuff the easy way, with limited keystrokes. If I do have a full day to play around (like today thankfully) why should I only be limited to one hour six? I play on one of the busiest shards out there and there is no way to get a 6 in the mornings until about 10 est if you are lucky, and can't hardly get one after midnight est. I would seriously hate to see how it is on say.. Legends to get a 6.

More of my .02.... The only (yes only) fix that needs to be made to SW is making the focus easier to obtain due to seemingly declining player population
I could go on and on and on; with examples from people who really do have both templates (Not saying you don't Poo) to further illustrate my point.
if your gonna try to tell me that spamming WOD at the end of a fight is doing less damage in 30 seconds that a warrior that has been slogging away for 10 minutes then you are either misinformed or doing something wrong.

ive played both and i can say without any embellishment that a SW with SDI drops BOMBS and can out damage a mob in the last 30 seconds at least double that of a tamer or a bushy that has been fighting that same mob for 10 minutes.
I am not misinformed on this topic. I am not doing something wrong either. The community ain't rocking 24/7 like she used to, and I'm not even paying for 1 account (let alone 5) to enjoy bugs scripts and all kinds of other crap including people talking crap in the same channel I'm trying to get a focus in for hours at a time in more cases than not. This being modified would be a massive positive step in the right direction for me. One of several that are necessary for a lot of reasons probably not just for myself to sub back to the game.

-- I can't find any Weaver solo's that are on official "production" shards; doesn't mean they don't happen, I myself can vouch for solo'ing Medusa/Melisande/Navrey/most champion spawns and their Champion (still have problems with rikktor on my mage/weaver/scribe) and probably a whole lot of stuff anybody else does too. Anyhow I'd love to see any kind of response you may have in light of all things I've actually gotten, all of which are from legitimate sources instead of coming in and claiming i'm misinformed or "not doing it right". Unless you know.. you trying to say all these people I've quoted are misinformed or not doing it right.
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Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Yeah, LOL at people who think spellweaving is even all that good anymore.
I'm not trying to insult or degrade anyone, and definately don't think anyone is stupid that has differing opinions than me, but I do call into question people's willingness to degrade legitimate information and then bail out of the thread when confronted with evidence supporting mine and others claims. I've been told 680 is alot for Word of Death for some people, I've seen others claim then do more and I've seen some say they do around 480-540'ish. So if we were to recalculate based on the 480-540 people.. I think this whole argument would be seen in a whole new light. Bottom line, I'm not asking for spellweavers to be "beefed" up with more damage or anything like that at all. Immolating weapon as pointed out could use a little reconfiguration in and of itself. I'm saying various ways of getting a focus should now be considered, to help it out.

I have videos of me with guild members killing stuff (not solos) of me doing about 500 with Word of Death but the suit I used in those videos was a high Mana Increase, High Mana Regen suit I was toying with at the time.

And I remember now, you can't Word of Death Slasher, so might be a good reason you don't see many weavers solo'ing that.
And because I just know somebody is going to come and be like "Well I can't take my sampire to go and yada yada yada, you stupid", just watch the 2 videos of the bushido'ers I posted. Neither one of those people are in Vampiric Embrace. Kthnxbyenow.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
THIS THREAD IS DUMB. PUT THE SKILL ON A SOULSTONE............. Type in GEN CHAT " 0 skill lv6 @ wbb" people show up cast spell MAGIC LV6!!!! Now return to house put the skill back on and you're done. It really is that simple.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
THIS THREAD IS DUMB. PUT THE SKILL ON A SOULSTONE............. Type in GEN CHAT " 0 skill lv6 @ wbb" people show up cast spell MAGIC LV6!!!! Now return to house put the skill back on and you're done. It really is that simple.
How about no. How about asking every single person in this game to go ask for 4 other people to show up so they can use their template? Oh wait, that'd mean people would complain about it. And make it to where you can't start doing the damage anyone else can til something else is at 25-30% of it's max health.. But then you'd get wonderful posts like yours where people tell you to make alt accounts, and then go to your house and stone the skill off yada yada..
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about no. How about asking every single person in this game to go ask for 4 other people to show up so they can use their template? Oh wait, that'd mean people would complain about it. And make it to where you can't start doing the damage anyone else can til something else is at 25-30% of it's max health.. But then you'd get wonderful posts like yours where people tell you to make alt accounts, and then go to your house and stone the skill off yada yada..
So basically you're lazy... GOT IT!

Ps. You can swing a Soul Glaive at 1.25 with the correct gear but it's not shocking that you aren't aware of that.
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Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
So basically you're lazy... GOT IT!
No, actually, if you look in this thread, and see, I've taken the time to detail why I believe alternative methods to getting a focus should be considered. And I've gotten pretty detailed and showed multiple examples from a combination of sources with videos and snippets from people that are in no way affiliated with me. Anything else you'd like to try and claim?
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Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Ps. You can swing a Soul Glaive at 1.25 with the correct gear but it's not shocking that you aren't aware of that.
Actually, I've mentioned that in a post, and I am fully aware of a lot which you seem to not know. If you read the information that was mentioned "lrighty, just went and looked on uoguide, and toyed around with the ssi calculator and we got 1.75 as the fastest possible speed a soul glaive can get to. If you're going just with weapon intensity and stamina added together" I specifically said With STAMINA and SSI alone. It's not shocking you skipped that and tried to pick out what you could to try and make it seem like I'm just being derp a derp. But talking wiht you seems to be spiralling in that direction. Perhaps if I used all caps and tried to be as denigrating as I can be it'd make more sense but that's no fun. Perhaps if I spelled out specifically SSI on the weapon and not SSI on someone's gear like Ranger's Cloaks of Augmentation(which I feel i Must spell out for you must be converted over to "Gargoyles Only" in the case of Soul Glaives), or other gear like bracelets and rings. Don't worry I'm sure somebody will be online to spoon feed you your UO info later, but in the mean time, go back and read the threads you post in and learn how to properly phrase an argument. In the mean time, I think we can conclude you need a few lessons in more things other than online games. ---- Way after the point you were -trying- to make, the initial example I made was based on a swing speed of 1.25 by a gargoyle thrower doing 240 damage. Not surprising you wanted to skip that.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps a compromise where every 20 points above 100 skill goes into a pool as if adding another weaver to the circle:

3 x 120 = lvl 6

2 x 110 = lvl 3

3 x 110 == lvl 4

2 x 110 + 1 x 120 = lvl 5


would still require multiple weavers to get foci, but would have a benefit for higher skilled weavers to be in the circle.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Perhaps a compromise where every 20 points above 100 skill goes into a pool as if adding another weaver to the circle:

3 x 120 = lvl 6

2 x 110 = lvl 3

3 x 110 == lvl 4

2 x 110 + 1 x 120 = lvl 5


would still require multiple weavers to get foci, but would have a benefit for higher skilled weavers to be in the circle.
That's a fine idea and all, but the problem is not adding perks or whatever to the focus itself, it's getting one without "working" the system in the first place.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I say they remove the thing from wbb and make it so you have to go back down in the dungeon like it was from the start.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So basically you're lazy... GOT IT!

Ps. You can swing a Soul Glaive at 1.25 with the correct gear but it's not shocking that you aren't aware of that.
Try getting it on a red char and tell me it's being lazy, especially if you're a solo player.

Also you if you get to 1.25 which is possible, you need every piece to be +10 stam on your armor. So you're giving up your head piece IE Totem/Mace and Shields ect. So realistically you're swinging it at 1.5.

@puni it's not the same lower level skills. Spellweaving is your skill vs their resist for quite a few spells, so there is a certainly a difference.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No one cares... There are more important things that need to be fixed in this game other than some trammies crying about getting a focus.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No one cares... There are more important things that need to be fixed in this game other than some trammies crying about getting a focus.
Sauteed Onions driven you to calling us names? Awe shucks, shame on him. lol.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Sauteed Onions driven you to calling us names? Awe shucks, shame on him. lol.
I don't really see being called out for being a Trammy a name calling thing. Perhaps that's the intent, but I'll say my time distribution in game is about 60% trammel rule set 40% Fel ruleset; thus admittedly I'm a Trammy. Every single resource I even bother to harvest via lumberjacking or mining is gathered in fel (I've been ganked alot, even got a few screens of people telling me to stay the expletive out of fel "trammy" as if they don't even want to see anyone else but them on "their" facet), almost every champ spawn I bother with is in fel and any time I get a wild hair up my bum to try pvp out; which I got no problem admitting I'm terrible at; is in fel. I don't attack guildies (save for one time about a year and a half ago my guild emissary took a couple of us out to an island and threw his greater on another member and it turned into a blood bath. Good fun).

Most of my houses are in Fel one due to the barren wastelandish look of it (nothing to do with the population, but literally the look skulls tombstones leafless trees), and ease of popping one down by a lovely mountain side and having free reign of it for hours at a time. That and usually extremely tempting to go chop up some lumber in there.

Back to the point of this, my apologies if me causing this guy to fail to insult me insulted you.

-- Ninja edit: I'd also like to add my time distribution in game= 0% for a while now. :danceb:
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Back to the point of this, my apologies if me causing this guy to fail to insult me insulted you.
I'm amused, not insulted. Being called trammie in that manner has been going on so long it's long lost any slight edge it had. :)

I'm 99.9% Tram Crafter, with a trace of Siege these days.

They do need to change the Focus requirements to restore the Spellweaving skills usefulness, and change it so it times out Time In Game, not Real Time. It would be nice to be able to get a Focus during the evening prime time crowd hours and be able to log out and use it during my main playtime in the afternoon. As it is now, half the Focus runs out during the night while I'm sleeping.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm very late to the party. But while I will allow that I don't actively test as much as I used to, and have not touched total DPS on whammy/samps for a good long while now, what I know is that there is a lot more room, conventionally, to build sdi into a suit for a necro/weaver than there is to play around with things like that for a samp. So it is possible, likely even, to do more damage with WoD now than it has ever been, and I used to get the skull at champs, working right along side samps and whammy archers all the time.

And, if you don't know, getting the skull at a fel champ is only possible if you are the lead damage dealer. You may take that information in any way you like.

My fear, as I have said before, is that we will end up with all of the convenience other people want, and much less of the functionality (of the "biblical donkey" stomping variety) that I love. That would be disappointing.

Recent experience leads me to believe if we get what y'all are asking for we are likely lose the stuff that made it worthwhile in the first place.